Dual 1019 Owners Manual
This is the 15 pages manual for Dual 1019 Owners Manual.
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Extracted text from Dual 1019 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
DUAL 1019
Page 2
Duly. hall-u .......... insida flout COVOf
You may lind this a most unusual instruction manual . , l because it is ahout a
most unusual rcenrd playing instrument. There are \0 many design and oper-
ating leaturcs to Ihc Dual IOI 9 that we have taken this oppununity to show and
describe all of them to you . . .just in caxc you may have overlooked some of them.
Dynamically balancod toneann with
N' f , , , h n h direct-dial atylua lclce adjust ........ 2
4 aw. I )ntt .Iri. impatient to get .sct up. Just open I ts .tp w Ln. you. y see a "At-homo" demon-trauma ---------- 3
phntngruph ol the [UN thh each feature Illustrated and described, lhcn turn . k >
to page X when: the procedures for installation begin m" ""9 °°"V°""°" ---------
. . . , . Auto/manual Cua~Conhol ........ .. 5
But if you an uait a ten minutes. we suggest you familiarize yourself WIIh the Pitch-Control . . _ Ehumhmuon
ltll9's many operating features. beginning on page 2. paying particular attenA
tinn tn the highly advanced anti-skating compensation and Cue-('ontrul. A.» yuu
will we, there is far more to the Dual lUI9 than could ever meet the eye.
changer Ipindll . . . dynamically-
balanced platter . . . concave mat aur-
, taco t . t Continuous-Polo motor , . ,
When you are tn the mood to show all to your friends. this manual may alan
, acouati'c hadback sllininatad ....... 6-7
mm: in handy.
(loud luck and good listening. Insulation hat-cums .. .8-9
"IV" mm
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