Bang Olufsen Beomaster 2000 Owners Manual

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Bang Olufsen Beomaster 2000 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Bang Olufsen Beomaster 2000 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 19

Secondary buttons

ll GjWord hove the tuning
dial (below: P5 _.) The tuning
dial is used to tune stations
manualty in PM, LW or MW band,
[57m to E3; Thumbwheels, fre-
quency scales and other facilities
for presetting four FM stations.

Above these are lrequency scales
for FM, LW and MW bands {or
tuning stations wmanually (11 17)
N0: Slider for switch~
mg to them) It you dont want to
hear an FM transmission in ste-
reo. In the [gig] (automatic)
mode you will hear programmes
in stereo, it they are being trans
mitted In stereo.

Dunng tuni the slider should
be in its [I2 ll mode When you
have completed tuning, move the
slider back to its, 4 mode. An
Automatrc Frequency Control
(AFC) circuit which locks tuned
FM stations. will be activated in
this mode. (16, t7}

:vflfiivflyfl Wavebandiselector.

O STORElSlIder for storing
your preferred volume level (13)
ITWVWPZ, Eider for selecting tape

1 or tape 2 input as sound

source (5, 8)

9E} Slider for regulating the
balance between the right and left
(stereo) speakers (15)

LE] Slider for Increasing (up)

or degreaslng (down) treble (15)

ing (down) bass (15}
% WEI Slider for
set of Speak»
ers on or oil, (This set or speak~
ere can be in an adjoinmg room).
(3, 5)

Beosystem 2000

Corporate name for the following

Bang & Olutseh hi-li products

designed to work together as a

complete system. Naturally, each

product will also work with pro
ducts from other manufacturers,
but to enjoy the convenience or
oneAtouch operation. they must be

connected to the Beomaster 2000

or another receiver with Bang at

Olufsens electronic datallnk sys»


o Beomaster 2000 An automated
Bang & Oiufsen AM/FM receiver.
which is the heart of the
Beosystem 2000. Described in
this Users Guide.

0 Beogram 2000 An automated
Bang & Olufsen record player.

0 Beocord 2000 An automated
Bang & Olulsen cassette deck.

Datalink An electronic system
built into many Bang & Olutsen
products which allows the sepa-
rate components to wtalk wlth«
each other and thus otter easy,
one-lOUCh operation from any of
the connected products. The 8e0-
system 2000 incorporates this
electronic system. So do the Bee»
systems 5000, 6000 and 8000.
individual products from these
music systems are therefore inter-
changeable and will work well to/

LED Abbreviation of Light Emitting
DIode. used in illuminated dis»

Primary panel Area outside on the
front of the set on which the prlme
ary operating facilities are placed
and displays appear. (Bottom of
drawing, 2, 3)

Programming section Area under
heath the hinged alumlnium panel
in which secondary or prograrm
rnIng facilities are placed (Top of
drawing, 2, 3}. [J