Carvin hd 1800 owners manual
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FRONT PANEl 1. MOUNTiNg Sturdy one piece 12 gauge steel face plate accommodates standard 19 rack installation. The rack mounting holes are designed on ISO standard spacing. Four 10-32 x .5 phillips machine screws are normally used to secure the amp. Rear support brackets are not required\ . 2. POWER SWiTCH Check the power amp connections and verify the AC line power source before engaging the POWER switch. The yellow LED unmistakably indicates that all circuits are properly powered up. Yellow is used so the operator can see the red indicators (clipping or protect) from \ a distance. 3. CHANNEl lEVEl CONTROl A precision input LEVEL attenuator is used to adjust the volume levels. To deliver the amps maximum power without reducing the headroom of the signal source, the level cont\ rols should be turned full on. 4. CHANNEl SigNAl iNDiCATOR The green SIGNAL LED indicators will start to flash when there is a low signal passing to your speakers (-30dBµ). This lets you know when the amp is passing a signal to y\ our speaker connectors. 5. CHANNEl CliP iNDiCATOR The red CLIP LED indicators flash when each channel has reached its maximum output. Occasional flashing caused by low frequencies is OK. However, consistent flashing caused by higher frequencies may damage high frequency drivers (excessive distortion). This does n\ ot cause damage to the amp. 6. COOliNg VENTS/FAN Upon rack installation, the rear of the amp must be fully exposed to room temperature air. The sur - rounding air should not be warmer than 120° or the thermal protection could activate the PROTECT LED. The front cooling vents are not to be restricted. 7. PROTECT lED iNDiCATOR The red PROTECT LED provides the operator with information about the status of the amplifier. The PROTECT LED can come on under 3 different conditions (when this happens, both channels are muted and the speaker relays disconnect the speakers); 1) During power-up, the amplifier stays in a muted state for approx. 3 sec until it determines that everything is functioning normally (no output shorts or over temp condi\ tions). 2) When the output load draws excessive current or a direct short is detected caused by a shorted speaker cable or speaker system, the RED PROTECT LED will illuminate. Reset this condition by turning the amp off for two seconds and then on again. Check for shorted cables and that the total speaker impedance is not below 2 ohms per channel (4 ohms bridged). 3) Overheating is usually determined when the amp stops in the middle of a performance and the PROTECT LED comes on. If this is the cause, leave the amp on for the fan to cool the amp down. The amp will automatically reset within 3 minutes. The PROTECT LED will turn off when ready. Check for the following conditions; a) The rear intake air is not restricted, b) The intake air is not extremely warm, c) The front exhaust vents are not restricted, or d) No excessive speaker load (try other speakers or remove speakers if you have more than one connected to\ each channel). REAR PANEl 8. XlR CHANNEl iNPUTS Whenever posible, use the XLR balanced inputs. This will help to reduce hum and allow longer cable runs from your signal source (mixer, etc). Because this is a balanced input, the gain will be 6 dB higher than using the 1/4 input jack with non balanced lines. XLR pin configuration: Pin 1: Grounded through the GROUND LIFT switch, Pin 2: positive Bal. signal and Pin 3: negative \ Bal. signal. 9. CHANNEl 1/4 TRS iNPUT This TRS jack is designed to receive either balanced or unbalanced input signals. Balanced signals coming into this jack should be wired with the connectors tip going to signal + and the connectors ring to signal -. The connectors sleeve is then tied internally to ground through th\ e GROUND LIFT switch. 