Fender jaguar 1965 manual

This is the 10 pages manual for fender jaguar 1965 manual.
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fender jaguar 1965 manual

Extracted text from fender jaguar 1965 manual (Ocr-read)

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Your new Fender Instrument incorporates (e

53. finest workmanship and highest quality components

lg \ and is guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. As a Fender owner,

0 you can be proud and self-assured in the knowledge

,~\_ \ that you have the finest instrument that is possible to buy.
I. j I Many outstanding playing features and technical developments, well

known to string instrument players throughout the
world, have come from Fender research and are employed
» in the design and manufacture of this instrument As a
" sult, you are assured of receiving superior quality and lasting beauty.

It . : Further playing satisfaction will be realized through the
\ years by becoming thoroughly acquainted with its features. We
suggest you carefully read the instruction manual especially

prepared for your Fender Instrument If at any time you should have

a question concerning its adiustment, componets or other features,

consult this manual or contact your Fender Dealer or Fender Sales, Inc.