Denon DBP 1610 Service Manual

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Denon DBP 1610 Service Manual

Extracted text from Denon DBP 1610 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

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2 DBP-1610 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The fo ow ng check shou d be performed for the cont nued protect on of the customer and serv ce techn c an. LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK Before return ng the un t to the customer, make sure you make e ther (1) a eakage current check or (2) a ne to chass s res stance check. f the eakage current exceeds 0.5 m amps, or f the res stance from chass s to e ther s de of the power cord s ess than 460 kohms, the un t s defect ve. LASER RADIATON Ca t on - C ass 1M v s b e and nv s b e aser rad at on when open. Do not v ew d rect y opt ca nstruments. CAUTION Please heed he points listed below during servicing and inspection. Heed the cautions! Spots requ r ng part cu ar attent on when serv c ng, such as the cab net, parts, chass s,etc., have caut ons nd cated on abe s. be sure to heed these caus ons and the caut ons nd cated n the hand ng nstruct ons. Caution concerning electric shock! (1) An AC vo tage s mpressed on th s set, so touch ng nterna meta parts when the set s energ zed cou d cause e ectr c shock. Take care to avo d e ectr c shock, by for examp e us ng an so at ng transformer and g oves when serv c ng wh e the set s energ zed, unp ugg ng the power cord when rep ac ng parts, etc. (2) Tere are h gh vo tage parts ns de. Hand e w th extra care when the set s energ zed. Caution concerning disassembly and assembly! Through great care s taken when manufactur ng parts from sheet meta , there may n some rare cases be burrs RQ WKH HGJHV RI SDUWV ZK FK FRX G FDXVH QMXU\ I

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3 DBP-1610 DIMENSION s 300.4 225 183 309.3 62.2 (2) 70 (91) 46.5 140.8 (139) 435 342 15 106