Fender champion 600
This is the 8 pages manual for fender champion 600.
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Extracted text from fender champion 600 (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Champion™ 600 (Thi s is the m odel nam e for warranty clai ms) 2 Jun e, 2007 IMPOR TANT NOTI CE - Copyri ght © 2006 FMI C. All rights reserved. All informatio n containe d he rein i s CO NF IDENTIAL and PROP RIETARY and is the prope rty of Fende r® M usical Inst rum ents Co rpo ration. It is not to be sol d or assign ed to anothe r p arty and i s disclo sed sol ely for u se by Fend er Authori zed Service Cent ers for pu rpo ses of produ ct servi ce and mai ntena nce. All information is not to be dis- clo sed to oth ers without th e expre ssed permi ssion of Fende r® Musi cal Inst ruments Co rporation. All spe cification s are subje ct to ch ang e wi thout no - tice. Thi s in formation an d any copi es pro duced electroni cally or othe rwise must be surrend ere d upon d eman d of Fende r® Musi cal Instru ment s Corpo ration. - Parts ma rked with two ast erisks ( **) indic ate the requi red use of that specifi c part. This is neces- sary fo r RELIABILITY and SAFETY req uirem ents. DO N OT US E A SUBSTI TUTE! PARTS LIST CODES The de scripti on co de s use d in the itemized Pa rts Li sts are d efined belo w: CAP ACITOR CODES CAP AE = Aluminum Electrolytic CAP CA = Cer ami c Ax ial CAP CD = Cer ami c Di sk CAP CR = Cer ami c Ra dial CAP MPF = Met alized Pol yester Film CAP MY = Mylar CAP PFF = Polyester Fil m/Foil RESIST OR CO DES RES CC = Carbon Com p RES CF = Carbon Film RES FP = Flame Proof RES MF = Met al Film RES MOX = Met al Oxide RES WW = Wire Wound HARD WARE CODES BLX = Blac k Oxide CR = Chr ome Plate d HW H = Hex Wash er Hea d M = Machi ne Screw NI = Nickel Plated OHP = Oval Head Phillip s PB = Partic le Board PHP = Pan Head Phillip s PHPS = Pan Head Phillip s Sem s SMA = Sheet Met al "A" Point SMB = Sheet Met al "B" Point SS = Stainless Steel TF = Thre ad Fo rmi ng ZI = Zinc Plated
Page 2
Champion™ 600 (Thi s is the m odel nam e for warranty clai ms) 3 SPECIFICA TIONS Model Name : Champion 600 Release Numbe r: PR 722 Part Numbers CHAMPION 600 120V 233-0100-000 CHAMPI ON 600 120V DS 233-0100-900 CHAMPI ON 600 110V TW DS 233-0101-900 CHAMPI ON 600 240V AUS DS 233-0103-900 CHAMPI ON 600 230V UK DS 233-0104-900 CHAMPI ON 600 230V ARG DS 233-0105-900 CHAMPI ON 600 230V EUR DS 233-0106-900 CHAMPI ON 600 100V JPN DS 233-0107-900 C\ HAMPION 600 220 V ROK DS 233-0109-900 Power Re quire ment: 25 W Fuses : F 1A, 250V for 1 00V versions F 1A, 250V for 1 20V versions F 500mA, 250V for 240V versions F 500 mA, 250V for 230V versions Input Sensi tivity: 25 mV (volume at maximum for full power Po wer Out put: 5W RMS into 4 ohms @ < 5 %THD, 1000Hz Impe dances Inp ut: >1M Ohms Speaker Compl ement: 6 , 4 ohm Dimensi ons Heigh t: 11 in (28 cm) Widt h: 12 in (12 cm) Dept h: 7.5 in (19 cm) Weight: 15 lbs ( 7 kg) Produ ct sp eci fication s are subj ect to ch ange without notice