Concept speaker brochure

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concept speaker brochure

Extracted text from concept speaker brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

The Ultimate in
Sound Reproduction

Page 2


Conceptithe result or a concerted
effort to desrgri a line Of loudspeakers
wrtrlout Compromise in any area. Every
detail, Jrorn the rich cabinetry to the
smallest internal component has been
carerutly thought out and erarred by a
distinguished and specialized team of
oesrgners and production engineers The
flnal products are instruments that Will
satisly the most discerning audiophile

There are three Concept Constanl
Energy speakers, expressions or the
same design philosophy The more ex-
pensive Concept models are designed ror
those who need higher Sound levels over
a wloer ireduency range and have the
space to aocorrrodale their ample dimene
slons; yet the three Concepts are far
more alike than dlflerent in technology
and sound.

Experience the calm authority or Cone
cept now, Look at it, operate it and most
of all, listen to It You'll find the least ex-
pensive Concept Wlll prove more exclting
than the best competing model.

In Search oi Design Excellence

As we pertecteo high-technology
electronics we became acutely aware ot
the imperlections inherent in exlstlng
loudspeakers. Our goal was to create
speakers whose perrorrnance would
equal that of the finest amplifiers, To
achieve our deslgn goal we llrst exam
ined all speaker technology existing or In
development. lt became clear that the
most serious llaws were in the reproduc-
tion ol crltlcal mid and high lrequencies
Even some speakers that tested flat failed
to create a convincing lllusion or either
the music or the space Sulloundlng it We
needed a new tecnnology

New Technology lmpmves High

Tests lndicated that the Hell Air-
motion l'ransrormeriM was the superior
transducer, theoretically capable or Cone
slant Energy propogation over a very
Wide range Further development resulted
in two reflrled working versions, surprise
tngly close to the theoretical ideal The
Constant Energy Hell driver produces
sound in a totally unique manner The at?
tual radiating diaphragm is a pleated
sheet or very thin, nearly weightless
plastic rilrn. Conducting strips or 0.7 mil
(00001) aluminum are bonded to ll and
the whole diaphragm ls contained and
focused wlthln the poles ot a powerful 65
lb (2 95 kg) rragnet assembly

consonl Energy heir diaphragm Nea'ly
weightless rh squeezing errorrlessry produces
air motion over 5 iirries greater than rherr
own morerne-rl

When the electrical current of the
audio signal is oassed through the con-
ducting strips, the oiaprragrn pleats alterr
nately narrow and wrden at exactly the
same treouency As the pleats narrow, air
is squeezed (rather than pushed) out and
this air movement generates sound that lS
an exact analogy to the input, The COl'I
starlt Energy Hell driver ls remarkable
because it produces air rrloiiorl over this
times greater than is own moverrent,
easily transformlng a small movement rer
ourring little energy into a large move
ment of alr This high transformatlun
ratio" results in extraordinarily high elite
cieiicy and the extremey ltgrtiweignt
diaphragm gives the Concept near perlect
transient and frequency response

lhe diaphragm is ocuseo between he pales ara
bowerivl so pound magnet

Because the alurninurn conducting
strips cover over 50% of tre actual
radiating surface, the driving 'orce is
evenly applied, by contrast even the best
conventional tweeters are actually driven
over only a srnall fraction or their
radiating area and inevrtaoly exhibit phase
distortion and poor linearity The Hells
exceptlonal linearity arid lreedol'l'i lrom
coloration, corrplernented by its
unstrarned dynamic range. produce sou'io
wrth stunning clarity lt has the unique
ability to produce this dynamic range
without sacrilioing the small radiating area
necessary for broad drspersron or even
the highest frequencies Thus its clarity is
enhanced by a spaciousness and depth
rrllsslrlg in other speakers,

Polar resDonse curve at it) m2 concept 5 ultrerwlde
discersron assures saacrousness and depth tor an
uncanny sense or must and the space
surrounding it

Extraordinary Bass Response

To match the quality and elllclency
of the Constant Energy Hell driver Corie
cept speakers use powerlul wooters and
separate, larger maselooded passive
radiators Properly executed thls tech-
nlque enables Concept to achieve both
the pro'ourld bass prevrously associated
only with the linest loweei'leency air
suspension designs and the high efficlere
cy or very large vented or ported
enclosures Moreover this desrgn permits
a reduction ol the Size of the Wooler
cones so their motion ls less inhibted by
their mass and more easily controled by
the electrical Stgrlal 1he mass t'lat lm-
oedes woofer transrent response 0! Cone
Venlional speakers is used instead to
calibrate Concept passive radiators tor
bass reintorcement and Constant Energy
output below TOO HZ