Fisher 30 A Service Manual

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Fisher 30 A Service Manual

Extracted text from Fisher 30 A Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

SET 460


PHOTO FACT* Folder 30-A


TRADE NAME Fisher Model ZD-A (Serial 30001-39999 inclusive)

MANUFACTURER Fisher Radio Corp. . Zl-Zl 44th Drive. Long island City l. N. Y. 1'
TYPE SET AC Operated 4 Tube Audio Amplifier E.
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H 0 WA R D w. S A M S a: C 0.. I N c. Indianapolis 6, Indiana
The listing of any available replacement part herein does the particular type of replacement part listed. Repru- D
not constitute in any case a recommendation, warranty or duction or use, without express permission, of editorial or E
guaranty by Howard W, Sams & Col , inc. , as to the quality pictorial contentI in any manner, is prohibited. No patent S
and suitability of such replacement part. The numbers oi liability is assumed with respect to the use 0! the interma»
these parts have been compiled irom information tarnished tion contained herein. © 1959 Howard W. Sams 8: Co. , inc. , a,
to Howard W. Sams 8: Co. , incl _ by the manulacturers 01 indianapolis 6, lndiana. Printed in His. of America

DATE 10-59 SET 480 Ffllllill