Electro voice ap 2600 a asa owners manual
This is the 12 pages manual for electro voice ap 2600 a asa owners manual.
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Extracted text from electro voice ap 2600 a asa owners manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
Operating and Service Instructions for the Electra-Voice AP2600A Power Amplifier
Two amplifier models are
available. One model has a 50/60
Hz power transformer with two
120 V ac primary windings. These
windings may be wired in parallel
or series for operation at either
120 V ac or 220/240 V ac. The ot-
her amplifier model is for export
into countries where the ac line
voltage is 100 volts, 50/60 Hz. The
next two sections refer to the first
model with the dual 120 V ac pri-
mary windings.
1.1 120 V ac, 50/60 Hz
Power Connections
The amplifier is provided
with the primary of the power
transformer strapped for 120 V on
operation from the factory. Refer
to Figure 2a for the wiring details.
WARNING: Verify that the power
transfomers primary circuit
configuration is correct for the
intended ac line voltage BEFORE
applying power to the amplifier.
1.2 220/240 V ac, 50/60 Hz
Power Connections
The power transformer
has two 120 volt primary windings
which can be connected in parallel
for 120 V ac line voltages, or in
series to meet 220/240 V ac re-
quirements. Use the following
procedures to re-strap the primary
of the power transformer for
220/240 V ac applications.
1. Make sure the amplifier is
not connected to any pow-
er source.
2. Remove and save the
eleven screws securing the
top cover. There are three
screws on each side and
three along the top-rear
edge of the chassis. In
addition, you must remove
the two innermost screws
inset into the top bumper
strip. Refer to Figure 1 for
the exact screw locations.
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Figure 1 Top Cover Removal
3. Locate terminal blocks
TBI and T132 on the side
of the chassis near the
rear input PC board. Re-
connect the leads as
shown in Figure 2b.
4. Install the top cover with
the eleven screws pre-
viously removed. Two
screws are longer than the
others removed from the
sides and rear. These
longer screws install into
the rearmost position on
each side of the chassis.
5. Install a 5A fuse,
Littelfuse Type BAB
5N250V slo-blo 826-series
ceramic body or equiv-
2.1 Rack Mounting
The amplifier may he in-
stalled in a standard 19 inch
equipment rack. It requires 51/4
inches of vertical rack space and
secures to the rack cabinet with
the four rack mount screws and
cup washers provided in the hard-
ware kit.
2.2 Ventilation
The amplifier must be
adequately ventilated to avoid
excessive temperature rise. It
should not be used in areas where
the ambient temperature exceeds
60 6C (140 °F). To determine the
ambient air temperature, operate
the system in the rack until the
temperature stabilizes. Measure
the ambient air with a bulb-type
thermometer held at the bottom
of the uppermost amplifier. Do
not let the thermometer touch the
metal chassis because the chassis
Electra-Voice O a Mark IV Company