Dual CDS 650 Owners Manual 3

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Dual CDS 650 Owners Manual 3

Extracted text from Dual CDS 650 Owners Manual 3 (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Information about the pick-up cartridge incorporated in your
"a Dual automatic turntable

Dual C08 650

This unit is equipped with the Dual stereo ceramic pick-up
cartridge C08 650, which can be supplied ex factory with the
following styli:

DN 6: 2 x 0.6 mil sapphire needle
for all microgroove and stereo records

DN 63: 0.6 mil sapphire needle
for all microgroove and stereo records

2.4 mil sapphire needle for normal records

DN 65: 0.6 mil diamond needle
for all microgroove and stereo records

DN 66: 0.6 mil sapphire needle
for all microgroove and stereo records

DN 67: 0.6 mil diamond needle
for all microgroove and stereo records

2.4 mil sapphire needle for normal records

Stylus type (e. 9. ON 6) is shown on needle bearing.
To place the stylus request in playing position, turn needle

by 180°.

For proper balancing of the tonearm
Technical datas (see operating instructions for your

Dual automatic turntable) the needle
Recommended stylus 'h _ l 052
pressure; 49 (35-459) prOteCtor (welg t approx'mate y '- g) Ioiichannoi (while)

should be removed from the pick-up immundwm) - E
Frequency range; 20 c.p.s. to 16 k.C.D.$. cartridge. _Lright ground (green) 5
Output: Minimum 65 mV/i cm/sec per righiChanneH'Bd) ~12 FE:

The novel snap-on mounting of this

channel at 1 k.c.p.s. (1 M 9/200 pF)
pick-up cartridge on the cartridge holder

Output difference eliminates all mounting hardware. The
between channels: Maximum 2 dB at1 k.c.p.s. snap-on mounting secures perfect geo-
. . Fig. 2
isolation between metrical alignment of the stylus tip.
channels: Approx. 22 dB at 1 k.c.p.s.
Removal of pick-up cartridge trom
Compliance: Horizontal 6 x10-6 cm/dyn mounting plate
Vertical 4.5 X 10-6 cm/dyn Remove complete pick-up head from the

. . tonearm and remove slip-on connectors

AC resustance: per ceramic element

from contact prongs of cartridge. Hold
the mounting plate with one hand and
pull down cartridge (Fig. 3).

approx. 160 k9 at 1,000 c.p.s.

Net weight: 3.8 g
Att ntion!
C08 650 e
4- | Stereo frequency response.cut-off resistance lMQ/ZOOpF_ The Stylus assembly ShOUId be removed
_ f Measuring record DIN55.DG recording 7 from the cartridge before mounting or
curve 5 DINLSSU. Stylus force Lg..record player.Duel 1210 f h , d h I Fig. 3
dB ' D i 0dB=rnin SSmV/crhs"ol1.5.'cutling angle = ZOC - removmg same ram t e can ge O '
.10 ' , - Pick-up cartridges with 1/2" standard
- J7 * 1 * é . mounting dimensions can be mounted
° - F: Lfi_ K792: - r T T T T T on the cartridge holder with conven-
-10 :_ a 1 tional mounting hardware.
5 l
.2 - .
"2° 8 k- i . i . Changing the stylus
.e ..___ :1 i- . .
30 g i F riflxmll After haVing removed the pick-up head
- fie ..._.... . . .. ig c nne ---
__ r>i (Hzl I turn the needle bearing by 90° as shown
.. _ f l l l [_ my in fig. 4. Now the needle can be changed
l l I I i
j Crosstalk as measured with test record DINLSSLI. 4* quite easily.
- - derived from transmitted voltage a Insert the needle in the same position
i l l H l l 4 i l l l l i and make sure that the needle bearing
1 2 L 6810' 2 A 6810 2 4 6810 2 4 6810 .
is properly seated in the cut-outs of the

Fig- 1 cartridge. Fig. 4