Fisher 800 C Owners Manual
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Extracted text from Fisher 800 C Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
AM-FM Multiplex Receiver
PRICE $1.00
Page 2
With your purchase at a FISHER instrument you have com
pleted a chain of events that began many months ago. in our
research laboratories, For it is there that the basic concept of
the equipment you have just acquired came into being-its
appearance, its tunctions. its quality of performance, its con-
venience of use.
But the end step-your purchase-is merely a beginning. A
door has now opened. for you and your family. on virtually
unlimited years of musical enjoyment. Recognizing that one at
the keys to pleasurable ownership is reliability. we have
designed this instrument to give long and trouble-tree service.
In fact. instruments we made over twenty-seven years ago
Remember always that we want this equipment to give you
the best performance of which it is capable Should you at
any time need our assistance toward that objective. please
write me personally.
Many hours have been spent by our engineers and technical
writers to create this instruction book for your guidance and
enjoyment. It you want the most out of your FISHER. there is
only one way to obtain it. With the equipment before you. please
read this booklet carefully. it will be time well spent!
are still in use today.
741)? H9614; t...........p....a...
FISHER FIRSTS-Mtlestones in the History of High Fidelity Reproduction.
in? First high-Fidelity sound systems teaturmg a beam '9 First dual dynamic limiters in an FM tuner lor home I! First complete reccivers with Multiplex.
power amplifier. inverse leeobacli. acoustic speaker use. In! First FM~Stereo~Multiplex tuners with static BEAM
compapmtnts (éfltlfllt! battle and bass reflex) and ll 'First'Peirtorinance Monilor in a high uualtty amplr- issi First loudspeaker system with nameless wooler
ma n: is car ri es. ier nr om: use. cone. elrmrnatrn all arasitic rcsananc ,
Firsxt exclusi elyhiah liuelity TltF tuner. teaturing I! First FM~AM tuner With Two meters. Ill First internal sgltchlflg system to permit immedi-
broad-tuning 20,000 cycle lioelity. I956 First cornplete graphic response Curve illlllcatDl 70' ate tape playback Willi use or all controls and
First two-unit high fidelity system with separate bass and treble, switches.
spgakgy newsmg, II" First Goldfll Cascade FM Tuner. ISZ First Simplified-operation Controlfimpliher Wllll In-
Flrst coaxral speaker system. First Microllay Tumult indicator. lrequently used controls heliintl a lront-pariel cover
'First gig}! sail: tuner wit: 'agnllilizd AVC, gtm Stérelapalonlc Rattm-Ftlonograph With Magnetic )1 immediately "55",,
irst » a as er in a is i e l y sys em. area at it go. I: First loud eali r with . . .
First centzr-gl-Channel tuning Indicator, "6' First high-qualllr Stereo Remote Control System. co... 5 e my cmwfldamm W c'
First PreampltliervKualizer with selective phone I!" First complete Stereophonic FM-AM Receiver [FM- I52 First bass speaker with combined serratedqlumi.
raph equalization. AM tuner. audio control. 40-watt ampliiierl. num and tuber cone.
first Dynamic Range Expander wrtti teedhack. I! First high-compliance plus highetlmency tree» ll" First FM Tuner K" With 5293,, o'Arsonval "Me,
First FM-AM tuner with variable AFC. Piston Speaker system lor tuning and separate cathode ray stereo promo
First sol-frail, olLtrAiuoc arpéllieé. i Ifill FirstAlo'1 usel- M-clwlllgy ll}! FM lllmnz and as a "scold- cast indicator (srtnto BEAM).
irst se -owere aster u l0 on ml. in; u in eve n ica or. » ' '
First seltgpnwire'dd illectronic. sharp~cutroll tilter run First comp:e'te stereo FMflglluetlnlr wigh seawatt [2 33;,sytfifigmmc FM Tuner wrth TUNEOMHIC
system lor hi i e i y use. power Impi ter and new on pu u es. . - .
First tllnivcrsaf ngn-Type Spkeaker Enclosure tor any II vsinittisoriilan lflstliuliol, Wafshiéixlol'l, 0-0; END 2 {.'J§}..5y2§'n.5§3,tinvtv"e'9 Remote can, I" a min
room acation an any spea er. or i 5 co at In" merica's irs carnmercta y inan- .
First FM-AM Receiver with a Cascade Front Eric, :lactulredhhtgh (gig;lrty raumvhonograph. made by "3 532nm 5" 34 "93 W"" "1" "V'Wa'w"
First Iow~cost electronic Mixer-Vader. very IS er ln 1 . >
first moderately-Pllfldi protessional FM Tuner with lull First reverberation nevrce. lor use in l'th't troelity "3 '5 WW" 99. 59.°5c'°3°99wei "9'
TWO meters. equipment-The Fisher Dynamic Spacexpander, "9" WWW "9'" mum
rm Flrst Peak Power imitcatcr in high tidelity. rm First stereo tuner with Mirrorune. "3 '5'. ""P'll'" k" 4"" 5r SW at
1! First Master Audio Contra! ChaSSIS with live-position I. First FM tuner wrttl slit IF stages. "3": balancrng SYStEm- . .
mm: facilities. u, ,5. FM tuner with m, liinrters. Illa Fllstlmfllllplex aoaptar With flywheel synchroniur
35 first correctly equalized, due taperhead master I! First lront panel antenna selector swrlch. 72300 "0. (59" a'°"."°°'9w I'm" °' "159
auiiru controls and sell-powered preampiiiter. ohm. Local-Distant positions. releclwnt and at all sour-nus resnnnses.
ll First to use Power Monitor in a home amplilier. lfll First Multiplex units wrtli STEREO BEACON and I51 First AFC With strong locliing on wall signals. with
First All l-Traiisistortzeo Pretmplitierlqualizer
automatic switchina, mono to stereo.
no pullm lroin adjacent strong Sllnflls.