Fisher REGENT 5000 Service Manual
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Extracted text from Fisher REGENT 5000 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
MODEL 5000
PRICE: $1.00
Page 4
AM antenna terminal
Pomt at no Audio Gen, with W output AC VTVM to Minimum output
1 SHARP AM signal and no connected lnru 100K resistor 10 KC None Lelt Mann . t - between
interlerence to junction at its: and R54 *9 9,5 and 10,5 Kc
Point of no AM RF Gen. connected thru DC VTVM ,
. 30% AM . » 16 24 12 Maxrmum
2 SHARP AM SI nal and no .Ol-ul cap. in series WItII 455 KC to the unctldn OI ' ' »
inzlerlerence not rent to v9. Pin 7 3 W 5' R53Jand use 0 3 mm "3"" "3
Point of no AM Sweep Gen. connected 30 KC 5 Adjust slightly
3 NORMAL AM Si nal and no thru .Ol-ut ca tin series A55 KC cope to ZS hottom tors mmetrical
interlerence With not lead in v9, Pin 7 9' L' 3'" "W ycurve
AM Gen. connected tnru » .
. Scope to Left Main out ut. Check (or sine wave
4 SHARP AM son KC 220mg i:t.l2:i;'° Goo KC 394332;; on vrvm to the uncttpon L5, L3. 1.1 [mm and maXImum
0! R53 and 54 negative vollau
AM Gun. connected thru
5 SHARP AM 1400 KC 220W tap. In series
Scope to Left Main output. cm (1231:. Check (or sine wave-
1400 KC 3% AM DC VTVM to the 'unctton tolm and maximum
AMwAllrl:t?lillT:rdlll3Ill n 400 Cps 0' 53 3" 5 nzxahve voltage
6 Repeal steps e and 5 tor proper dial caltoration and maximum output.
NOTE: For steps 1. to 3 remove Tube V1.
, Point at no 27. 23 top. Voltage between
1 mtilio'ii FM signal and no FM fig'fiflfflgflm 10.7 Mc Nona '{gfigggm 19 bottom -15 and -3o volts,
unterterence 5- tnu See Note 3.
Hot lead at DC VTVM to
FM M t PW ° ° FM 5 t t a vii/lift Gmntd lmi i' z a
2 . u in FM ml and no enera or connec e 10.7 Me "Me , niunc ion a wo 19 top are m mg on
much 0F ' series-connected 47K zero center scale
'"" m P' 1 M V5 reslstdrs wired between
TSP 3 and and.
Point of no FM Gen. connected to with Dc voltage between
FM Mutln . DC VTVM Z5 13 ll
3 - FM signal and no un rounded tube 5mm 10.7 MC None ' ' 4.5 and -1 volt,
""m' M intertmnce g of V2 m TSP 2 t L mm adjust for maximum
FM Gen. connected tnru two .
. 30% FM DC VTVM lo TSP 2 Check tor stne waveform
a Fv'f'tMiiiiii m so MC fi'ggflefi'm mfg" so no waste Dev.) and scope to t: '[2 and adjust for maximum
5 ' FM antenna min; at #00 cos. Lett Mam output ' negative voltage
FM Gen. connected tutu two '
» 30% PM no VTVM to TSP 2 Check for we wavelorm
5 :mrcflllllgé FM 1L6 MC lfiglémilcsawfl: 12:??? 106 MC (22.5KC Dev.) and scope to 03262625' and adjust tor maximum
FM antenna termmals at A00 cps. Left Main output negative voltage
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 tor proper dial calibration and maximum output.
Read These Instructions With Extreme Care Before Attempting Alignment.
CHASSIS: Turn the station selectors completely counter-
clockwise, without forcing. Dial pointer should be at zero
mark on logging scale, If not, reset the dial pointers Dis-
connect the external antennas and the AM antenna link.
Swing AM Ferrite Loop antenna rearward to operating
position. When using an oscilloscope for alignment. set the
output level controls for no overload, as shown by the prop-
er waveform shape. Set FM Antenna switch to NORMAL.
SIGNAL GENERATORS: The signal generator equipment
must be able to supply the following: FM RF 22.5 KC
deviation at 400 cps; AM RF modulated 30% at 400 cps;
AM IF with 30 KC sweep for AM bandwidth adjustment;
audio oscillator accurately calibrated for 1 and 10 KC audio
output for testing the 10 KC AM whistle filler.
and scope for alignment
ALIGNMENT: Allow the chassis and test instruments to
warm up for at least fifteen minutes. Adjust the line voltage
for 117 volts AC, 50-60 cycles. Use fully insulated tools;
a small screwdriver {or all trimming capacitors; a K-tran
tool for ll, 22, Z3, Z4, ZS and 26; a hex tool for Z7, Z8,
29, L2, L3, L5, L6, L8. L9 and L14.
1 - For AM alignment short out C91.
