Bozak brochure 50s

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Bozak brochure 50s

Extracted text from Bozak brochure 50s (Ocr-read)

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ideas and ideals behind the


re are only three basic Bonk Lotrdspeaketa - the
Bass. Mid-Range and Treble. Each '5 deaiyted to cope
with the special problems in it: own range oi frequen-
cies and. at the same time. to work harmoniously with
the others in twway and threwtvay Speaker Systems.
They are our litir. of one quality: none is ever "out-
mwn" nor becomes obaotae - in tact. they improve
with ant.- and use. The Banks are compatfixic in their
physical and aeomtieai characteristics and. like building
blocks. combine easily into speaker ryatems ot various
rim that difl'er in realism and power by reason only ol
the number at individual speakers and the sire of en-
closure employed. Any Bonk Speaker System can be
enlarged at any time by simply adding more Banks and
moditying the Crossover Network. Throuph Syrtrnmtir
Growth. not a penny invested in Bank equipment need
ever be lost.

All Banks are diam." farm: that is. they never ent-
ploy horns. 'lheir velocities of sound propagation are
equal. rollolls gradual. levels balanced naturally. and
tonal qualities similar. In a Bank Speaker Salem the
several ranges overlap broadly and imperceptibly so that
there it no consciousness ol separation of the sound into
different frequency ranges or in points of originott the
apaker panel.

The vattidtindy-lo'l dilutions. phenomenal transient
response. outstanding balance. high overall efficiency.
reatitrn and listeninl eat: that mute you unstained sat-
istaetion . ..pleasurethat nowathrouhtheyearawith

The Very But it: Sort-d.


Aettnlly. ellieieney is an extremely important aspect
of loudspeaker performance. But that ue must under-
stand exactly what the word means. became the engineer
and the layman have quite dillrrent definitions. The en-
gineer applia the term to the ratio of the otnpin power
of a speaker to the input at any Jingle frequency; to tho
layman. however. etiicieney has come to mean merely
the relative loudness oi the town! from several speaker
systems in; compared at the same input (amplifier-
pin setting). and the one that sounds loudest is thought
to be tho but beeauao it hta the W etleioncy'. Thir
lay concept Ignore! the inti-
mate and inmpable rela-
tiontltip between raider-er.
balance and audio quality.-
two other tutors are also
wetlooked: the sensitivity or . ,
the human ear is greatest in
the middle ltoquenetea: and.
unlm a definite attempt is
made to the contrary in de-
signing a speaker. it too will
have its greatest eflktmy in
the same range. This mid-range hump will be from
6 to lo db above the total of the but and treble. and
what impress the layman it tho loudness of this nar-
row band of frequencies in the range of maximum hear»
in; sensitivity.

Obviously. [or good audio quality th response of a
Wk must be Mm. or "flat that it. it you
are to re-create tound naturally. the relatitto loudness
at every audible frequency must be the same {tom the
deepat but to the hiehost treble. It requires anywhere
from ten to too time: the power to make the loot ire-
queneits as loud at the middle frequencies. to it is ap-
parent that balanced round require not only Wt
from the amplifier but also high boas-elicit; in the
speaker. The combination of unbalanced round trout
an uncorrected speaker system. with the high mid-range
effleieney oi the ear. means a year that of noise per
Walt - but very little audio quality. And it the anatli<

her. too. is poor in bats-enieieney. the quality of the
sound is all the worse. in other words. what the layman
calls high efficiency is. to the enp'rtter. nothing but
unbalanced rnid~ranpe etfiu'eney.

it is ditlicult to produce a speaker that can handle the
low trequeneies efficiently and without distortion; it it
aho diflicult to keep the rniddio frequencies in balance
with the bass. Hence. the usual practice is to Just build
a speaker the easy way and rationalize the ruttitin;
unbalanced mid-range and loudness into a virtue that
some call efficiency."

But Iloutk does it the land way. The B-l99A Wat tkr
signed. and is built. to have the higtut efficiency. dean-
qtteney speaker at the present sale of the art. (More in-
formation on this will be lound helw). The 34.09. tho
only available loudspeaker designed tolely and specifi-
cally for the middle froquendts. is balanced in power
against the bass foundation of the B-l99A. The power
ol the Bonk Treble Speakers. too. 5 proportioned nat-
urally to that at the others. Accordinsly. in a limit
Speaker System the intuit-m ot the bass and treble in
relation to the mid-range is far greater than in other
apealwr systems and the tattle as that in nature. Bring
the apparent Ioudneaa oi the Bonk up to the same level
so the mid-taupe "hump" in any other system. and the
full beauty of its robtnt. true~pilch ban. crystal-clear
middlcs. and street. natural highs - their relative loud-
ness naturalized by the inherent qualities of the wealt-
ers - will be atrikindy evident.

.aw Ito sucuua A woos-Ira II?

Cone-sine in low-frequency speakers 'u another point
mually argued with more heat than light. A loudspeaker
is merely a highly-refined air pump: the volume of air
it can more is the prodou of its frontal area and its
lateral displacement. and hotter a snsnlldiatneter cone
with great dtaplaoement will move as much air in a large
eone with teas displacement.

The small com: 'a inherently capable of cleaner re-
sponse. beuuse ita Inner mast and inertia enable it to
[allow the abrupt ttart-and-ttop of transients with great