Dual HS 11 Service Manual

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Dual HS 11 Service Manual

Extracted text from Dual HS 11 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 5

Fig. 5 Auschaltplatte Hegelveratarker 36 W - U 23 (Bestflckungaselte)

Tnnsialnran Paunlioma'ur
T = BC 173 C P.I = Lautstérkeregler P3 = BaBregler
P2 = Balanceragler P4 = thenregler
Pam-Nu B.-Nr. Bezelchnunu pgné'fl g5; pDro
18 36W - U 23 Regelverstérker kpl. ............... 1 44.-
Ponntiometer um! Tranalatoran
P 1 4022/136 Tandem-Potenklomeler 2x 1,3 MOhm pos. log.
(Lautslfirkeregler) ................ 1 9.-
P 2 4022/1557 Polenllometer 500 kOhm lin. (Balanceragler) . 1 2.50
P 3 4022/138 Tandem-Polentlometer 2x 50 RON!) lin (BaBregler) 2 5.80
P 4 4022/138 Tandem-Potentlometer 2 x50 kOhm lin. (Héhenregler) . 2 5.80
T 1 4027/59 Transistor BC 173 Gr. C ............. 2 5.-
C 1 KC 47/50/20 Keramik-Kondensator 47 pF ............ 2 -.20
C 2 K 10000/100/10 Folien-Kcndenaatcr 10 nF ............. 2 -.25
C 3 K33000/100/10 Folien-Kondensetor 33 nF ............. 4 -.30
C 4 KTE 1/25 Tantal-EIyt-Kondansator 1 "F ........... 2 1.-
C 5 K33000/100I10 Folien-Kondensator 33 nF ............. 4 -.30
C 6 K100000/100/20 Follen-Kondensator 0.1 MF ............ 2 -.40
C 7 K 1500/400/10 Folien-Kondensator 1.5 nF ............. 2 -.25
C 8 K 15000/100/20 Folian-Kondensator 15 nF ............. 2 -.30
R 1 W47 K/0.3I10 Schlcht-Wlderstand 47 kOhm .......... 2 -.15
R 2 W 100 K/0,3/10 SChiChi-Widerstand 100 kOhrn .......... 2 -.15
R 3 W33 K/0,3/10 Schidwt-Wldarslend 33 kOhm .......... 2 -.15
R 4 W4,7 M/O,3/10 Sohlcht-Wlderstand 4.7 MOhm ......... 2 -.15
R 5 W18 K/0,25/1D Schicht-Widerstand 18 kOhm .......... 2 -.15
R 6 W10 K/O.3/IO Sd'xicht-Widerstand 10 kOhm .......... 4 -,15
R 7 W1 K/0.25/10 Schldu-Widersmnd 1 kOhm .......... 2 -.15
H 8 W10 K/0,3I10 Sehicht-Widerstand 10 kOhm .......... 4 -.15
Andorungen vorbchnlten Dre Nntierungen vomohon lich frelhlelbend nelto ab Wark mlt Ana-

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