Fisher C 800 Owners Manual
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Page 1
Welcome TO THE FAMILY OFFISHER OWNERS A VERY FISHER, pioneermakerofhigh quality instruments, in- £\. troduced America's firsthigh fidelity phonograph andradio- phonograph twentyyearsago.In1946, niswork inthis field became asubject ofarticles inleading magazines, including FORTUNE, TIMEandPAGEANT. Thearticle entitled Musicinthe Home, whichappeared inthe October 1946issue ofFORTUNE, is generally accredited asthe first tobring tothe attention ofa wider public theavailability ofequipment ofFISHER calibre for borne use."Best inprice andperformance isTHE FISHER. It is, infact, perhaps theonly onethat would completely satisfy a golden ear.""TheRolls Royce ofradio" -these aretypical AVERY. FISHER commentsappearinginvarious national magazines. President, FisherRadioCorporation Chairman' 01the Board, Such.recognition aregular occurrence andreached its Institute 01High Fidelity ManulacturerylmmatIon III Constitution HallonNovember 13,1954 when the National Symphony Orchestragaveahigh fidelity concert. A portion ofthe program wasrecorded onthe spot andim- mediately playedbackthrough FISHER amplifiers, forthe enthralled audience.Onenews magazine noted:"Listeners could hardly tellthedifference betweenrealandelectronic." Another highfidelity concert washeld onFebruary 13,1956 with thePhiladelphia Orchestraplayingatthe Academy of Music. Thisprogram wasrecorded andplayed backonFISHER equipment, inmonaural andstereophonic techniques."Afas- cinating evening, acoustically andmusically. Thereproduction had remarkable fidelity."-The Philadelphia Inquirer."Pre- served thebalance andnatural resonance ofthe orchestra in marvelous fashion."-The Evening Bulletin. "Theaudience was fascinated bythe demonstrations ofthe progress andin- novations insound reproduction." -The New York Times.
Page 2
Outstanding MmuW ~------~-~~'----------------------------------------~r---~ THE AMPLIFIER THE PREAMPLIFIER-EQUALIZER THETUNER THE RECORD CHANGER THE SPEAKER SYSTEM THE CABINET _ OF THE FISHER HIGHFIDELITY RADIO·PHONOGRAPH At the heart ofevery FISHER C-800isa remarkable push-pullamplifier, capableof handling auditorium volumewithout distortion. Ithas au,niform response offrom 20 to 20,000 cyclesandanoverall response offrom 10to50,000 cycles-adirect index of its quality. Itis important tonote thatthisisagenuine ACamplifier (notAC-DC). Its transformers areofamassive construction normallyfoundonlyinprofessional equipment designedforcontinuous duty! The famous FISHERPhonograph Preamplifier. Backgroundhuminaudible evenunder extremely quietlistening conditions. Shock-mounted toeliminate microphonics. Four choices ofphonograph equalization, accommodating everyknown makeofrecord, both standard andLP,old and new. Separate, continuously variableToneControls fortreble andbass, offering aninfinite choice oftonal balance settings. An FM-AM receiver boasting sensitivity andselectivity thatsurpasses anythinginits class. Tuned RFstages onboth FMand AM, six-gang tuningcondenser, illuminated dial, logging scale,tuning eye,built-in FMdipole andAMloop antennas, completely shock-mounted, auxiliaryinputfortape recorder, TVsound, etc. Imported 4-speedchanger features aheavy duty,4-pole motorandisequipped with a magnetic cartridge. DiamondstylusforLPrecords. FonoMonitor automatically turns off the entire instrument afterthelast record. THE FISHER 3-wayspeaker systemfeatures a15-inch wooferforbass frequencies; an 8-inch mid-range speaker;andultra-high-frequency "tweeter." Custom quality, incorporating anacoustic speakercompartment completelylinedwith sound-absorbent material,assuringmaximum performance fromthespeaker system and, atthe same time,imparting extremestructural rigiditytothe entire cabinet.