Fisher 800 TX Owners Manual
This is the 22 pages manual for Fisher 800 TX Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Fisher 800 TX Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
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M-FM Receiver
Page 2
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Milestones In the History of High Fidelity Reproduction
1.937 First high~fidelity sound systems featuring a beam.
power amplifier, inverse feedback. acoustic speaker
compartments (infinite baffle and bass reflex) and
magnetic cartridges.
1937 First exclusively high-fidelity TRF tuner, featuring
broad-tuning 20-20000 cycle fidelity.
153 tFirst two-unit high fidelity system with separate
sceaker enclosme:
l a:
First coaxial speaker system.
1933 First high-fidelity tuner with amplified AVG.
133% First dynamic range expander.
1939 First 3-way speaker in a highofidelity system.
19:39 First center-of-channel tuning indicator.
1345 First preamplifienequalizer with selective phono-
graph equalization.
19-13 First dynamic range expander with feedback.
194; First FM-AM tuner with variable AFC.
1952 First SO-watt all-triode amplifier.
:33: First self-powered master audio control.
1353 First self-powered, electronic sharp-cutoff filter sys-
team for high fidelity use.
room location and any speaker.
1953 First FM-AM receiver with a cascode front end.
First low-cost electronic mixer-fader.
First moderately priced professional FM tuner with
two meters.
First peak power indicator in high fidelity.
- e
1355 First master audio control chassis with five-position
mixing facilities.
First universal horn-type speaker enclosure for any
195: First correctly equaiized. direct tape-head preampli-
fier with self-powered master audio control.
1956 First all-transistor :reampllfier-eoualizer.
1956 First dual dynamic limiters in an FM tuner for home
1955 First performance rcnitor in a highquality amplifier.
1.55? First GOLDEN CASSCOE FM tuner.
19?: ' First MicroFlay tun -; indicator
'irst stereophonic radio-phonograph with magnetic
stereo cartridge.
1956 First high-quality res-tote control system.
1953 First complete ste'eophonic FM-AM receiver.
1359 First high-compliance plus high-efficiency Free-Pis-
ton loudspeaker system.
1960 First to use MicroPay for FM tuning and as a record-
ing audio level indicator.
1960 Smithsonian Institut'cn. Washington. D. 0.. receives
for its collection Americas first commercially manu~
tactured highK- fide. :y radio-phonograph, made by
Avery Fisher in 193'.
1950 First reverberation device for use in high fidelity
equipment-the Fisser Dynamic Spacexpanderi.
1960 First stereo tuner w-th MicroTuneF.
1951- lKFKirst FM- Stereo meitiolex adapter with STEREO
55ACONE and automatic mono-stereo switching.
1961 First complete FM-tultiplex stereo receivers.
First FM-stereo tunes with grease among and
First internal switcrng system to permit immediate
tape playback with use of all controls and switches.
First woofer with easy current-damped voice coil.
First power amplifier to use oscilloscope-type fre-
quency-compensate: input circuit.
1964 First FM Stereo Tuner with STEREOSCANE.
196-: First peripherally-driven tweeter with soft dome.
1964 First FM tuner with TUNE-O-MATICD circuitry.
1965 First All-in-One. All-Transistor 4-Gang Front-End.
1966 First F.E.T. front-end design with over 40 db of
Automatic Gain- Control.
.1966 First FM tuner with Automatic RF Attenuator.
1956 First FM tuner to achieve 0.6 db capture ratio-three
times better than the best previous achievement.
1966 First FM Tuner to use a 10-megacycIe-wide Counter
Detector. eliminating distortion for the life of the set. '
1966 First FM Tuner with Clear Signal lndicator.
1966 First FM Tuner to incorporate a Power Amplifier
Circuit for high-quality. low-impedance headphones.
1968 First time- division multiplex circuit to incorporate a
Four-Diode Coincidence Circuit.
1966 First Receiver with Translst-O-GardE protection.
1967 First to introduce high fidelity equipment with seven
integrated circuits (lCs).
1967 First loudspeaker system with 18" free~suspension
bass speaker.
1963 First receiver with AUTOSCANE-totally silent elec-
tronic touch tuning-and TUNE-O-MATIC® pushbut-
ton electronic tuning.
1968 First and only FM tuner with a dual gate MOSFET.
achieving dynamic range, (in signal strength. of
1 ..000 000 101
1963 First AM tuner with dual-transistor RF and mixer
stages to permit reception without overload of sig-
nals as high as 3 volts (8.000.000 UV).
196? First receiver with sequential AUTOSCAND signal
1959 First bookshelf speaker system with 15 free-piston
woofer in a compact enclosure.