Fisher 560 Owners Manual

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Fisher 560 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Fisher 560 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2

THE FISHER Stereo Companion


THE FISHER Stereo Companion is a superb high fidelity remote amplifier and speaker
system housed in an unusually attractive furniture cabinet. it has been designed nape
cially [or use with THE FISHER Radio-Phonographa and Phoungraphs to complete your
stereophonic installation. it can also be used in any system requiring an amplifier-
apealter, and two may be used to complete a stereo system 0 any kind. Operation nl
THE FISHER Stereo Companion is completely remote. There are no controls, and only
two adjuattnentt to make. Physical placement oi the unit, and two plug-in connections
complete the installation.


in monaural high fidelity Iyatema. the reproduced sound he all the characteristic: oi
the original performance-with two exceptionl. There are direction and distanec. With
the advent oi ttercophonic high fidelity systems, all the characteristics of live wand are
now capable of being reproduced in the home or auditorium.

Reproduction of the live sound characteristics of direction and distance are mad» post
nihle hy the use of two sound sources and new sound channels. For example, two micro-
phones are placed belorn an orchestra no that they "hear" the music us we would. with
both care. What is picked up by each microphone is then recorded wpuratoiy and indo-
pcndently on record or tape, or broadcast I! a strrco radio program. The stereo program
it then reproduced through two separate sound channels. The Hound originally pichtd
up by the microphone on the right la used to drive a speaker syntcm on the right. while
the sound picked up by the speaker on the left simultaneously drives a aptaktt system
placed on your left.

The oflhctii'enrss til atereophonic gonad in achieving realism is much greater than
might be imagined on the basis of the simple explanation just given. The stereo system
actually spreads out the orchestra] sound in the same manner at it would emanate [tom
the stage. In other words. instruments located at center stage Ire heard at a point mid-
way between the speakers. The other orchestral instruments can be located accordingly
iron: left to right. This results in a malism and clarity never before possible in high
fidelity ayatems.


THE FISHER Stereo Companion operates on AL" only. The AC Power Cord should be
connected to an auxiliary AC receptacle on the chassis of the instrument with which it
is used. This receptacle is marked ALX ac on some FISHER instruments. and steam ac
on others. AC power is then furnished to the Stereo Companion only when the AC switch
on the main unit is turned on or oil.