Fisher STE 1200 Brochure
This is the 3 pages manual for Fisher STE 1200 Brochure.
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Extracted text from Fisher STE 1200 Brochure (Ocr-read)
Page 2
i g the music Signal Yet Only a metal
a I V lot 20 22 (comparable to that of
d .To ensure r1ch faithful sound reproa I a paper cone) but alas guarantees
. Iduction the d1aphragm of each
3}; speaker has to be not Only strong but .
{"iralso responswe to all the subtleties of
' V'durabihty while dehvermg the ideal
' 1 .level of piston actlon QOOHZ '
I Cross»Sect10nal Diagram of a Porous Metal
7 ° 7 diaphragm can ensure both durability 13."
1 IA and excellent transrent charactenstics i}
. 7p1ston action With power to spare
4.. and flat frequency response And
» {only the porous metal structure
'gi-{;'_ developed for the d1aphragms of the
~ Fisher STE 1200 can deliver all of
f. theSe Without glvmg way to d1stort10n .
' 17:01? a metalhc sound .
i, -_ {To ensure extra power in the bass
' (range, where it is needed most Fisher
. also employs its umque perous metal ' '
" m 119 woofer cone The 3-d1mens1onal
' air-filled framework called porous '
ifgmetal is created by. a precass in
. gwhich nickel an extremely stable
. gmetal is foamed into the (issued
r g, «- shape This porous layer 18 sealed f . _
;-..?_, igthh a 20 {1 layer cf- alumlnum fail that f .
displays outstanding strength and
; excellent tranment characteristics
g ijtjfiThe result Of this layered cone "
:1 structure is a WOofer that not only
~~ ensures low distortion and a Q value
'i i f I Diaphragm Performance According to H
1C0 -
T layer porous metal
E Pulp
EL 0 Pulp
.5: 10 - O
.C Pulp
:2 OLOIOPU'IL O .utlI umiun m
€ 0 Ca bun no r
: O
1 l-
l I 1 1
0 0.02 1.21 '34 0,06 0.06
Surface density (gscmzl
Special adhesive
Aluminum shoot
Porous metal
. I Cross-Sectional Diagragm of the STE 1200
Rublmr gasket
Dust cap
Porous metal conc-
Llret hane edge
Damper -\\:ivrlu-
Screw :T?
Voice coil 1-" l
Magnet 1- l: a
[ l "g
/ 71- Plate
\ - \CQj} ' Bottom plate
Dust filter
4 Aluminum foil
Embroidery thread
Aluminum din
, Pulp cone
I Laser Holograph Analysrs of Speaker
I " ,Performance ~
1 Mum-Layered Met]; ~
The midrange speakers of the STE
1200 employ a multlalayered dome
structure composed of" ,
aluminum has "
to ensure strata
frequency range The dam type
design was selected because of. its
A N excellent d1rect1onal characterrstics . _
and the rich natural sound it delivers.
Th midrange also incorporates a
coped~out magnenc anoint to
[substantially cut magnetic distortion
and dramatically Increase the level of
" fig-sound clarity - - ~ - -
I, I Cross-Sectional Dlagram of Mrdrange
Alumina (20/1 )
Aluminum ( Ill/.1 )
Alumina (20/! )
llppur pinto
Dilluscr --
Lliu pliruum
\oitzt- cull
Magnet 7-.
Bottom plate
Protective net
Ftlgu ,
Rubber gasket
4' .-
1 .
.l ..
. I. .l
./ 'n .
y ,, . ._ 5,3, I. \
/ X ' '3 \
1/ , .r A: ,.. 1
.-. _ . n v .r
I ' ' ' v ' 1-. "
. ,_ u . 1
. . _ _, h .
L 4
g 1
Dust cover *'
.. i Spemhcations According to Diaphragm Material
Density Sound Young Standard Material
_ _ transmission rate bending. cost
g .g g speed C E ,1, strength ratio
A (gycmzy. '(mfisem (kgmnr) -.(c,-"p)'
~Okidiz'ed " . ' ' :
aluminum . 2.48 6700 .. . 12.08!) g 2.7 l
(Alumina) ' ~ '.
: Aluminum 2.65 5150 7.028 1.9. , 1va
Magnesium 71.74' I - 4.800 4000 12;? 10
j Titanium 4.54 4800 . 11315201 1.1 28
Beruium 1.82 ' 1490]. U W 12.700 in " ' - Jae}
:..Metal ng Free-Edge
" IWeeter ' '
The diaphragm of the STE 1200 tweeter
forms a ring which is indented 111 av v
' shape with edges on both sides.
These edges have long slits in them to
Create an effect similar to having 4
supporting points around both the
inner and outer edges This design
cuts diaphragm weight and minimizes
the distance between the edge and
. the driving point of the voice coil.
thereby ensuring plenty of piston
action without partial vibration. The
free-edge structure raises amplitude
linearity while lowering the resonance
frequency and ensuring smooth
takeover from the midrange.
I Cross-Sectional Diagram of the Nectar
F mall r
Protect m.- net
Spacer , - -Rnbber gasket
insulating ring a
U j V
Terminal l / r; "l -Framc
/" 131. 3 -~- Magus!
L'pper plate ._ .; Account: absnrhenl
Bottom plate
Phase control for Coherent
4 Sound '
In order to eliminate phase
differences between the different
frequency ranges and ensure smooth
phase characteristics, the STE 1200
incorporates a phase- adjustment
circuit in its crossover network and
also cutsoff speakerreproduction g . a
at the" steep slopeof WZOdB/OCT.»
I outside its specified frequency range.
Each speaker unit also employs
a 3- dimensional layout for general . _g
phase control, thereby lowering time-
lapse distortion between frequency
ranges. The result Of this 3-way
' li-gg~C31hpaign agamSt phase distortion is
' the clear, natural audio reproduction I
we call coherent sound?
I Woofer. Crosswer Network~ Circuitry . '
" '1
I l
' l
' I
2.0mH : :
O ' Z565 fir i O
l I
' I
"" . . I - ,.
21,111: _ . 839 18.31117 I __ 22,112
-l |
' I
' I
: 3.8mH : 10:2
' I
C 4...: A O
I. ___________ _,
.Woofer crossover Network Performance.
(Iircuit ll \ \
3 ------ (Ilrcuit I '\./-~ \
g \
3-30- _.._Circultl* ll+ lll
1 l J 1 l l
50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K
Frequency [ liz]
l30' "' / O
' I
7 / l -(Iircuit ll
: . I "- .
1 , -----v(.lt'(.tllll
i / I -v-L'.ircuit l- I] Ill
90* - '
.:. / I
so 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K
Frequency. lel
110. 4 Floor-WPe Speaker
.. With Bass Reflex Benign and
Acoustical Damper
High density particle board 18 used fer
the cabinet exterior and is built up to
a thickness of 65mm near the Woofer
to ensure extra protection against
external vibration and excess
resonance. ~> . ,