Denon Professional Audio Component 1978 Catalog

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Denon Professional Audio Component 1978 Catalog

Extracted text from Denon Professional Audio Component 1978 Catalog (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Professional Audio Component

Page 2

Power Amplifier, integrated Amplifier

mentary ICL OCL, producing a wide band, low distortion, and high S/N
ratio. 0 A stable DC mm of 1.6 mVl°C. - Exceptional damping factor of
200. a Highly stabilized constant voltage circuitry use in the first stage
power section, oversizad capacitor 88,000 uF. left and right independent

tra nsfonner.

nma output [Both channel drfvonl:

sum Irlnlil1nr,DC power man."

aux-mutt: «9t: rooWrrmm-chcn-nn-t
nth-anion or: asWrmm-uh charm!-
to ill rated output]: 20 Hz. mu 0.069310 in: ones
lntormodurlthn Illllofliort
. m3 Am Powerbondwldtrc aux? mum
POA 1 Power plifi. . . . Fumonovreeponoo: or: room +oaa. ldB
FDA-1003 was introduced to do away with unnecessary decoration wtth .m.m.nw,~m mm: lVrmsJEOkD
the sole object of listening to MUSIC. Simple In design, wrth no dtstonton. It omnnImm-nula-mpm factor: 0.0mm in or
offers quick rospondng transparent sound by providing circuitry for DC 3" Mk" SHRIMP
amplifiers Left and right completely moneural constitution Either side is mm mime m"
, ' . . . . . lowerewpfylndpowtconaumptlan: AC1EVINHIEOW
provrded wtth art excessrve power cwcutt, highly accurate peek meter acmmvsmom
allowing ultra wide, and low distortion. nan-uh": trotWixzootmx zasrormm
wow: Illa

0 DC power amplifier with features of cascade coupling at the first stage
low noise FET differential amplifier, a stage of current mirror differential
amplifier with emitter follower predriver, bipolar type power transistor of a
class with a collector loss of 1) W in a novel circuitry of pure comple-

POA-IW1 Power Amplifier

Ueualiy, for large output power amplifiers. a large number of power tran-
sistors are used in parallel, making it difficult to bring out its characteristics.
POA-fmt, for the first time, was able to realixe 100 W +100 W by a single
push-pull. proving that good sound reproduction is an absolute condition,

a To the last stage transistor, which constitutes a decisive factor in the per-
formance of a power amplifier, a newly developed blpolar power transrstor

PMA Integrated Amplifier

A new series of DENON amplifiers, incorporating a wide dynamic range,
low noise MC amplifier. it reaches the highest class in the most lun-
damental characteristic of amplifiers both in distortion factor and SIN
separation. By coupling all stages with a pure complementary circuit from
MC amplifier to power amplifier using both PNP. NPN transistors, an ultra
low distortion rate of 85 W +5 W was achieved. 0 An DC power amplifier
placing importance on a quick build-up characteristic by incorporating. a
new amplifying element. Distortion factor less than 0.0l% (20 Hz - 20 kHz).
0 Toroidal core power transformer which has an independent coil for left
and right channels for exceptional regulation. a Employment of an ultra low
noise transistor permits a high S/N ratio, heed amplifier for MC type car-
tridge (74 dB lHF-A). and equaiiler amplifier (39 dB lHF-A). a Provided
with direct couple switch for direct connection of equalizer amplifier and

with a collector loss of 150 W was used after making every possible im-
provement in the switching characteristics. 0 Balance drive system by 2-
stage differential amplifier current mirror circuit. 0 Independent left and
right power transformers. rectified circuitry, completely monaurai con-

stitution. I Oversized capacitor 88M!) uF. - Oversized heat sink.


loud om float moi mi:
I fix- I It"! H 9):
I H: - z: IIHI 5' Q]:
Intarmoduutien Common
Fm r-poncl:
Input mahlvfty/thllrnpldllet
Outputlrnnllnellhmph' factor:
II" mid:
Power Italy and power con-eruption:


Sine" lrutflllmt. DC pow" amplifier

IWWmllllch :hlnnd
zero-20km; 0.0596






power amplifier. 0 A unique design of two tone color, imparting a sense

of high class structural gaca.

PM lmplfflaraoction
Rflld om (Huh Mull 1m]:
1 It": "END. 0. fill
20 N: to I in: MD. [01%| 9):
Homeric distortion let rated output.
29 N! to atom:
Inmddnbn domino
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Power bmdwlh
I'm E's-mm driven. I9]:
matey m tn as w mm.
-1 GI):
Input minim/hadn't
m If: m an kffll:
OinM Immcl
llflll to who nth Ill-IF. A network It
Input terminal Ihortodl:
7!. lupllflor lmhn
Rated omllrnpadonoe
Input Ilndthmvlhlpodmo:
RIM dovhtbn I20 Rx In a) IINXJ:
Mllflmm filo-VIN! Input FHDNO
Yur- comrui "Outlay moor-u.
Paw-r WEI;

min-tram. Weight:

All um um corral-minty when nvmm
oc mutt

"OW ml! ltllchdtlvtd
Wm-luck chum-I

I. than 0.0|$

Lou than 0.02%

5 H! to IUD hf!

Slur tat-Ht *0 all, -Itta

I thwkg $105
Lesa til-t 0J6 9

:02 d3

I00 Hz tldB

flltHx xflflB


AC mxwvsowcom
mlmxlfilflilmluimm, Illtl

Page 8

Player, Cassette Deck

DP-IZN Direct Drive Player

The DP-1200 is provided with automatic arm lift for the ease of
operation without deteriorating its performance. The DP-l200 is a high
perlormance record player with the unique DENON technology
realized on such pans as the non contact type recordend sensor, the
adjustable tonearm height, the stand-by switch for starting after a
cueing, and howling prevention.