10. PARAllEl OR Y iNPUTS The rear PARALLEL switch connects both channels together from either input. This eliminates Y adapter cables. This feature is used to daisy chain one piece of equipment to another. Just plug into the unused INPUT (TRS or XLR) and it will become the output for other\ equipment. 11. iNPUT gROUND liFT Many times sound systems are connected in such a manner as to cause a grounded loop with the inputs which results in audible hum. The input GND LIFT switch (TRS & XLR) on the rear panel will help eliminate this problem. If not, install a Carvins MTF55 Ground lifter between the amplifier input and the signal. 12. SPEAKER 1/4 OUTPUTS The standard 1/4 SPEAKER jacks are offered for low power connectio\ ns. 13. SPEAKER BiNDiNg POSTS For high power speaker connections, use the rear BINDING POSTS to connect your speakers. Wire sizes up to 7 gauge (50 amps) can be inserted into the binding post side holes. Larger cable can be used with banana plugs which plug into the end of the binding posts. Binding posts are spaced on ISO standards. Use the two center RED binding posts to BRIDGE speaker connections (see\ 14. BRIDGE MODE). 14. BRiDgE MODE- 25V/70V DiSTRiBUTiON SYSTEMS The HDs can be operated in bridge mode if you require a 25V / 70V mono distribution speaker system or a mono (single channel) amp, which doubles the power into a single load. With your amp off, push IN the rear (recessed) BRIDGE switch after you have made your connections to the rear center RED binding posts (ch 1 is + and ch 2 is -). Carefully select or damage may result to the speakers (this is why the switch has been recessed). No other speaker connectors or binding posts can be used at the same time! The INPUT connector and LEVEL is handled by channel 1. Channel 2 is non-operational. The minimum speaker impedance is 4 ohms. CAUTION: The power developed by bridging your amp can destroy most speakers. 15. AC POWER Your amp is designed to run on 120V 60 Hz. The voltage range is 95V to 132V. The rear heavy-duty AC receptacle will accept a universal grounded AC cord that is designed your country. Be sure to check your power source before plugging into a grounded (3 prong) outlet. Never defeat the grounded connection or electrocution may result! Firmly push the AC cord all the way into the receptacle. FUSe: The fuse is located within the main chassis above the AC connector mounted on the rear, inside the PC card. Normaly if the fuse fails, the amp will require service. S\ ee spec. chart for fuse values. NoTe: Each amp will require a dedicated 20 amp circuit if you are driving the amp to its full output. There will be a sustained loss of power if the AC voltage is below the rated 120V. Use a heavy gauge power cable and power source. 2 1 3 4 5 FRONT & REAR PANEl CONTROlS 15 9 12 WARNING This product produces high sound pressure levels that could damage your hearing. Use with caution. 10 13 (Recessed) 14 7 8 11 6 6
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SHIELD 1 2 3 PIN 1 GND PIN 3 - SIGNAL XLR Sleeve RingNeg. TipPos. TRS 1/4 BalancedTip-Ring-Sleeve TS 1/4 UnbalancedTip-Sleeve Tip Sleeve RingTip TipGround Ground Ring HelPFUl HINTS 6) 20 AMP CIRCUIT : each amp will require a dedicated 20 amp circuit for its full output. There will be a sustained loss of power if the AC voltage is below the rated 120V input. 1) No SoUNd FRoM CH 2 : The rear (recessed) BRIdGe switch has been inadvertently pushed in. 2) STeReo CHANNelS SoUNd THe SAMe : The rear PARA llel switch has been inadvertently pushed in. 3) No H IGH FR eq UeNCI eS : Tweeters or midrange drivers have been damaged or blown from feedback or over - powering. 4) SySTeM HUM : Switch the rear GN d l IFT switch IN or oUT. If hum is not eliminated, then install Carvins MTF55 Ground lifter between the amplifier input and signal source. This isolates the input ground from the AC power ground. 