Carvin c 1644 owners manual
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C44 SERIES CONTROLS CHANNEL FEATURES 1. 1/4 LINE INPUTS The line connectors are for connecting balanced and unbal- anced instruments and line level sources such as drum machines, keyboards, ETC. 2. XLR MIC INPUTS The balanced Mic inputs are for connecting microphones that use XLR connections. Both the LINE and XLR MIC inputs can be used simultaneously. 3. CHANNEL INSERT/CHANNEL DIRECT OUT To insert channel effects, compressor, etc. use a 1/4 TRS (Tip Ring Sleeve) cable (see INSERTS AND DIRECT OUTillustration on page 5 for TRS details). To achieve a direct out from the chan- nel, insert a standard 1/4 cable to the first click (1/2 insert). 4. GAIN The GAINcontrols the input level for the channel. If the GAIN is set too high, the PEAK LED will flash and distortion may occur. Decrease the amount of GAINuntil the PEAK LED does not flash. It is important that the gain control should be kept next to the PEAKLED flash point to maintain the lowest noise of the channel. You can use the channel PFLswitch to mon- itor the channel input level and use the meters to adjust the GAIN control to 0dB. This will give you a good reference point where the GAINcontrol should be set. 5. LOW CUT SWITCH A 75 Hz LOW CUTfilter helps eliminate unwanted low fre- quencies. Great for reducing boom noise from mic stands or from acoustic/electric guitars. Turning up the LOWEQ when using this filter can help create a punchier bass response. 6. ACTIVE 3 BAND EQ WITH MID SWEEP The C44 SERIESmixers provide studio EQ. The ±15 dB boost or cut gives an overall 30 dB range for powerful EQ control. The active circuits deliver deep bass from the 20-80 Hz LOW control. The MIDcontrol works at 100Hz to 5kHz, depend- ing on the MID FREQcontrol. The HIcontrol functions at 11- 20k for crisp highs. Start out with all tone controls at their center zero posi- tion. Determine which position your MID FREQsounds best, then cut or boost your HI, MID,and LOWfrequencies as needed. If you are trying to mic instruments such as acoustic guitar or drums, try various mics and mic placement before adjusting your tone controls. A typical setting may be: HI +6, MID -4(MID FREQset at 700Hz), and LOW +4. Dont be afraid to push the HI and LOW controls to get good presence and depth while reducing the MIDs to clean up your sound. This is one of the keys to great sound. 7. MID SWEEP This control allows you to select which frequency (from 100Hz to 5kHz) that the MIDcontrol will boost or cut. Instruments and singers have various tonal qualities. By adjusting the MID FREQ, you can select the exact frequency that will best com- plement these various inputs. 700Hz is a recommended set- ting for the MID FREQ control for guitar and vocals.8. MONITOR 1 THRU 4 SEND CONTROLS The channel MONITOR controls allow you to create four inde- pendent monitor mixes. The MONITORsignals (pre-EQ, pre fader) are routed to the master MON 1, 2, 3and 4controls (#21) respectively before going to the output connectors (#36). 9. EFF 1 & EFF 2 SEND CONTROLS The EFF 1 or EFF 2control sends signal (post EQ, post fader) from the channel to the EFFECTS 1or EFFECTS 2internal processors (#18) and to theEFF 1 or EFF 2jacks (#33). 10. PAN CONTROL Each channelsPANcontrol allows stereo imaging by panning Left or Right during recordings or live performances. The PAN control also works for the sub-mix groups. A center posi- tion will send a channels signal to a pair of sub-group faders (1-2, 3-4when assigned). By panning hard left, the signal is routed to only sub-group fader 1 or 3 when assigned. Panning hard right routes the signal to sub-mix fader 2 or 4. Dual ele- ment pan controls provide 15dB greater separation than standard pan controls. 11. CHANNEL SIGNAL GREEN LED The SIGNAL LEDis pre-fader and post EQ. This LED helps the operator verify that the channel is receiving a signal from the mic or instrument inputs even when the channel fader is off. 12. CHANNEL RED PEAK LED This peak indicator is pre-fader and post EQ. If the PEAK LED flashes, the channel needs a reduction with the GAIN control (#4)to prevent distortion. A solid lit PEAK LED indicates that the channel has been MUTED. 