Casio fz 1 sample vision specific notes
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Extracted text from casio fz 1 sample vision specific notes (Ocr-read)
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Casio FZ-t/R-tOM/FZ-ZOM Sampler Specific Notes
Casio H-1/l-7-1OM/FZ-2OM
Wave Data
Sustain Leap
End Loop
SampleVlsion uses the same driver for the FZ-1 as for
the FZ-t 0M and the FZ-20M. We will refer to the sampler
as the H-1 here, meaning whichever unit you have.
Understanding of the following terms is vital to using the
F24 driver:
The recorded (sampled) sound stored in the samplers
memory as numeric data.
The wave data for a particular sound and a group of
parameters which determine how the data is to be
played back, looped, mapped to the keyboard, filtered,
A collection of of up to 64 voices which are each as-
signed an Area Number. A Bank is usually one multi-
sampled instrument, or a set of sounds grouped
together such as a drum set.
The FZ-1 is capable of utilizing up to eight sets of loop
points, although more than two loops are seldom used
by anyone. A multi-loop is how the eight possible |00p
sets are played by the sampler.
If a sustain loop is encountered inthe multi-loop the
sampler will loop on the corresponding sustain loop
points until the key is released. Then the sampler will
continue playing through any remaining wave data in-
cluding other loops if they exist.
If an end loop is encountered in the multi-l00p the
sampler will I00p on the corresponding end l00p points
forever or until the sample is retriggered by the key-
board. This means that any wave data or loops that exist
after the end loop's loop end are never going to be
played by the sampler.
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Sampler Specific Notes
08.850 FZ-l/FZ-iOM/FZ-2OM
Loop time
Next Loop
Transfers on
the F24
samples in
the FZ-t
Loop time is the amount of time each defined loop in the
multi-lOOp Is played before proceding to play the
remainder of the wave data/loops. The loop time is set
In 16 millisecond Increments with a maximum of 16
seconds total for each I00p in the multi-loop.
When this parameter is set to trace, the wave data from
the current loop end to the next loop start will be played
by the sampler. When set to skip, the same wave data
will not be played by the sampler.
Please consult the FZ-i owners manual for more infor-
mation on these terms.
The FZ-i needs to be set prOperfy in order to communi-
cats with SampleVision. The FZ-t must be set to this
page each time a transfer is made. Heres how to enable
communications with SampleVision:
0 From the Main Menu in modify mode on the
sampler, select Data Dump, then press enter.
0 Pick Select Device, then press enter.
0 Now press the Up Arrow/Yes key twice so the
Dump Device = MIDI message appears.
0 Finally, press the Down Cursor key so the
Remote Mode has a small arrow pointing to it on
the left side.
Note that the FZ-i must Always be in the Remote Mode
and set to MIDI for any communications to work be-
tween SampleVision and the FZ-i.
To send and receive samples with the FZ-i, you will
need to know which voice you are interested in using.
To identify voices, perform the following on the FZ-i:
c From the main menu in modify mode on the
sampler, select Voice Edit, and press enter.
0 Select Define Voice, and press enter.
SampleVision Reference