Focal Little Bird User Manual

This is the 16 pages manual for Focal Little Bird User Manual.
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Focal Little Bird User Manual

Extracted text from Focal Little Bird User Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2



Safety instructions

presence OT unTnsuTcTTed dangerous VoTToge" WTTth The producTs encTosure ThoT may be 0T suTTTcTenT mdgnr
Tude To consTTTuTe o rTsk 0T eTecTrTc shock To persons

E The hgthTng flash wTTh arrowhead symboT wTTth an equTTdTeraT TrCTngTe, TS anenoed To CTTerT The user To The

CAUTION CouTTon : To prenvenT yhe rTsT< oT eTecTrTc shock, do noT remove cover [or back). No userrservTceobTe pchs
nsTde, ReTer seNTcTng To quuhfled servTce personneT

The echdrnoTTon poTnT WTTth on equTToTeroT TrTo'TgTe Ts TnTended To aTerTThe userTo The presence oT TmporTonT
operoTTng dnd mOTnTenGnce [sen/Tong] TnsTrucTTons n The TTTeroTure accompanyTng The produch



V Heed pTT wornTngs,


,Do noT useThTs opporoTus reoronerv

VCTeun onTy wTTh dry cToTh,

, Do noT bTock ony venTTTaTTon openTngsv TnsraH Tn accordance wTTh The monuTocTurer's TnsTrucTTons,

V Do noT TnsTaH near any heoT sources such as rodToTors, heoT regTsTers, sToves, or oTher opporoTus (TnTcudTng dmpTTTTers) ThoT prcduce heoTv

V Do noT deTeoT The soTeTy purpcse CT The poTorTzed or groundTnngype oTugv A poorTzed pTug hos Two bTodes WTTh one WTder Than The oTher,

A groundTng Type pTug hos Two chTdes anti 0 and gTcundTng prongv The We prde oTThe rpm prong ore pTodeed Tor your soTeTy, H The
prOVTded pTug coes noTTTT TnTo your ouTTeT, consuTT an eTecT'TcTon Tor repTocemenT oT The obsoTeTe ouTTeT.

TO. ProTecT 'he power cord Trorn beTng onked on or anched porTTcuTcTrTy oT pTugs, convenTence recepTocTes, and The poTnT where They e> The opporoTusv

T T V OnTy use dTTocrmenTs/occessones specThed by The monuTocTurer,

T2, Use onTyWTTh The corT, sTonc, Terod, brockeT, orTobTe specTTTed by The munuvocTurer, or son WTThThe opporoTusv When 0 corT Ts used use couTTon
when noang The corT/CppcroTus comanoTTon To ovon TnTury Trom TTpeover

T3 uppTug Tm UppomTus dunng hgthTng sToTrns or w'Ten unused Tor Tong penods or TTn'Te.

T4, ReTeroH servTcTng Tc quoTTTTed servTce personneT ServTcTng TS requTred whenTheopporoTus has been damaged Tn any way, such as powerrsuppTy
cord or pTug Ts domdged, hqqu has been spTHed or obTecTs hove ToHen nTo The apparoTus, The apparoTus has been exposec To mm or moTsTure,
does noT operoTe normoHy, or has been dropped

T5 WARNING: To reduce The rrsronre o' eTecTrTc shock,ThTs opporofus Show noT be exposed To roTn or moTsTure ond checTs Wed wTTh Twas,
such as voses, shoLTd noT be pTcTced on ThTs opporaTusv

T6, To compTeTeTy deconnecT ThTs eqqumenT Trom The moms, d sconnecT The power suppTy cord pTug Trom The 'ecepTocTev

T7, The Tndrns pTug oT The power suppTy cord shoH 'eTnuTn TeddTTy operabTev

T8, Do noT expose To d'Tpang or spTosthg,