13. CHANNEL MUTE SWITCH Use the MUTEswitch to kill the channel. This feature saves having to reset your faders and monitor sends. 14. CHANNEL PFL SWITCH This switch allows the operator to listen to a channel (pre fader listen) in the headphone mix to set tone and gain levels as well as see the channel at the LED meter output (#29). C844, C1644(P), C2444 & C3244 4-BUS MIXERS QUICK START UP If youre like most new owners, youre probably in a hurry to plug your mixer in and use it. Here are some brief instruc- tions to get you going quickly. With the mixer unplugged and the unit turned off, complete the following procedures: 1. CONNECTING AC POWER TO YOUR MIXER - The mixer can be used with 120 or 240VAC (it automati- cally switches internally except for C1644P) - Use only a grounded (3 prong) power outlet to prevent a shock hazard. This gives the quietest grounding for your mixer. 2. CONNECTING INPUTS TO YOUR MIXER - For low level balanced devices such as microphones, plug into the balanced MICinputs using a shielded microphone cable with XLR connectors.- For high level balanced or unbalanced devices such as instruments & keyboards, plug into the LINEinput jacks using a shielded cable with 1/4 phone plugs. Adjust the GAINknob for the mic or line input being used. 3. TURNING YOUR MIXER ON -Adjust all channel FADERS and master LEVELcontrols to their OFF positions -Adjust all channels HI, MID, and BASScontrols and the two master 9 Band GRAPHICSto their center positions. -Adjust the Channel PANcontrols to their centerpositions. - Turn the mixer on by the rear panel POWER SWITCH and watch for the POWERLED. Your mixer is now ready to operate. 1 17 2 3 45 7 6 8 9 10 1112 13 14 16 15 6 24 3 2 187 6 58 7 6 5 4 3 2 1LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE8 6 5 4 3 2 171- 8 PHANTOM POWERMIC MIC MIC MIC MIC MIC MICMIC INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT12 11 10 913 12 11 10 9MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MIDHI HI HI HI HI HI HI HIFREQ FREQ FREQFREQ FREQFREQ FREQFREQPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LRPA N PA N PA N PA N PA N PA N PA N PA NPEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG050 GAINLO CUTLINEPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTLOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOWPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUT0-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+15LINE LINE LINE LINE LINEMIC MIC MIC MIC MIC INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERTM MID MID MID MIDH HI HI HI HIFREQ FREQ FREQFREQ FREQPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LRPA N PA N PA N PA NPEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAS 050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUT0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-61010501050105C LR050 GAINLOW LOW LOW LOW L0-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+1513 12 11 10 94 4 4 44 4 4 4 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 1MON MON MON MON MON MON MON MON EFF EFF EFF EFFEFF EFF EFF EFF1 1 1 11 1 1 1 2 2 2 22 2 2 24 4 4 443 3 3 332 2 2 221 1 1 11MON MON MON MON MON EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF1 1 1 11 2 2 2 22
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15. CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT SWITCHES These switches assign the channels signal to the Master L/R faders, or to the SUB-GROUPfaders 1& 2, 3& 4for sub- mixing in stereo pairs. For mono, PANfully to the left and assign a channel to Sub-Group fader 1 or 3 only. PANfully to the right and assign a channel to Sub-Group fader 2 or 4. Likewise assigning the L/Rswitches sends the channel directly to the main L or Rfaders. 16. CHANNEL FADER The CHANNEL FADERadjusts the output level of the channel. The signal will go to one or more of the Master Faders, depend- ing on both the Channel Assignment switches and the PAN con- trol. Calibrated 109mmFADERSwith audio tapers are featured for smooth fade-outs. Slide all faders down when connect- ing your inputs. 