Fisher 600 T Service Manual

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Fisher 600 T Service Manual

Extracted text from Fisher 600 T Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2

CAUTION: This is a FISHER precision high-fidelity in-
strument. It should be serviced only by qualified personnel --
trained in the repair of transistor equipment and printed circuitry.


The following are needed to completely test and align modern high-fidelity
instruments such as amplifiers, tuners and receivers.

Test Instruments

Vacuum-Tube Voltohmmeter DC VTVM

Audio (AC) Vacuumfl'ube Voltmeter (AC VTVM)
Oscilloscope (Flat to 100 kc minimum)

Audio (Sinevwave) Generator

Intermodulation Analyzer

Sweep (FM) Generator (88 to 108 me)

Marker Generator

Multiplex Generator (preferably with RF output-

FlSHER Model 300 or equal).


Adjustable-Line-Voltage Transformer or
line-voltage regulator

Load Resistors (2)--8-ohm, 50«watt (or higher)

Stereo source (Turntable with stereo cartridge
or Tape Deck)

Speakers (2) Full~range, for listening tests

Soldering iron (with small-diameter tip).
Fully insulated from power line.


Many of the items below are included just as a re-
minder-they are normal procedures for experienced
technicians. Shortcuts can be taken but often they
cause additional damage-to transistors, circuit com-
ponents or the printed-circuit board.

Soldering-A well-tinned, hot, clean soldering iron tip
will make it easier to solder without damage to the
printed-circuit board or the many many circuit com-
ponents mounted on it. It is not the wattage of the
iron that counts-it is the heat available at the tip.
Low-wattage soldering irons will often take too long to
heat a connection-pigtail leads will get too hot and
damage the part. Too much heat, applied too long, will
damage the printed-circuit board. Some SG-watt irons
reach temperatures of l,OOOF-others will hardly
melt solder, Small-diameter tips should be used for
single solder connections-Iarger pyramid and chisel
tips are needed for larger areas.

a When removing defective resistors, capacitors, etc,
the leads should be cut as close to the body of the
circuit component as possible. (If the part is not being
returned for in-warranty factory replacement it may be
cut in halt-with diagonalcutting pliers-to make
removal easier.)

o Special de-soldering tiplets are made for unsolder-
ing multipleterminal units like IF transformers and
electrolytic capacitors. By unsoldering all terminals at
the same time the part can be removed with little
chance of breaking the printed-circuit board.

- Always disconnect the chassis from the power line
when soldering. Turning the power switch OFF is not
enough. Power-line leakage paths, through the heating
element, can destroy transistors.

Transistors~-Never attempt to do any work on the

transistor amplifiers without first disconnecting the

AC-power Iinecord-wait until the power supply filter-
capacitors have discharged.

- Guard against shorts-it takes only an instant tor
a base-to-collector short to destroy that transistor and
possibly others direct-coupled to it. [in the time it
takes for a dropped machine screw. washer or even
the screwdriver. to glance otl a pair of socket terminals
(or between a terminal and the chassis) a transistor
can be ruined]

u DO NOT bias the base of any transistor to, or near,
the same voltage applied to its collector.

- DO NOT use an ohmmeter for testing transistors.
The voltage applied through the test probes may be
higher than the base-emitter breakdown voltage of the

Output Stage and Driver-LReplacements for output
and driver transrstors, if necessary, must be made from
the same beta group as the original type. The beta
group is indicated by a colored dot on the mounting
flange of the transistor. Be sure to include this in»
formation, when ordering replacement transistors.


0 If one output transistor burns out (open or shorts),
always remove all outpUt transistors in that channel
and check the bias adjustment, the control and other
parts in the network with an ohmmeter before insert-
ing a new transistor. All output transistors in one
channel will be destroyed it the base-biasing circuit
is open on the emitter end.

a When mounting a replacement power transistor be
sure the bottom of the flange, the mica insulator and
the surface of the heat sink are free of foreign matter.
Dust and grit can prevent perfect contact. This re-
duces heat transfer to the heat sink. Metallic particles
can puncture the insulator and cause shorts- ruining
the transistor.

9 Silicone grease must be used betweenthe transistA
or and the mica insulator and between the mica and
the heat sink for best heat conduction. Heat is the

greatest enemy of electronic equipment. It can shorten
the life of transistors, capacitors and resistors. (Use
Dow-Corning 003 or C20194 or equivalent compounds

made for power transistor heat conduction.)

0 Use care when making connections to speakers and
output terminals. Any frayed Wire ends can cause
shorts that may burn out the output transistors-they
are direct-coupled to the speakers. There is no output
transformer- nothing to limit current through the tran-
sistors except the fuses, To reduce the possibility of
shorts at the speakers, lugs should be used on the
exposed ends-at least the ends of the stranded wires
should be tinned to prevent frayed wire ends. The
current in the speakers and output circuitry is quite
high. Any poor contact or small-size wire, can cause
power losses in the speaker system. Use 14 or 16 AWG
for long runs of speaker-connecting wiring.

