Dual Catalog 1975

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Dual Catalog 1975

Extracted text from Dual Catalog 1975 (Ocr-read)

Page 1

For the
finest in


75 7 Anniversary

Dual products 1975/76

Page 2

Contents Page

Turntables, Cassette Deck 3
Portable Record Players 14
Home Systems 17
Compact Systems 23
Technical Terms 24
Stereo and Quadraphonic Sound 30
Components 31

Speaker Systems 45
Cartridges 54

Accessories 55
Bases and Covers 56
Examples of Combinations 57

Technical Data - Speaker Systems 62
Technical Data - Amplifiers 63

Technical Data - Tuners, Receivers,
Compact Systems 64

Technical Data - Turntables 66
Technical Data - Home Systems 67

The Dual name is well-known on all con~
Make your sound system a Dual - the tinents. Known lor high manufacturing

equipment that gives you sound thats standards, technical precision and very Use this catalog as an introduction to Dual
absolutely true to the original. You'll find reasonable prices. This is confirmed by HiFi equipment and as a basis tor dis-

a periect chorce in every price range, for independent laboratory tests conducted by cussions with your dealer. Your dealer can
both stereo and quadraphonic sound. leading international audio publications, then given you additional information and
Because Dual offers a comprehensive, where year after year, Dual cqurpment also provide valuable listening demon
advanced selection of audio equipment: scores with the best product ratings. Ad- strations.

single units. complete systems. compo- vanced engineering principles and meti-

nents in all power output categories. culous inspection mean that from concept Dual Gebriider Steidinger

accessories . . . With almost limitless to tinished product, a Dual is made for 0-7742 St. GeorgeniSchwarzwald

possibilities for system combinations. true~to~lite sound reproduction. Federal Republic of Germany

Page 13

The Dual 701 surpasses the requirements
in DIN 45 500 for HiFi home studio

Page 18

Dual P 55 Portable Record Player
Dual P 60 Portable Stereo Record Player


Dual P 55

Portable record player with Dual 1220
automatic turntable and Dual CBS 660
ceramic cartridge. Complete with four-
stage, 6 watt transistor amplifier; built-in

6 watt wide range speaker; loudness
compensation; separate bass and treble
controls; connection jack for tape deck or
separate stereo amplifier; speaker output
jack and switch contact for switching off
the built-in speaker.

Charcoal finish case with metal grille. cord
compartment and retractable carrying

Dimensions: 373 x160 x 415 mm (W x H x D)
Weight: 8.9 Kg

Technical data: Page 67

Dual P 60

Portable stereo record player with Dual 1224
automatic turntable and Dual CBS 660
ceramic cartridge. Unique styling, with
speakers also forming the lid of the unit.
Complete with four-stage. 6 watt stereo
transistor amplifier; two speakers. each
with one 6 watt wide range speaker;
loudness compensation: separate bass and
treble controls; balance control: stereo/
mono switch; connection for tape deck;
front panel headphone jack.

Charcoal finish case with metal grille, cord
compartment and retractable carrying

Dimensions: 370 x 188 x 335 mm (W x H x D)

Weight: 10.2 Kg

Technical data: Page 67


Page 21

Dual HS 130 Stereo Home System


Dual H5130 walnut linish

Dual HS 130 W white enamel

Compact stereo home system with

Dual 1224 automatic turntable. Complete
With 2 x 6 watt amplifier; 2 Dual CL 101
speakers (page 46); Dual H 14 cover.
DimenSIons (with cover):
357x180x325mm (WxHxD)

Weight (With cover): 7.5 Kg

Dimensions of speakers:

each 197 x 300 x105 mm (W x H x D) For the Dual HS 130 W in white enamel.
Weight: each 1.8 Kg the speakers are supplied with matching
grille colors (as illustrated on page 18).

- 4-stage stereo transistor amplifier

- Input selector switch for phone. tuner. For expanding the Dual HS 130 stereo
and tape or cassette deck home system into a full HiFi stereo system.

- Built-in speaker matrix with quadra- the Dual CT 8 all-band tuner is recom-
phonicistereo selector switch mended - description on page 40. The

~ Connection jacks for 4 speakers for units match each other in both perfor-
quadraphonic reproduction mance and styling.

- Dual 1224 automatic turntable -
description on pages 4 and 66 Technical data: Page 67