Fisher ALLEGRO A 190 Owners Manual
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Extracted text from Fisher ALLEGRO A 190 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
a-'; {- :: a} { i;'1; i, i::..i| T With your purchase of a FISHER instrument you have com- pleted a chain of events that began many months ago, in our research laboratories. For it is there ihat the basic concept of the equipment you have just acquired came into being-its g5l,:Xr;J"".r, its .functions, its quality of performance, its con- But the end step-your purchase-is merely a beginning. A door has now opened, for you and your family, on virtually unlimited years of musical enjoyment. Recognizing that one of the keys 1o pleasurable ownership is reliability, we have designed this instrument to give long and trouble-free service. In fact, instruments we made over twenty-seven years ago are siill in use today. ,., ?,.Tz.t:,= ':a:2, Remember always that we want this equipment to give you ihe best performance of which it is capable. Should you at any time need our assistance toward that objective, please write me personally. AN IMPOF,TANT SUGGESTION Many hours have been speni by our engineers and technical writers to create this instruction book for your guidance and enjoyment. lf you want the mosi out of your FISHER, there is only one way to obtain it. With the equipment before you, please read this booklet carefully. lt will be time well spent! leA *kuga,, tt€4a- Fosnder and pre.,csn: ( First high-fidelity sound systems featuring a beam. power amplifier, inverse feedback, acousiic speaker compartments (infiniie baffle and bass reflex) and masnetlc cartridses. Firit exclusively-high fidelity TRF tuner, featuring broad-tuning 20,000 cycle tidelity. First two-unit high fidelity system with separate speaker enclosure. Firsi coaxial speaker system. First high fidelity turer with amplified AVC. First 3-Way Speaker in a high fidelity system. First Center-of-Channel Tuning indicator. First Preamplifier-Equalizer with selective phono- graph equalization. First Dynamic Range Expander with feedback. First FM"AM Tuner with variable AFC. First 50-Watt, all triode amplifier. First self-Dowered Master Audio Control. First self-powered electr0nic, sharp-cut-off filter system for high fidelity use. First Universal Horn-Type Speaker Enclosure for any room location and any speaker. First FM.AM Receiver with a Cascode Front End. First low-cosl electronic Mixer-Fader. First moderately-priced, professional FM Tuner with TWo meters. i'i:a:i-r First dual dynamic limiters in an FM tuner for home u se. ::l:i:i First Performance Monitor in a high quality ampli- fier for home use. First FM-AM tuner with TWO meters. First complete graphic response curve indicator for bass and ireble. First Golden Cascode FM 'tuner. First MicroRay Tuning Indicator. First Stereoph0nic Radio"Phonograph rvith Magnetic Stereo Cartridge. First high-quality Slereo Remote Contr0l System. First complete Stereophonic FM-AM Receiver (FM- AM tuner, audio control, 40"watt amplifier). First high-compliance plus high-efficiency free- piston speaker system. First to use MicroRay for FM tuning and as a Record- ing Audio Level Indicator. 7-"'.i'.,:.!.'i j:..::/:)..:;1',;;111<1;1{:s j-:,t{:,.a1.}32.. 'l]li: First complete receivers with Multiplex. i::ii [i1sl FM-Stereo-Multiplex tuners with STERE0 BEAM. ;:ia; First l0udspeaker system with frameless woofer cone, eliminating all parasitic resonance. First internal switching system t0 permit immedi- ate iape playback with use of all controls and switches. ;::;:l First simplified'operation Control-Amplifier, with in- frequently used controls behind a front'panel cover, yet immediately accessible. ::l'i:l First loudspeaker with eddy-current-damped voice co il. l::';:: First bass speaker with combined serrated-alumi- num and fiber cone 15;.::,: First FM Tuner Kit with seoarate d'Arsonval meter for tuning and separate cathode ray stereo broad- cast indicator (S1ERE0 BEAM). t1.::::: First Stereophonic FM Tuner with TUNE.o-MATIC Motor Tuning. 