Brenell STB2 specs

This is the 4 pages manual for brenell STB2 specs.
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brenell STB2 specs

Extracted text from brenell STB2 specs (Ocr-read)

Page 1


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Page 2

Introduction 3

Today, thanks to the skill, inventive-
ness and perseverance of scientists and
engineers, we can enjoy a quality of
sound reproduction only dreamed of a
few years ago.

Who, at the beginning of the 20th
century listening in amazement to the
wheezy, crackling sounds emanating
from the recently invented Edison
Phonograph could have imagined that
soon a quality of sound reproduction
would be possible which compared
favourably with the original sound?

'Research continues, always with the
object of removing the obstacles which
prevents the recorded sound being
identical to the original and in the
Brenell STB2 a valuable contribution
has been made towards this end.

In these days of that
modern invention the tape
recorder, few High Fidelity
enthusiasts are content to
just listen to the recordings
of the professional engineers, conse-
quently there is an increasing demand
for high quality tape recording equip-
ment which is designed for use with
their splendid assemblies of disc and
radio reproducing equipment - the
STB2 meets this demand.

The STB2, primarily designed for
stereophonic use in conjunction with
Hi-Fidelity amplifiers, will no doubt
find favour with many enthusiasts who
do not indulge in the delights of stereo-
phonic sound, for example the cine film
requires a sound accompaniment in-
cluding speech, music and sound effects
which cannot easily be prepared on a
normal tape recorder; the Linguist
will save valuable time and avoid errors
if he can play a master language tape
on one track and make his own record-
ing on another track in order that a
comparison of his efforts with the
master may be heard in quick
succession and as frequently as he

Some folk require a recording unit
for installation into their Hi-Fi consoles
whilst others require a complete
machine. The STB2 is designed to

meet both requirements for it is avail-
able with its own complete monitoring
amplifiers and loudspeakers or with
monitoring pre-amplifiers for coupling


to any make of Hi-Fi amplifier.

The tape deck, recording amplifiers
and playback pre-amplifiers are
mounted on a robust metal frame
(which will also accommodate the
monitoring amplifiers and speakers of
the complete recorder) which is fitted
into a strong wooden carrying case.
The technician will realise that by this
method of construction we have made
possible the permanent dressing of
cables and avoidance of hum loops
-two diflicult problems which often
confront him.

We are aware that more and more
pre-recorded stereo tapes are being
made under the 2/4 track system, yet
many enthusiasts insist on 2/2 track
record /rep1ay facilities in order to obtain
the many advantages of the 2/2 system,
therefore, instead of resorting to the
compromise of fitting 2/4 track heads
which may be adjusted for height, we
have added a 21/4 track replay head to
the 2/2 record/playback model in order
that mono and stereo 2/4 tapes may be
replayed. (It should be noted that
whilst a 1/2 track mono tape will replay
on a 2/4 track head, a 2/2 track stereo
tape may be unsuitable for correct
reproduction on a 2/4 track head.)

Normally we find that a deck capable
of accommodating spools of tape up to
8.1 in diameter meets most peoples
requirements, but for those using larger
spools a model of the STB2 for both
normal and N.A.B. spools up to 10;
in diameter is available.