Classe audio ca 400 brochure
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Page 2
Features and specifications:
Stereo Mono
@ 8 Ohm load 400 W" [400 W
@ 4 Ohm load 300 \V 3400 \V
Frequency "span:
20112 to lilKllz : (Ll dl)
1.9 Volts in for rated output
l_"fl!'_ "'15?! m:
7 S K( )hm
Output lmpedantflgug
0.01 0h in
39.0: tlli
SIN Rnn'n:
l 37 tlbr
Pawn- consumption (idle):
350 \V
Standard finirbes:
Satin black or
soft shadow silver
Classé Audio, Inc. shares a
dream with its clients-the true
re-crention of a live perfor-
mance, Our devotion to the
creation of audit) and home
theater products of impeccable
quality is an approach that an
audiophile magazine recently
called a combination of art and
sctenee that exemplifies the hest
that high-end audio has to
offer. This remarkable achieve»
ment is reflected in our world-
wide reputation for unsurpassed
musical perloriiiance, reliability.
consistency, and overall value.
Classe's philwsophy' is one of
technological evolution. not
revolution. Building on what we
know works.
All Classe amplifiers share a
conunon, unique design. Each
model employs a massive.
shielded toroidal transformer to
power our sophisticated. high»
speed circuitry. in most high-
end amplifiers. this power is
sent to a small number of large
reservoir capacitors for distribution.
However, large capacitors are
olten slo in responding to
the rapidly fluctuating energy
demands of music, The
ingenious Classé solution uses a
large number of small capacitors
distributed throughout each
amplifier which are located in
close proximity to the circuim
they supply, The result is a light-
ning-quick response creating
fabulous dynamics coupled with
a more natural sound!
Microphonics, caused liy com-
ponent vibration and magnetic
interference from the passage of
electric current through them.
has plagued audio designers
since the beginningI of recorded
sound. isolation is the key. At
Classe, we begin with a unique
front-end circuit topology that
mechanically decouples \ihration-
sensitive components from all
sources (ilvihration. In addition.
our transformers have a shielding
case packed with a special
clamping material. and rest on a
specially designed plate to drau
magnetic fields away from the
Bl-lUl AR? .\l()SFF.'l~ _l-l"F.'li?
.\lost high-end amplifiers use
only one type of transistor. At
Cl .
unique sequence that makes the
most of their particular voltage
and input impedance charac<
teristics. In addition. we have
designed small hut highly cffii
cient extruded aluminum heat
sinks that disperse transistor
generated heat, ensuring maxi-
mum tiutput without distortion.
. we use all three in :i
r: ("1 Pi ri
Classt :\tit|io inc 5070 Francois-Ctissun,
Lachine. Quebec. (Ianada HST 183
Tel. (514)636-6384 Fax: (SI-l) 6304438