Fisher CUSTOM ELECTRA 7 Owners Manual

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Fisher CUSTOM ELECTRA 7 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Fisher CUSTOM ELECTRA 7 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

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Electra. VII
Stereophonic Radio-Phonograph

Page 2


With your purchase of a FISHER instrument you have com-
pleted a chain of events that began many months ago, in our
research laboratories. For it is there that the basic concept of
the equipment you have just acquired came into being-its
appearance, its functions, its quality of performance, its con-
venience of use.

But the end step-your purchase-is merely a beginning. A
door has now opened, for you and your family, on virtually
unlimited years of musical enjoyment. Recognizing that one at
the keys to pleasurable ownership is reliability, we have
designed this instrument to give long and trouble-free service.
In fact, instruments we made over twenty-seven years ago

Remember always that we want this equipment to give you
the best performance of which it is capable, Should you at
any time need our assistance toward that objective, please
write me personally.


Many hours have been spent by our engineers and technical
writers to create this instruction book for your guidance and
enjoyment. If you want the most out of your FISHER, there is
only one way to obtain it With the equipment before you, please
read this booklet carefully. it will be time well spent!

are still in use today.

740944! {Fax r.........m..l....

FISHER FIRSTS-Milestones in the History of High Fidelity Reproduction.

I117 First high-Iidelity sound systems lcaturing a beam- I956 First dual dynamic limiters in an FM tuner lor home Isii First complete receivers with Multiplex.
power amplilier. inverse feedback, acoustic speaker use. _ _ _ _ leer First FM-StereoAMultiplex tuners with erREO BEAM.
compartments (infinite battle and bass reilex) and I956 First Perlormancc Monitor iii a high quality ampli» issl First loudspeaker system with tramelcss wooier
magnetic cartridges. . _ . her for home use. . cone, eliminating all parasitic resonance.
Ill Flrsl exclusnrely high lldellty IRF tuner, featuring 1955 First FM-AM tuner wltll TWO meters. . '95! First internal SWItCtIIflE System to oermrt immedi-
broad-tumne 20.000 cycle Iidelityl isss First complete graphic response curve indicator Ior ate (ape playback with use or all controls and
I!!! First two speaker enclosure. I551 First Golden Cascade FM tuner. i962 First simpliircdoperation cantrnl-Amplrirer, with in»
In! First coaxial speaker system. 51 First MicroRay Tuning Indicator. '(equgntly used controls behind a "nut-panel mug,
ma first giver tigelit tuner at?" 'agpliified rtvc. ISM giirst stcereopgomc Radio-Phonograph with Magnetic ygt immediately accessible.
"35 '5 BY F If I" 3 l l e l YSYS 4 ,¢'¢°_ 3' 'l 89- 1962 First Iouds eaker with eltd ~current«dam Ed voice
I!!! First canter~ol~channel tuning indicator. '55! FIrSt highouallli Stereo MIME COMIDI system will p y p
i945 First Preamplifier-Equalizer with selective phono~ lass First complete Slereanhonic FM-AM Fmiver (FM- 1952 First bass speaker with combined serrated-alumi-
graph equalizationl AM MEI. audio Cflfltrfll. AID-wattamplilier). rium and Iioer cane.
isu Flrst Dynamic Range Expander with leedoacl. '95! First high-Compliance plus highelllmncy "69- last First FM Tuner Kit with separate dArsonval meter
In! First FM-AM Tuner with variable AFC. DISH)" speaker system. . tor tuning and separate cathode ray stereo broad-
1951 First 50»Watt, all triode amplifier, I960 First to use Microitay for FM tuning and as a Record» cast indicator (575.150 gum.
i957 First sell-powered Master Audio control. In: Audio Level Indicator. .5 yim Siemwhom FM Tuner Wm, rUNE-o-MATIC
I953 First selIApgwcred electronic, sharp-coho" IiIIcr isbn First compieftc sterdeo F"'§.r."3;""{"{ {filth w-watt Motor 1,,
system var i Iidclity use, power ampi ier an new on pit u es. , a .
I953 First Universa Norn-lype Speaker Enclosure tor any 550 Smithsonian Institution, Wflwiflxlm. DJ; accepts '5 iiiiiiifi"§§lri§3ricen\tmless Remote Control m a high
room location and any sneakon '0' 5 C°"=.Ct'°" AME'ICE'SJWS' =°""'"°' "W" ins: First to use aair'tunes With unique cavrty-anodc
I953 Firs: lFMAIIM {tet'liehfl with: canacdode Front End gractuéedh high liéggllty radio-phonograph, Made by design
I! irs owcos eecronic ixcrA er. very is er in . .
rm First moderately-priced, prolessional m Tuner with i960 First reverberation device. Ior, use in high fidelity m "'5' W" "°","f,'.'° "5°.°°,',"°°°°Y°*- "9'
TWO meters. equipment-rile Fisher Dynaimc Spacexpander. 9" C°""e"5? "'9" 'C ' .
i955 First Peak Power indicator in high Iidelity. issn First stereo tuner with MicroTune. 9 "'5. "9?! 'l W" STRATABAUNCE: 5"" Y
'95! First Master Audio Control Chassis with five-position 0 First FM tuner with Si! IF stages. "Fmc MIJNCINE SYSlCUL . .
mm mm. I, n, m m, mm m, my; lac-i F_irstmultiplcli adaptor with flywheel synchronila
I955 First correctly equalized, direct tapevhead master I960 First liont panel antenna selector sWitch. 72-300 "0 05 approaches theoretical "m" 0' "9'
audio controls and sell-powered preamplifier. ohm, Local-Distant positions. minim". and "l 3" spurious response:-
555 First to use Power Monitor in a home am Iier, l96| First Multlplex units with STEREO BEACON and 30! First AFC With strong locking on weak signals, with
I! First All-Ira-isistorized Preamplifier-Elana iler. automatic switching, moon to stereo. no pull-in from adjacent strong signals.