DP-m Direct Drive Player

A magnetic signal detecting system and high precision servo phon
motor is employed and uses a tonearm whose effective length is 24
m/m which is regarded as the longest in this class. 0 The greate:
consideration is given to the howling. e Insulator leg tor preventin
acoustic feedback. I Anti~skating mechanism


Drive-mam: Diect driv- by AC urvo motor

lpeed control: Frequency detection "No Intern

Speed: fillirprn. 46mm

spud lIflmNI range: cm 1 39s tp-ctm tam

Wow/mu: Len llten 0.0!! W rml

SIN rllIo: M7568 {DIN-B)

51ml". lhte: Ll lhln 1.5m [13 "erml

hum-He: Alurttmun alloy dteceat, N crrt film.
Moment oi inenia ol tea kg-cm
[including mutt-u. mall

Yoneerrrt typo: Static belencetvpe

Err-tam latent: zu mm

Clv-Vtm 14mm

Aceepteble welgttc-wldga: 5g- ll 9

out: Oildltrtnlfl avllem



AC m/m/zwv some Ht. lZOVOONz, I7w
destw; x 1mm xasotmmm, l7 kg

Drive lyltlm:

Speed unmet:


lpeed eflIuIt-ble range:

SIN ratio:

aura" lint-z
TUMMHO. Welfltl:
Tune In Yype:
Eflealvo iengtn:

Acceptable welght or cartridge:

Power nutty:

Power oen-urnptlon:
Dill-labile, wow:

Dlren drive by AC larva motor

Servo lvltem with ttoqtuncy detection
318mm. 46mm

13% ellpeeifiedepeed

Lruth-t 0.01395 IW mu)

M75dl (DIN-l)

Leather: 1.8m

Aluminum alloy diet-t dimter 300mm, It
SIlIir. belencelype



so , ll 3

flit demoed emem

AC Elm/240V so/eoI-u, IEVM N!

(W1X17UIHIX «(Dimrm 10.7kg

DIE-750 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck

DENON has researched on better tonal quality through a tape trans-
port mechanism, the head, and the amplifier to design the DR-750
cassette tape deck. The tonal quality depends on the characteristics
and the construction of the tape transport mechanism and the head.
Recording and playback head consist of unique Sendust tip
developed by DEMON, so that it records with a wider dynamic range
together with a superior recording linearity and the lowest distortion
at a high level. Combined with the DENON high quality head, model
DRv750 achieved an excellent tonal quality and the performance of
tape transport which is superior to a 3-head system.


Typo: Huck Zthertnel stereo c-aette tape deck
Dahv no'ee reducinrt wltem

Motor: DC zotue- motot l pc.
DC governor motor I pc.

TI Iplld: 4,3 cut/sec

Wow/Mn: Le- than 0.046% W rml

F-t Mold time: Approx. 70 let: {:60 line)
Felt rewind lime: Approx. 70 let: chO tape)

1 I Sendull lip Invite
Better than 36 8 (l kle
Ellie! Inn 0563 (I kai
Better than S d! (COIN. W mini
anlhy NR SW 0N C10. Ilpa I ItHzi
Cl. apex Hl~ llm Hz :SdB
LH up! 35 H14 IEW H1 :3 63
AC HOV/MHZ, mtmtzwv some HZAJW
IISIWIX 303 lle 226m) mm, l2.5|tg

Frequency reeportca:

Power Iuppty. Consumption:
Dlrnerlllona, Weight:

DP-755 Consists ot phone motor and wooden cabin:

on-aso Stereo Cassette Tape Deck

In the DENON stereo cassette deck, an emphasis is placed on a tape
transport system and on an optimum recording performance which
are the basic performance of the tape deck. And adequate coun~
termeasure against operational fault and the protection of tape is
provided by permitting ease of operation. The accuracy at the cas-
sette holding position is increased, and self-centering hub drive
assures a tape transport with a high precision.


Tran: I track Z-chennel stereo ceaeetle deck, Dolby
noiae leducuon system

Mater. Electrtcal control DC motor

Tape one: 1.! uni-e:

Wow/nutter: Lees than 0.055% W m

Felt forth/ltd urn-z Awml. 96 Ier: In IIDI)

Fan rewind time: Appma. 75 sec [cm tape)
Mud: NIP: Nani Demullflv

Erase: Double gee Mort ninety t-nrt.
Channel IID'IIIMI Bette! Ihlt 1) Li! I! RN!)
Crflwk: Better than 58d! II szi

SIN mlo: letter mm M 68 (CCIH W rlml

IDOIWNR SW ON CrO. tape I kid!)
'1 up! 35Hx~ IEMNHQJGBI

From-Icy reap-tau:

Power prty, AC rat was H1
mznmo v 5on in
NW maumpflort: WW

Dhmlbfllw-l'fl: mlWlxluihlxmtnimme