Decca 717 service manual
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Extracted text from decca 717 service manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Elemlczl and Ridio Trading, October 11, I967
VOLIDSTATE stereogram covering
long and medium waves and FM,
VHF. It has push-button \Iavechange
and mono/stereo selection and dual-
conoenrric Volume controls for channel
Mains. 200-250V SOC/s.
Wavebands. MW 187-.3-S7lm. (1600-
526kc/S), LW 1150-2006m. (261-l50kc/s),
VHF 87.5-101mc/s.
Transistors. TRl AFISO FM RF am-
plifier, TRZ AFHS FM use, and mixer,
TR} AFII4 AM mixer and FM 1F
amplifier, TR4 AH 14 IF amplifier, TRS
AFIM IF amplifier, TR6/TR7 AC156
prcamplifiers, TR8/TR9 AC165 pre-
drivcrs. TRIOiTRl3 AC166 drivers,
TRll/TRIZ ACI68 drivers. TRl4/
TRIS/TRlfi/TRH AC177 outputs.
Diodes. DI OA79 AM overload clamp,
DMD} OA79 FM ratio detectors, D4
0A70 AM detector, D5 SFD107DC
blocking diode, D6/D7/D8/D9 AAIZO
hias compensating diodes.
Westinghouse LTl23 HT
IFS. AM 472kc/s, FM 10,7mc/s.
Pilot lamps. Two 12V 0.1A.
Speakers. Two 8in., ZOohms.
Output. 3W per channel.
Aerials. Internal aerials for MW, LW
and VHF, Sockets for external aerials.
Record unit. Decca autochanger
Canridge. Sonotone l9T.
Styli. 78 191 sapphire (coded blue),
LP l9T diamond (coded green).
Sockets. Tape record, tape playback,
mains outlet, FM aerial, AM aerial.
Manufacturer. Decca Radio and
Service depanment. In gate place,
Queenstown Road, London SW8. Tel;
Macauley 6677.
Pickup height. Arm should be set to
clear a stack of ten record: by ad:'
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