Classe audio ca 401 brochure

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classe audio ca 401 brochure

Extracted text from classe audio ca 401 brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 2

Ruiz-4%! "1 02 "

Stereu Mono

@ 3 Ohms: +00 \\' 1601) W
@ 4 Ohm: 800 \\' 3200 \\'

Freq/long murmur:
IOHZ [0 20K: 1 0.1 dB

Z Volh in for rated output

Input Impedance:
lflK ohms

Output Impedance:
0.017 ()hm

20 dB

S/N Ratio:
1 35 dbi'

TI) 4» N:

Grossdi" x 30" x 37"
Net: 19.15 x 2}" x 1/1"

The Classé (Lt-{>01 was engi»
neered using the knowledge
gained from the devalopment of
the spectacular OMEGA Series.

Ye knew we were embarking on
a great adventure when we start-
ed the cost»no~harrier design
exercise which culminated in the
development of the OMEGA
Series of amplifiers and pream»
plifiers. Through the exeretse
we di overcd the revolutionary
OMEGA circuit designs. uitlt
the result that each product
in the OMEGA Series has no

sonic equal.

The (3401 benefits greatly
From a trickle-down of technol-
ogy and represents a long step
loruard in amplifier design.
Each channel of the amplifier is
balanced from input to output.
much like an OMEGA. and the
amplifier has an nverstzed,
extremely well regulated pnwcr
supply. again much like an

Because the (LA-401 is balanced
from input to output it has a
greatly enhanced signal to noise
ratio, lower induced common-
mode distortion, and freedom
from grounding problems.

Features and specifications:

The power supply of a CA--H)l
includes a massive, shielded
toroidal transformer and a large
number of small capacitors, \Vc
use larg- collections of small
capacitors lieeause they drain"
and refill very rapidly and
completely, supplying voltage
when required. A faster, cleaner
power supply allows us a higher
degree ofaeeurate voltage regu-
lation throughout the circuitry
This ensures that no matter
\\ hat program material is being
played at whatever level, the
voltages at the various stages
of amplification will remain

The Fast. oversized power
supply allows the amplifier to
deliver the full current and
voltage required to virtually any
load. The (::\-401 delivers
sound which is clean, liquid.
warm and elfonless, Imaging,
Will] the better recordings we all
enioy listening to, is both wide
and deep, In fact. imaging seems
real and human.


Classé Audio Ina. 50.70 l"raneuis~Cusson,
Lachine. Quebec, Canada RT [BS
Tel; (il-l) (tin-(15344 Fat: (ii-l) (66-1423