Fisher WS 1 Brochure

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Fisher WS 1 Brochure

Extracted text from Fisher WS 1 Brochure (Ocr-read)

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3 . '2: Speaker System. paired for stereo.
was designed to provide maximum stereo coverage
of the listening area to a degree never before pos~
sible. Even extremely large stereo consoles give
enhanced performance. dimensional realism with-
out barriers. when augmented with a pair of WS-I
Widc»Surround Speakers. And the improvement is
even nmro startling when these are used with moder-
ate or small-sized instruments or installations. Most
important. with the WS-l Speaker System in opera-
tion, one no longer need place the main console at
an unattractive tingle itt attempts to achieve balanced
stereo sound dispersion -or to pull chairs to an
apex position when listening to stcrcophonic sound.

. '2- will truly create a surrounding cur-

tain of sound in your room-instantly apparent and
almost overwhelmingly effective. With the WS-l.
every seat in the room hecomes front-row center."

How can this be accomplished simply by adding so
compact a speaker system? The reason is a phen-
omenon known as the Haas effect. In this, where
identical sound reaches the listener from two differ-
ent sources. one of which is closer to the listener.
the latter will determine the ostensible direction of
the sound. Furthermore. even though the more dis-
tant source is louder. the direction will still appear
to be emanating from the nearer sound source.

By installing each FISHER WS-l on your flanks,
and thus closer to your listening position than the
main console, its output will reach your cars a split
second before that from the main console. Sound
will be heard from the sides of your room. and
from your console. In this way, by providing enor-
mously augmented stereo separation. the WS-l re-
moves forever the side-perspective barrier in stereo
reproduction. By the judicious use of the channel
control on the main control center, the WS-l gives
the owner greatly enhanced flexibility in the achiev-
ing of optimum acoustic results.

AlthOUgh the WS-l units reproduce essentially only
the middle and high frequencies, the non-direc-
tional character of bass frequencies creates the
illusion that the WS_1 is producing bass tones as
well! In effect, therefore. the WS-l units produce
full-bodied. multi-directional stereo sound through
the entire audio range.

For perfect stereo-wherever you sit!



The FISHER WS-l can be instantly connected to
any stereo console, table-model or amplifier
equipped with four, eight or sixteen-ohm speaker
terminals. If you own a late-model FISHER stereo
phonograph or radio-phonograph ~ such as the
PRESIDENT IV or the Cus'roM ELECTRA lll-WS-l
speakers can be plugged directly into the WS-l out.
puts found at the rear of the instrument. For all
other stereo instruments (FISHER and other
makes.) each WS-l is simply attached to any of the
unused speaker terminals (to the four. eight or
sixteen-ohm and ground speaker terminals provided
for each channel.)

WS-l speakers should be placed to the left and right
of your main instrument: well-forward, as illus-
trated. The WS-l cabinets are beautifully finished
on all six sides. so that they can be used horizontally
or vertically. on tables or mounted on the wall.


10"x 23/4" oval with Alnico V permanent magnet.
- 8 ohms.
: 250 to 15,000 cps.
: 250 cps cut-off.

.: Finished on all six sides. Available in Walnut'
Mahogany. Teak. or Cherry. Size: 11% x 3% x
4%" deep.


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