17. MIC PHANTOM POWER SWITCH / RED LED This switch provides +48V power for condenser mics such as Carvins CM90Ein groups of 8 channels. This leaves the remaining MIC inputs for sources that dont require phantom power. The LINE inputs are unaffected by +48v power. MASTER SECTION 18. TWO STEREO 24-BIT EFFECTS The internal 24-BIT stereo processors receive signals from the EFF 1 / EFF 2channel controls. I f the adjacentPK (peak) LED flashes, reduce the level from the channel EFF 1 / EFF 2send controls. A solid PKLED will show EFFECTS 1or 2 have been muted either by the MUTEswitches (#44) or by the optional FS22footswitch (#38). The RETURNcontrol will adjust the volume level of the selected effects. Remember each channel has its own two EFFECTsends that will send the signal to the effects processors. The red PK LED will indicate when the effects signal from the channel is distorting. Reduce the level of the channel EFFECTcontrol until the PK LEDstops flashing. EFFECT AND PARAMETERS ECHO:When the SELECTcontrol is at the 7 O-clock posi- tion, it is selected to the first ECHOsetting where you get a single repeat echo (minimal regeneration). Turning the PARAMETERcontrol to 1 will provide the shortest delay time between the original signal and the echo. Increasing the PARAME- TERcontrol to the right will increase the time delay between the original signal and the echo. To increase the number of echo repeats, turn the SELECTcontrol clockwise to 9 O- clock (maximum regeneration). REVERB:When the SELECTcontrol is at the 10 O-clock position, it is selected to the first REVERBsetting. Turning the SELECTcontrol clock- wise will increase the amount of high frequencies in the reverb. Turning the PARAMETERcontrol to 1 will pro- vide minimal decay time of the reverb. Increasing to the right will increase the reverb decay time. CHORUS:When the SELECTcon- trol is at the 1 O-clock position it is selected to the first CHORUSset- ting. Turning the SELECTcontrol clockwise will increase the amount reverb in the chorus. Turning the PARAMETERcontrol to 1 will pro- vide a minimal chorus depth setting. Increasing to the right will increase the chorus depth. FLANGE:When the SELECTcontrol is at the 4 O-clock position it is selected to the first FLANGEsetting. Turning the SELECTcontrol clock- wise will increase the flangers speed. Turning the PARAMETERcontrol to 1 will provide minimal flanging depth. Increasing to the right will increase the flangers depth. To send effects to the monitors, use the TO MONITORScontrols, MON 1/MON 2 & MON 1/MON 3. The center position on both con- trols is OFF. 19.RETURN 3 L/R Receives stereo or 2 mono effect signals from the RETURN 3 L /Rjacks. These signals will also be present at MON 1(#36). 20. RCA TAPE IN / RETURN 4 Receives a signal from the RTN 4 L/R 1/4 jacks (#35) & from the TAPE IN jacks (#41). These signals will also be present at MON 1. 21. MONITOR 1-4 CONTROLSThese are the master outputs for the four monitor sends. These correspond to the balanced 1/4MON 1-4output jacks (#36) . 22. GROUP/SUB-MIX FADERS 1-4 Once a channel has been assigned to one of these faders, the mixing process is simplified to using these four faders. If these faders are not assigned to the Master L-Rfaders (#25), then each fader is bused to the corresponding 4 GROUP1/4 outputs (#37). By assigning the 4 faders to the Master L-R faders, the operator can use the faders to sub-mix groups. 23. GROUP PFL SWITCHESThese PFL switches allow the operator to monitor the entire GROUP mix. If distortion is heard or if the PFL level is near PEAK on the Master L/R METERS,lower the channel faders assigned to that group. Also check the channel PEAK LEDs. 24. GROUP ASSIGNMENT SWITCHESThese switches send the sub-group mix to the main L/Rfaders. For mono mixing, assign to both L/R. 25. MASTER L/R FADERSThese faders adjust the level of the main stereo output created by all channels and groups assigned to L/Rfaders. Output appears at the L/Rbalanced XLR connectors (#42) . 