DC-Voltage Measurements-These basic tests of the
transistor circuitry are made without the signal gener-
ator.without any signal input measure the circuit volt-
ages-as indicated on the schematic. The voltage
difference between the base and the emitter should
be in the millivolt range-.a sensitive DC meter is
needed for these readings. A low-voltage range of lvolt,
full scale-or lower-is needed.

Audio-Voltage (gain) Measurements-The schematic
and printed-circuit board layout diagrams are used.
input signals are injected at the proper points-found
most quickly by using layout of the printed~circuit
board instead of the schematic. Ari AUDIO (AC) VTVM
connected to the test points should indicate voltages
close to those values shown in the boxes on the sche-*
matic. Many of the signal levels in the input stages
are only a few millivolts-they can not be read on the
AC ranges supplied on most Vacuurrflube AC/DC Volt.
ohmmeters (VTVMs). Even wrth a l-volt range a signal
level of 100 millivolts (.1 volt) will be the first 1/10
of the meter scale. A reading of l millivolt (.001 volt)
will hardly even move the meter needle.

Page 21






. R309
3.3K Z 3.3K

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mag ngfi H gig:
n: W e---va-o


3R . .
- - - - I
so em ~
3K 330 _
R325 3. A f.

, . c320 . m


T _P
. 6 8K
l K

3+ AUD|°- 200 KC -
z |
I -. ZOO KC .-
, I
3* |
at \
:, 1 I
l . I t
.4 _l
MUTlNG l J_ . MUT'me no _ i
= = i METER : +i4v 2 = =' f \
Q30l 0302 0303 0304 0305 new 0303
2N2654 2N2654 2N2654 2 2554 2N2654 2N2924 2N2924 '
c c c c c c c c
a B B , 3 1i, 3 B 3
E E E V E E E g
+9.6v +9.6V +9.6V , _H mm ?
g FIGURE 4. a.

INS 292 '
nect scope vertical input to point M1 on the

amplifier board and adjust the top core of 2303

2-Connect 6Q TVM across 0324(rati0detector iilte

NT G 1M intenance
IF ALIGNME ( enera a ) Use 100K:aesistor in series with each lead-D

Set selector switch to FM MONO. MONO pushbutton

depressed. HIGH FILTER. LOW FlLTEE and MUTING NOT $01451er VTVM. maximum gain and curve like that in Figure 5. fr F!
switches OFF" out osition . VOLUM to lowest out- 3-Ad'ust Z303/1304 bottom cores and 2305 to an > - «
._ s l tion a us nera or ou u urin ai nmen o e ,
1 imfifet ZX§§§c§§§eir§t$§ofiif§nué tl'thgeS1|.nCLonanect DCJ mgr: zading beEween 4 agnd 555 volts. en disturbed or components replaced. . 20° KC insu:
scope input and DC VTVM (through diode Probe- 4-Connect Dc; TVM and scope to diode probe (as nnect DC VTVM to point M1 on the lF board FM. GU: 5- . .
Fig. 1) 0 lead 0 COHECtOF Of 0303. and ground. Step l-General Maintenance alignment, above) ignal generator (with two 120»ohm composition km:
NOTE: The connection between the lead of the 1K re 5-Connect swéfgp generator to point 3A of IF amp istors in series with the leads) to the 300vohm
sistor and the diode probe must be as Short as POSSIble- fier boar ' djust top and bottom cores of ZS ema tem'mls- «2.5350. Mm
2-Adjust front-end Z751 (top and bottom) for maxi- and 230' d bottom core of Z303 for maximu generator and tuner dials to 90 mc. Adjust the
mum gain and a symmetrical curve (Fig. 2). Keep gain anfl fisymmetrical curve. (Figure 2.) Adju illator corl (L754) COre'leSt -then adiu5t_RF f1
generator output as low as possible. generator output during alignment to keep D is (L753, L752) for maXImum DC VTVM reading.
3-Connect scope input to the left or right RQDR out- VTVM reading between -0.5 and -2 volts. generator and toner dials to 106 me. First ad- il
put jack. Ratio detector curve 5h°md be k5 3 6-Connect swefi'ep-generator output lead to the insu t the oscillator trimmer (C764) and then theRF :
In Fig. 3- ation ofthefimire going to TP 751 (front-end):Adju mm ((2757, C753)» is!

peat steps 2 and 3 several times until calibra-
n is accurate when VTVM reading Is maximum.

, so as little generator output as possible.

lt generator and tuner dials to 98 mo. Adjust an-
na cull (L751) for maximum DC VTVM reading. FIGURE 3

and bottom for maxrmum ai a
IF ALIGNMENT (After part replacement) Ial curve or: scope. Generatgr gutp

. , . . , c
Use same SWitch positions as above. be adjusted duing alignment to keep D
1-Connect 10.7 mc generator output lead to the col- VTVM readings between -O.5 and -1.5 volts.
lector of 0303. DO NOT use AM or FM modulation. response curve should now be like that in Figure