Cambridgeaudio 340a se amplifier
This is the 20 pages manual for cambridgeaudio 340a se amplifier.
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Extracted text from cambridgeaudio 340a se amplifier (Ocr-read)
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340A SE SERVICE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Precautions & Important Notes 3 Exploded Drawing 4 Exploded Drawing Parts List 5 Amplifier PCB Schematic (Tone Control) 6 Amplifier PCB Schematic (Power Supplies) 7 Amplifier PCB Schematic (Power Amplifier) 8 Amplifier PCB Schematic (Ipod Input Circuit) 9 Amplifier PCB Schematic (Input Select) 10 Amplifier PCB Board Layout (Top Side) 11 Amplifier PCB Board Layout (Bottom Side) 12 PCB Main Assembly BOM 13-14 Microcontroller PCB Schematic 15 Microcontroller PCB Board Layout (Top Side) 16 Microcontroller PCB Board Layout (Bottom Side) 17 Front Panel PCB Assembly BOM 18 IC Pin Layout Details 19-20 2
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SAFETY PRECAUTIONS & IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Check that the rear of the pro duct indicates the correct s upply voltage for your area. 2. The lighting flash with the arrowhead within an equilateral triangle is in tended to alert the user o r service agent to the presence of dangerous voltages within the product enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to co nstitute a ris k of electric shock to persons. 3. The exclamation poin t within an e quilateral triangle is inte nded to alert the user or service agent to the presence of important operating and maintenance (Servicing) instruction s in the liter ature accompanyi ng the appliance. 4. This product complies with EEC Low Voltage (73/23/EEC) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC) Directives when used and serviced in accordance with this manual. Fo r continued compliance all components marked safety and EMC critical must only be repl aced by Cambridge Audio approved pa rts. 5. Any unauthorised design alteratio ns or additio ns will void the manufact urers warranty; furthermore the manufact urer canno t accept responsibili ty for personal injury or property damage resulting therefrom. 6. When ser vicing, care should be ta ke n to observe the origi nal routing a nd dressing of the leads and it should be conf irmed that they have been retur ned to normal after re-assembly . Notes on chi p component replac ement Never reuse a com ponent that has been removed from a PCB Notice that the minus side of a tantal um capacitor may be damaged by heat COPYRIGHT NOTICE. © 2006 Audio Pa rtne rship PLC. All righ ts rese rved. Cambridge Au dio and Azur are regi stered tradem arks for Audio P artnership PLC. Thi s document may not be reproduced, dist ribute d, transmitted, displayed, publis hed, or broadcast without the express written prior permission of Audio P artnership P LC. Alteration or r emoval of any trademar k, copyrigh t, or other notice from this content is prohibited. Information provided in this docume nt is provided solely for the use of official service ag ents in repairing and servicing Audi o Partne rship PLC pro ducts. 3