Fisher 600 Owners Manual
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Extracted text from Fisher 600 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
The Man Behind the Product
_ "an nsnen
Fonda and Im-Horn.
FEM Radio Corporation
WENTY-TWO YEARS AGO, Avery Fisher introduced Americas first high fidelity
radio-phonograph. That instrument attained instant recognition, for it opened
a new era in the faithful reproduction of records and broadcasts. Some of its
features were so basic that they are used in all high fidelity equipment to this day.
The engineering achievements of Avery Fisher and the world-wide reputation of
his products have been the subject of descriptive and biographical articles in
Fortune, Time, Pageant, The New York Times, Life, Coronet, High Fidelity,
Esquire, The Atlantic, and other publications. Benefit concerts for the National
Symphony Orchestra in Washington and the Philadelphia Orchestra, demonstrat-
ing recording techniques, and the great advances in the art of music reproduction,
used FISHER instruments both for recording and playback, to the enthralled
audiences. FISHER equipment formed the key part of the high fidelity demon-
stration at the American National Exposition in Moscow, July 1959.
The FISHER instrument you have just purchased was designed to give you many
years of pride and enjoyment. If you should desire information or assistance on
the performance of your FISHER, please do not hesitate to write directly to
Avery Fisher, President, Fisher Radio Corporation, Long Island City 1, New York.
21-21 44th Drive
Long Island City 1, N. Y.
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Page 2
WITH your purchase of a FISHER instrument you have completed a chain
of events that began many months ago, in our research laboratories. For
it is there that the basic concept of the equipment you have acquired came into
being-its appearance, its functions, its quality of performance.
But the end step-your purchase-is merely a beginning. For you and your
family, it will provide years of musical pleasure. The FISHER is from its
inception designed to give long and trouble-free service. Some of the instru-
ments we made twenty-two years ago are still in use today!
It is our continuing desire that your FISHER give you always the best per-
formance of which it is capable. If you need our assistance at any time toward
that objective, we are always at your service.
Many hours have been spent by our engineers and technical writers to create
this instruction book for your guidance and enjoyment. If you want the most
out of your FISHER, there is only one way to obtain it. With the equipment
before you, please read this booklet carefully. It will be time well-spent.
FISHER FIRSTS -~Mi|estones In Audio History
1! First high fidelity sound .sntems featuring a ' ISM First moderately-priced, professional FM Tuner
beam-power amplifier, inverse feedback. acous- with Two meters.
tic speaker compartments (Inilmte battle and "55 first Peak Power indicator in high fidelity.
bass "."el and magnetic cartridus- 1355 First Master Audio control Chassis with live-
1531 Flrrgtmeircluswezlywirdplrtygltlrtytunerfleaturlng position mm"; laclllties.
4mm: . eye: 9 . .
rear First two-unit nigh fidelity system with separate "55 5 mm" mm "m1 9'4 5'
ter audln controls and sell-powered preamplifier.
59 °"°" 155: First to incorporate Power Monitor in a home
was First coaxial speaker system.
. amplifier.
is: Fri": IJ'lm flail? turéer vtildtd'r amplified "0' 195 First Ali-Transistorizod amplifier-Equalizer.
'5 '3' "3 .V - me First dual dynamic limiters in an FM tuner for
133! first :Hvay Speaker to a high fidelity system. home use.
139 first CE'Iter-quchanflel TWIN! 'mmor- , use First Performance Monitor in a nun quality
is First Preamplrtter- Equalizer with selective pho- mine; for home "5.,
WP ""lllmlm 155: First Fla-Nil tuner with two meters.
134. First Dynamic flange Expander with feedback. 155 First complete graphic response curve Indicator
me First FM-AM Tuner with variable AFC. for bass and treble.
1952 first so-Vutt, nil-triode amplifier. 1951 First Gold Cascade FM Tuner.
Ilsa First self-powered Master Audio Control. 1m first MlcmRzy Tuninz lam-salar-
1553 first self-powered, electronic sharp-cut-oit fil- rest First Stereophonic Radio-Pnnnograrm with Max-
ter system Ior high fidelity use. netic Stereo Cartridge
up: First Universal Horn-Type Speaker Enclosure for 1959 First high-quality stereophanic Remote Control
any room luation and any speaker. system.
53 First Fill-AM Receiver with a cascade Front End. 1959 First complete stereoplwnic Flu-AM Receiver (FM-
1954 First low-cost electronic Mixer-Fador. AM tuner. audio control, lib-watt amplifier).
season 69
IM-AM Receiver
THE FISHER Model 600 is a complete stereophonic FM-AM tuner, stereo audio
control and dual-channel power amplifier-all on one integrated chassis. Only
the speakers need be added to permit the 600 to function as a high-fidelity sound
system for the reception of standard FM or AM programs or for FM-AM stereo
In addition to playing FM and AM radio programs, the 600 can also be used as
the stereo control center and stereo amplifier for the reproduction of phonograph
records and tapes. Any type of record changer or player, tape deck or tape re-
corder may be operated with the 600 Receiver, either monophonioally or stereo-
phonically. Provision is also made for plugging a multiplex adaptor into the 600
for receiving FM multiplex stereo broadcasts.
In stereophonic sound systems, the live sound characteristics of direction and
depth are made possible by the use of two separate sound sources reproduced
through two separate sound channels. Stereophonic programs are recorded by two
microphones, placed in different sections of the orchestra, so that they can hear
the music as we do-with two ears. What is picked up by each microphone
is then transmitted over separate channels of a stereo broadcast, or is recorded
separately and independently on the record or tape.
The two components of a stareo broadcast are picked up independently by
separate tuners or tuner sections and amplified in separate channels to drive
speaker systems placed at selected points in the listening area. The output of a
stereo cartridge or stereo tape is similarly fed through independent amplifier
channels to separate speakers to achieve the same results.
The effect of this separation of sound is that instruments originating at the
left side of the orchestra are heard predominantly in the speakers located to
the listeners left, while instruments located on the right side are heard predom-
inantly in the speakers to his right. This produces a sense of presence at a live
orchestra] program.
Stereophonic programs are now available regularly through FM-AM, FM-FM,
or FM multiplex broadcasts as well as on records and tapes. When used with the
appropriate associated equipment, the 600 Receiver will permit you to utilize all
of these stereo program sources.
Instructions for installing and operating the 600 Stereo Receiver are contained
in this book. It will be to your advantage to read this hook carefully, now. You
will find the information it contains extremely helpful. The few minutes you spend
reading these instructions will bring you far greater enjoyment than if you had
plunged right into using the equipment wiflaoul this information. A quick-reference
check list for operating the 600 after you have read the instructions appears in
Table I on page 4.
The 600 can be placed in nearly any location convenient to its use; for example,
on a table top or shelf near your favorite chair. It has also been designed for
sirnple installation in a custom cabinet, for which complete directions and diagrams