5) P o o R S oU N d (B A S S ) : T h e s p e a k e r s y s t e m s are wired out of phase to each other. To correct, reverse the wires on one speaker connector only and your sound, especially bass response will improve. PIN 2 + SIGNAL STEREO BiAMPiNg DCM1500www.carvin.comMADEAU SINTHE120VAC 60Hz1 2122 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESETBRIDGE ONLY XLRBRIDGELIMITERPARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON STEREO AMPLIFIER 1INPUTS 2LIFTINPUTS 0B8 OHMS/CH500W4 W BRIDGED8 W BRIDGED2 OHMS/CH4 OHMS/CH300W750W1500W1000WPIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) SERIAL NUMBER1200VA INTERNAL FUSE 1 2122 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESET XLRBRIDGELIMITERPARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON1INPUTS 2LIFTINPUTS PIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) CHANNEL TWOHIGHPHASEMIDPHASELOWPHASE XC3000Electronic Crossover1-800-854-2235www.carvin.comINTERNAL FUSE90-250 VAC10 VA ~50-60HZ GNDLIFTCHANNEL ONEHIGHPHASEMIDPHASELOWPHASEMONO[ LOW 1+2 ] SWITCHABLETO MONO[ LOW 1+2] Low Amplifier LeftHighs Suggested Crossover settingsLow/High 1k-2.5k Hz CrossoverInput High Amplifier RightLows LeftLows RightHighs (Shielded) DCM1000 (Shielded) LeftLows RightLows Low Amplifier LeftHighs RightHighs High Amplifier CrossoverInput Suggested Crossover settings Low/High 100-200 Hz TYPiCAl STEREO SETUP Full Range (Lo Freq. Bi-Amp)Woofer System For channel separation (stereo)or Bi-Amping the P ARALLEL switch must be OFF (OUT). Full Range (Hi Freq. Bi-Amp)Horn System (Hi Freq. Bi-Amp) (Lo Freq. Bi-Amp) Ch 1 Left Ch 2 Right BRIDGE switch must be OFF (OUT). or 1 2 12 2 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESET XLRBRIDGELIMITERPARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON 1INPUTS 2 LIFTINPUTS PIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) 1 2 12 2 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESET XLRBRIDGELIMITERPARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON 1INPUTS 2 LIFTINPUTS PIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) The channel P ARALLEL switch OFF (OUT). 25V or 70V Distribution System: Wattage of transformer (T AP) divided by total wattageof Amp = Number of transformer/speaker(s)that can be hooked up. or To signal socket XLR or 1/4" 2 or 3 cond. shielded Activate the BRIDGE switch (IN). Control the level by Ch 1 ( Ch 2 does not function. Ch 1 Input + 1684 C or Single speaker orsystem connectedin BRIDGE mode.Minimum imp. 4 W 15w7w3w1w C + 1684 C 15w7w3w1w C 25V OR 70V DiSTRiBUTiON SYSTEM MixerOutput Crossover Input Suggested Crossover settingsLow/Mid 100-200 HzMid/High 1k-2k Hz LeftHighs High Amplifier LeftMids LeftLows RightHighs RightLows RightMids Mid Amplifier PHASE MADEAU SINTHE INPUT Electronic Crossover INOUTCHANNEL TWO CHANNEL ONE LOW OUTMID OUTHIGH OUT L OW OUTMID OUTHIGH OUTLOW OUTSUM INPUT INOUTINOUT INOUTINOUTINOUT PHASEPHASE PHASEPHASEPHASECH 1/2 50-60Hz 20VA120V 240V Mixer Output CrossoverInput Suggested Crossover settingsLow/Mid 100-200HzMid/High 1k-2k Hz 12122 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESET XLRBRIDGELIMITER PARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON1INPUTS 2LIFTINPUTS PIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) 1 2122 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESETXLRBRIDGELIMITER PARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON1INPUTS 2LIFTINPUTS PIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) 1 2122 W MIN 2 W MIN 12BRIDGE4 W MINOUTPUTS SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: RESET POWER SWITCH (OFF-ON)HI-TEMP: WAIT FOR AUTO RESET XLRBRIDGELIMITERPARALLELGNDPIN 2 SIGNAL +PIN 3 SIGNAL –PIN 1 GNDOFFON1INPUTS 2LIFTINPUTS PIN 1+POS, PIN 1-NEG, (PIN 2+ PIN2- NOT USED) Low Amplifier STEREO TRiAMPiNg RightHighs RightMids RightLows RightHighsRightMids RightLows Low Amplifier Mid Amplifier High Amplifier LEFT RIGHT 4Ω