2-For calibrating both the AM and FM-RF. use as low on output
voltage as possible from your signal gun-rotori
3-Ducreosa FM signal generator output who. adjusting FM-IF
transformers so that DC VTVM shows noted voltage.
4-Tha center frequency should be kept constant for FM-IF, Ii itar
and ratio detector alignment.
5-lf odiustment of routing oscillator is nlcossury, udiust it for
3MC with a Grid-dip Motor.
Page 5
censure! INnIcnroe ALIGNMENT
sreps CONNEcrION "£313 (3%! cormEEcrlioN ADJUST INDICATION notes
Audio ouilleter AC vrvm te iunction LIoo (Use hex . .
1 connected to lug I W '4 "°" W or cm and ma alignment teal) M"'"" '°"°°'
Multiplex generator 19 KC (:5 my Z100 tee and
2 audio output to pilot tone, Nene DC vrvm to t.s.r. IoI bottom (m. I." Maximum voltage I
lug I (See Note 1) 100 luv alignment tool)
591%. hom' I" m M ZIOI sr bl 2 I L' '
' 1 0|" HI 0 Int; 9 9 clove
3 Same as Step 2 7 Kc53'::'°"" None verrr Inpuftn iungetion .(UH K-Iran nutter menu"! 1
at C216 1nd R2091 alrgnmenl tool) phuu at peliam
Varngcanmrar linaitlaldu pattern
A Same In Step 2 19 X: None Same a! Step 3 "z, 53'?! ,,;,"i::,,;'$:,'",h, 1, 2
200 "IV entire Iso nu range
AC vrvm and scope
(lméfiifitlfi'y' vert, input ta channel 1100 .09 Mulimum indicatlen an
5 5am. as sup 2 I I, "m . None A output lug. (L... 1. ml, AC erM, Clean won I, a
(2.! I) Internal sweep. cps waveform an «ape
. Minimum reudin on
°°°P°"" l" . Ac VTVM Ihoul b.
6 Same a: Step 2 (,hfu'iflln": " None Same a. Step 5 M" ;§g°°" at law 33 db below I
(2 a p r) reading obtained In
_ . Step 5
Move one Input and Note and mm
7 Sarne cl Step 2 Some «I Step 6 Nan. Ac VTVM to ehannel I --- voltage reading I
output lug an AC VTVM
mm °I" 1'1" n AlcdleTVM {MERE db
c one on y, ____ s o e at ealt
3 5 °' 5"" 2 I volt rm NM- 5° 1" 5 7 belgw undlna observed 1
(2.3 M) In Step 7
°°°°F" °" " "' AC VTVM reudin
9 Same as sm- 2 l filffififi" 1" None 5am De Step 7 - should be the lame us I
12.: P-P) ebeerved In Step 7
(1%? 'I" l &1"M1*Isn
c urine en , ____ t t
10 Some a: sua 2 1 I. m, Nan. Same a: Step 7 1.7;; "flinfifmmd 1
(2.: P-P) in Step 9
Re eel Steps 9 and 10 with no I: and AC VTVM connected to channel A output lug, but man wirh
1' a o nu applied to left :hanne tor tint reading, then :witch to right channel for second reading.
lellplex generator 100% M - d
er Wm, ,9 won m on M, ,75 KC Dev.) eve nope Input an Note and mare
I2 I AC VYVM to channel A -- voltage readmg A
300.3353? (A) Khannel only 3-335: MW. lug M AC vrvm
ARic"iir"r'i/"l«"»°dii'cl' I?"
1000cps on right Some a. ' °" °
1:] Same ul Step1: Seme a; Step 12 R215 at least 33 db below 4
(a) channel anly Step I2 mm my in
Step I2
8000 I I s Tel/living???
em on e t am. a ____ 1 all e e ow
5"" ° 5" 1 (A) channel only sup 12x 5" 5"" '2 reading observed In
Step I2
9000 ' M s nAidvdvga'igdd"?
cpeenrlg came as a on e . aw
5 5" °' 5" '3 (a) channel only Step I2 5 " 5" '2 " "wing 1';th "
NOTE: The above procedure is based on the use of the FISHER Model 300 Multiplex Generator.
1 -- In step; 2 through 11, the audio output at the Multiplex Generator
Ihovld be :ennected to lug 1 at the multiplex :ub-ehessie through a
12,000 ohm, Vz-watt, carbon resistor, and a 180 wt capacitor eheuld
be connected between lug 1 and greund. The wiring tram the MPX
TEST inch on the main cltflllil to lug 1 must be disconnected during
Steps 2 through 11.
2 - The vertical amplitude at the Liuuiou: pattern will increase Ilightly
as the generator output i: increased. this it e normal occurrence.
3 - It DC VTVM reading tall: below -9 volts when maximum re
is obtained on the AC VTVM, reudiurt bottom of 1100, then eat
Step 5 Repeat this procedure until maximum AC VTVM reading it oh-
teined with DC VTVM reading greater than -9 valte.
A-Tunn the FISHER to the RF output frequeney at the Multipu-