26. MONO OUTPUT The C44 SERIEScreates an extra mono output from the L/R master faders (post) for center, side fill speakers or subwoofers. The output is at the MONOXLR connector (#43). 27. HEADPHONE AND METER SOURCE The stereo PHONEScontrol sets the level of the PHONESjack (#39). The PFL, L/R, MONO, MON 1-2 and MON 3-4switches allow for isolation of these sources through the headphones and the L/R LED METERS (#29). 28. PFL RED LED Indicates that the headphone & meters are monitoring only the channels or groups where the PFLis switched on. 29. L/R LED VU METERS This group of 10 LEDs offer 6 dB increment resolution that give the operator a visual indication of the mixers output levels, selec- table by the METER SOURCEor PFLswitches (#27). 30. DUAL PRECISION 9 BAND GRAPHIC EQs are one octave filters at 60,125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k & 16k Hz centers that offer ±12dB adjustment to help elimi- nate feedback & enhance tone for the main or monitor mix. 31. EQ SWITCH 1 & 2 These switches swap the 9 band EQs from the standard L/R main outputs OUT to the MON 1& MON 2outputs IN respectively. 32. POWER LEDVerifies the mixer is on. 33. EFFECTS 1 & 2 OUTPUT JACKS 1/4 outputs drive external effects. Connect your effects processors inputs to these jacks. 34. RETURN 3 L/R INPUT JACKS Returns a stereo signal from an external effect. Connect your effects processors stereo outputs to these jacks. If only one RTN 3jack is used, the mono signal will go to both L/R . 35. RTN 4 L/R INPUT JACKS Returns a stereo signal from other sources. 36. MONITOR 1-4 OUTPUT JACKS The C44 SERIESprovides balanced 1/4 outputs for long cable runs. Connect your monitor power amps to these jacks. 37. GROUP 1-4 OUTPUT JACKS The C44 SERIESprovides balanced 1/4 outputs. Connect your 4-track recorder or side fill power amps to these jacks. 38. EFF SW 1-2 FOOTSWITCH JACK The optional FS22 will remotely shut off EFFECTS 1or 2. 39. HEADPHONE JACK 1/4 stereo jack for headphone or control room output. 40. RCA L & R TAPE OUT RCA jacks for connecting to a tape recorder input. 41. RCA L & R TAPE IN For stereo playback of a tape/CD (parallel with RTN 4jacks). 42. L/ R XLR OUTPUT CONNECTORS This set of balanced XLR connectors are for connecting the main L/R output to power amps or recording gear. 43. MONO XLR OUTPUT CONNECTOR A balanced XLR output is featured for side fills or subwoofers. 36 37 18 29 30 313233 3435 43 42 21 26 2823 27 19 22 23 25 20 40 38 3941 3 44MONO00001050105010501050105RTN 3 MON 2MON 1 MON 4 RTN 4 MON 3TAPE IN RETURN MONITORS0105MONO L-R +18 +12 +6 0- 6-12-18-24-30 PEAKLRPOWERPFLPHONES EQ 1LEFT / MON 1EQ 2RIGHT / MON 2 dBCONCERT SERIESC16440105-30-50+ -12-2412+6-30-50-12-2412 6-30-50-12-2412 6-30-50-12-2412 6-30-50+ -12-2412+60105LEFT RIGHTLEFT RIGHTLEFT RIGHTLEFT RIGHT125 250 500 63 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 0 8 4 4 8 –12 +12 0 8 4 4 8 12- 12+0 8 4 4 8 –12 +12 0 8 4 4 8 12- 12+LRTAPE IN1LTAPE OUTRMON 14 23PHONESEFF 1 3L 3RRETURNMONO MON 2 MON 3RTN 4MON 4EFF SW EFF 2GROUPSMETERS1234LRPFL PFL PFL PFL001-2 3-4 MON MON16 15 14 1316 15 149-16 PHANTOM POWER LINE LINEMIC MIC MIC INSERT INSERT INSERTMID MID MID MIDHI HI HI HIFREQ FREQFREQPA N PA N PA N PA NPEAKSIG PEAKSIG PEAKSIG AK SIGLINEPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R 100 5k1k010501050105R0LO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUTLOW LOW LOW LOWPFL MUTE3-4 1-2 L-R0 -12-24-30-50+12+6-6100 5k1k010501050105010501050105C LR050 GAINLO CUT0-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+150-15+15PARAMETERECHO REGEN TIMEREVERB DAMPING DECAYFLANGE SPEED DEPTH CHORUS REV LEVEL DEPTHSELECTPK PK MUTE MUTEOFF9 96 63 31 MON 2MON OFF9 96 63 31 MON 3MON24-BIT DUAL STEREO EFFECTSSELECT PARAMETER10 1 2 3456 7 8 910 1 2 3456 7 8 9EFFECTS 2TO MONITORS RETURNEFFECTS 110 0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2345 6 7 8 916 15 144 4 4 43 3 32 2 2 21 1 1MON MON MON EFF EFF EFF1 1 1 2 2 2 2cECHOREVERBCHORUSFLANGEECHOREVERBCHORUSFLANGE