1a:;:t First supersonic wireless Remote Control in a high fidelily componenl. i::1r:a First to use 8417 tubes with unique cavity-an0de design. ::':t:i First power amplifier to use oscilloscope-type, fre- quency compensated input circuit. !.':1: First amplifier kit with STRAIABALANCE, visual dy- namic balancing system. r:li:.1 First multiplex adaptor with 'flywheel synchroniza' ti0n.' CIosely approaches theoretical limit 0f noise l::-t'--:r:>:':-:,?:a .ara=a:at"!.':,:r-- :€ltt-:'::t:r.::;.:.,:;':.: a.7:. '1,::.i:: 1:2:,::::l:t:"j !t:'i- 1t1-17t': :.4,i, -: :,:: i aa:..: a.-a.:?..: a::'::1':a:.t'z a:'::j.a.i:'i 'aa:.:,aj'i=a:.,: --at:.,t,t-'a].aa 'l j:-.i. 1,':.:l::,i )a..1:a:4 laa:.i::.;,j 1,:1::,.]:,';'1aa,:i at:a."1; a'].; a-; :.-a,.a.1 :r,.:.t: i:;:::, First peak power Indicator in high fidelity. l:,:ra First Masier Audio Control Chassis wiih {ive-positi0n mixins facilities. First correct!y equalized, direct tape-head master ::ta First complete stereo FM-AM receiver with 60-watt power amplifier and new 7591 output tubes. ::itli Smithsonian Institution, washington, D.C. accepis fo. its collection America's first commercially man' ufactured high fidelity radio-phonograph, made by Avery Fisher in 1937. lii!:; til5l reverberation device, f0r use in high fidelity equipment*-fhe Fisher Dynamic Spacexpander. :aa:a: First stereo tuner with MicroTune. iai,al First FM tuner with six lF stages. 1-it fiv5l FM iuner with five limiters. ;:;i::,1 First front panel antenna selector switch, 72-300
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[fv runcuasrNc rrrE FISHER Allegro, you have joined a select - group of discerning mrsic lovers who demand the highest standards of reliability and performance in their home music repro- ducing equipment. The FISHER Allegro has been designed by the same rrorld-renowned engineering {acilities which have created professional equipment now used in laboratories, government agencies and broadcas, stations throughout the nation and abroad. Fisher equipment can aiso be {ound in the homes of many leaders in all walks o{ life, including many celebrities from the world of music. The Allegro possesses many of the features {ound in the larger, more elaborate Fisher units. It incorporates a versatile, yet convenient set of audio'controls, including Vclume, Balance and separate Bass and Treble controls. A convenient front.panel jack for listening with earphones is also included and a special speaker silencing switch allows you to enjoy music without disturbing others or being dis- tracted by them. Full Iacilities for connecting a tape recorder or the sound system o{ your TV set are provided. Behind the elegantly :tyled front panel are many unseen, but important, {eatures of high quaiity design, such as ihe use of separate push-pull output stages for each channel, using a newly developed, beam-power, dual pentode. Moderate and carefully controlled use of feedback reduces Cistortion to the vanishirig point. THE FISHER ALTEGRO MODEI A.I90 Stereophonic Rsdio-Phonogroph The record player is the world.renowned Garrard four-speed chang€r which inrermixes all standard size records. It includes a wide-range cartridge with a diamond stylus for your stereophonic and monophonic long-piaying records. The Allegro includes a superb Fisher FM tuner with a built-in multiplex converter for reception of stereophonic FM prcgrams, Fisher tuners aie famous throughout the -world as the finest instru. ments ever developed for the reception bf radio programs, and the tuner included in this Allegro console is lully representative of the design principles and careful construction that have created that reputation.A total of {our speakers (two for each 'channel) are used to reproduce the entire audible spectrum with an amazing degree o{ realism. Each speaker system consists of two speakers, an eight-inch, specially-designed low-resonance woofer for the bass and mid-range frequencies, and a cone-type tweeter for the upper mid-range and treble tones housed in a fully sealed enclosure. Together these speakers recreate the entire audible spectrum from below 50 cycles to the highest frequencies that ahe human ear can detect. The characteristics of the individtal components of your Allegro were carefully matched to produce a totally integrated sound system. (The ampiifier, for example, was specifically designed to complement