Fisher CUSTOM ELECTRA 3 440 Owners Manual

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Fisher CUSTOM ELECTRA 3 440 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Fisher CUSTOM ELECTRA 3 440 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

AVERY FISHER F ounder aail President, F ither R adio C or por otion The Mcrn Behind the Produet /-\vER 20 vEARS AGo, Avery Fisher introduced America's first high fidelity radio- L/ phonograph. That instrument attained instant recognition as heralding a new era in the enjoyment of reproduced music. A number of the features of that early high fidelity radio-phonograph were so basic that they are used to this day in all high fidelity equipment. The engineering achievements of Avery Fisher and the world-wide reputation of his products have been the srrbject of articles in Fortune, Tinte, Pugeant, The New York Times, coronet, Lile, High Fidelity, Esquire, and other publications. Benefit concerts for the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington and the Phila- delphia Orchestra, demonstrating the great advances in reproducing equipment' used FISHER instruments to play back the recordings that had just been made in the presence of the audience. "Fascinating evening, acoustically and musically," was the Philadelphia Inquirer's comment, "the reproduction had remarkable fldelity." Ttue magazine stated, "Listeners could hardly teil the difference between real and electronic." The FISHER instrument you have just purchased has been designed to give you many years of pride and enjoyment. It is the product of a company dedicated to bringing reproduced music in its finest form, to the homes of America. If at any time you should desire information or assistance regarding the performance of your FISHER instru- ment, please do not hesitate to write direc1ly to Avery Fisher, President, Fisher Radio Corporation, Long Island City 1, New Ycrk. Your communications will be welcome' FISHER 'FIRSTS' - Milestones In Audio History ' ' ' 1937 Eirst high tidelity sound systems featuring a beam-oower amplifier, inverse feedbacl(' acous' tic ip'eaker compartments (infinite baffle and bass'rellex) and maSnetic cartridges. f93t First exclusivelv high fidelity TRF tuner, featuring broad-tunins 20,000 cvcle fidelity. 1937 First twcunit high tidelity system with soparate speaher enclosure. 193! First coaxial spealer system. 1930 First high fidelity tuner with amplified Avc. 1939 First Dynamic Range Expander. 1939 First SWay Spealer in a high fidelity system. 1939 First Center-of-Channel Tuning Indicator. t9it5 First Preamplifier' Equalizer with selective pho' nograPh equalization. 1948 First Dynamic Range Erpander with feedback. 1949 first FM-AM Tuner with variable AFc. 1952 First so-Watt, all-triode amplifier. 1952 First self-powered Mastet Audio Control. 1953 First self-powered, electronic sharp-cut'off fil' ter system lor hiSh {idelity use' 195t First Universal Horn'Type Speaker Enclosure for anv toom location and any speaxer. 1953 first FM-AM Receiver with a Cascode Front End. 1954 First low-cost electronic Mixel'Fader. 1954 First moderately-priced, prolessional FM Tuner with Two meters. 1955 First Peak Power Indicator in high tidelity. t955 Flrst Master Audio Control Chassis with tive- position mtxlng lacilities. 1955 First correctly equatized, direct tape'head.m"s' ter audio confrols and seif4owered preamplifier. 1956 First to lqcorporate Power Monitor in a home amplif ier. 1956 first All-Transistorized Preamplifier-Equalizer. 1956 first dual dynarnic limiters in an FM luner for home use. 1956 First Performance Monitor In a hiSh quality amPlifier for home us€- 1956 First FM-AM tuner with TWo meters. 1955 First complete graphic response curve indicator for bass and treble. 1957 First Gold Cascode FM Tuner' 1957 First MicroRay Tuning Indicator. 1958 First Stereophonic Radio-Phonograph with Mag' neiic SteIeo Cartridge 1959 First high-quality Stereophonic Remote Control SYstem. 1959 Firii complete Stereophonic FM'AM Receiver (FM- AM tuner, audio control, 4o'watt amplifier).

Page 2

THE FISHER Gusfom Electro lll Model 44O Srereo Rqdio-Phonogroph INTRODUCTION The Custom Electra I'II Moilel 440 is a complete radio-phono'graph system designed to play all stereophonic and monophonic records and to receive FM, AM and FM-AM stereo broadcasts. The unit consists of a 610 receiver chassis, a 30-A power amplifier chassis, a four-speed record changer, and two matched speaker system - all housed in an attractive console cabinet. Input connections are provided to play a tape recorder or other high-level sound source through the Custom Electra system. No additional amplifiers or speakers are required for stereophonic or monophonic sound reproduction. THE FISHER Custom Electra III system is capable o[ providing more lhan ample volume for all your needs without di.stortion, and the easy-to-use Stereo Control Center permits the sound torbe adjusted to your personel tastes. THE FISHER FM-AM receiver is renowned for its extreme sensitivity, assuring you of high-fidelity reception even in extreme fringe ar.eas. Your phonograph records, stereophonic and monophonic, are safely and properly reproduced on the world- famous Garrard four-speed automatic record player. To the Garrard, IISHER has added a stereophonic cartridge equipped with a d,iamorud, LP stylus for long record life and minimum record wear, with a flip-over stylus for playing 78 rpm discs. This cartridge is of the compatible type, which means that it will play either stereo or monophonic recordings. The ease with which you can utilize the many wonderful features of THE FISHER wil'l be readily apparent when you have read the concise, yet complete, instructions on the pages that follow. STEREOPHONIC SOUND In monophonic high fiilelity systems, the reproduced sound has all the char- acteristics of the original performance - with two exceptions. These are direction and. d,istance. With the advent of stereophonic high fidelity systems? all the characteristics of live sound are now capable of being reproduced in the home or auditorium. THE FISHER Model 440 constitutes a complete stereophonic system. 1