Audio technica atw 701 h92 owners manual
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Prof\fss ional UH F Wi rel\fss \byst \fms Inst alla tion and Operation 2 CAUTI ON!Ele ct rical shockcan resu ltfrom removal of the re cei ver cover. Refer servici ngtoqualifie dservice personnel. No use r\bser viceable part sinside. Donot expose torain or moistur e. Thecircuits insideth ereceiver andtransmitter havebeen precise ly adjust edfor opt imu mperfo rmance andcomp li\b an ce with fe der alreg ulat ions. Donot attemp tto open the rece iver or transm itter.To do sowill void thewarr anty, andma ycause impro perope ration. This devi ce complies with part \f5ofthe FCC Rules. Operati on is sub ject to the con dition thatthis device does notcause harmfulin ter ference. This devi ce complies with INDUSTRY CANADAR.S.S .2\f0 , en confo rmitéave cIC: RSS\b2\f0 /CNR2\f0. Operation is sub \b ject to the follow ing co ndition s:\f)This device maynot causeharm fulinterfere nce and2)this device mustaccep t anyinte rfer ence received,including interferen cewhich may cause undesired operat ion. Ch anges or modificatio ns not expr esslyappr oved by Audi o\bTec hnica could vo id your author ityto operat ethis equipment. The ATW\b R700 receiv erfeatur esDiver sity Recept ion. Logic circuit ry m on itor sreception, selecting thesuper iorsignal from two an tenna s, pr oviding bettersound qualityand reducing the pos sibili tyof interfer ence anddropout s.Soft\b touc hcont rols prov ide conv enient access to sel ect ion ofoper ating frequency a nd au tom atic scanning ,while anLEDdisplay indicates selec tedchan nel an d scanning operation . Thevers atil e ATW \bT70\fUniPak ®body \bpack trans mitter hasboth low \band high\b im pedance inputsplus abias conne ction, foruse with dynamic an d elect retco ndenser microphones,aswell as Hi\bZ instrum ent pickups. TheUniPak ®tran sm itter als o offers sepa rate trim contro ls for guit arand microphone, plus sw itcha ble high/low RF power . TheATW\b T702 handheld dynamicmicrophone /transm itter fea tures arugg eddyn am icuni directio nalelement designed for pr ofes sio na lliv e\bs ound venue s. Tra ns mitte rsin th e 70 0Ser ies use two \f.5V AA bat teri esfor econom ical opera tion and wide availabi lity.Both transmi tter s als o fea ture am ulti\bcolo rPow er/M ute /Bat tery indicator . 700Series receiversfe atur easophist icat edTone Lock ™tone s quelch sys tem thatopensthe receiver' saudi ooutput only when a700 Seri estransm itte ris de tected, reducing the possibili tyof interfer ence. Asaresult, 700 Serie stransm itter s and receiversm ust beused together andshould notbeused with com pon ents from other Audio\bTe chnica wireless systems, orwith thos eof other manuf actur ers. Plea se note tha tin mu ltiple\b system applications theremust be atrans mitter\b rec eivercom bination set to aseparate channel (f re quenc y) for each input desired(only onetransmi tterfor eac h receiver). Bec aus ethe wirel essfrequencies are wit hin UHF TV frequency ba nds ,onl ycert ain channels (operat ingfrequenci es)may be useable inapar ticul argeographic area.Theeight channels (ope rating frequencie s)that areused inthe 700Ser ies have been selec te d for multi\b channel compatibilit y.Subj ectto fr equenc yav aila bilit y in aparticul argeogr aphicarea, anyof thes eeig htcha nnel sm ay be used together . Theoper ating frequencies thatcorrespond toeach ofthe eight cha nnel sare listed onpag e 7. Introduction Not icetoind ividuals with implan tedcardiac pacemakers orAICD dev ices \f Any source of RF (rad iofre quen cy)ene rgymay interfere with nor mal function ing of the implanted devi ce.All wire less micr opho neshav e low\bp ower transmitt ers(less than 0.05 wattsoutp ut) which are unlikely tocause difficulty, esp ecially ifth ey are atleast afew inches away. Howev er, since abody \b pack mi ctransmitter typicallyisplaced againstthe body, we suggest attaching itat the belt, rather thaninashirt pocket whe re itmay beimmed iatelyadjacent tothe med icaldevice. Note also that any medica ldevice disruption wi\f\fcease when the RF transmit tingsource istur ned o\b\b . Please contact your physi cianor med ical\bdevice provider if you have anyquestions, o r exp erien ce any problems with theuse ofthis or any other RF equ ipme nt. Th ankyo ufor cho osi ng anAud io \bTechn icaprofessi onalwirel ess syste m.You havejoin ed th ousands ofoth er satisfied customer s whohave chos enour pro duct sbecause of th eir quality, pe rforman ceand reliab ility. ThisAud io \bTechni cawire less micro phon esys tem isthe successful resultof ye ars of design and manu factur ing experience. Eac h700 Seri es wir eless system provides acho ice ofeight PLLsyn thesize dUHF freq uencie sin the542\b56\f MHzband (T V ch anne ls26\b 29).A ll 700 Series wirele sssystems offerboth man ual an dau tom atic fre quen cyscanni ng.Each wireless syste mincl udes arece iver and either abo dy\bp ackor hand held tran smitter .Indi vidual com pone ntsare also available separately.
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Location F or best oper ation the receiv ershould beatleast 3ft. (\f m) above th e gr oun dan d at least 3ft.away from awall ormet al surface tomin imize ref lect ions. The transmit tershou ldbe at least 3ft. fro mthere ce iver, asshow nin Figure A.Kee p ante nna saway fromnoise sources such asdigit alequ ipment , moto rs,automo biles andneo nlight s,as well asaway from larg eme talo bje cts. Ou tpu tCo nne ctions The re are two audio out putson the back panel: balanced (\b\f6. 5dBV) and unbalanced (\b\f 3. 5 dBV). Use shiel dedaudio cablefor the conn ectio n betw eenthereceiver andthe mixer .If the inpu tof the mixer isa \f/4"jac k, co nnec ta cable fro m the \f/4" unb alan cedau dio outputon thebac kof the recei verhousing to the mixer .If th ein put ofthe mixeris an XLR\b type input , conne ctacabl efrom the balanced XLR\btype audio output on the bac kpa nel to the mixer. Recei verInstallat ion 3 Ant ennas Ex tend the perm anent ly attac hedUHF antennas. Theantennas are nor mally po sit ioned in th eshape ofaV (both 45°from vert ical) for best receptio n.Dive rsit yIndicat orsonthe receive r front panel will indicatewh ich antenna isact ive. Pow erConnec tions Connec tthe DC plug onthe include dAC power adapter tothe DC pow erinput onthe back ofthe receiver .Secure the cord over the cor dhook onthe back of the receiver ,to keep theplug from being detached byan acci dent altug onthe cord.Then plu g th ead apte r in to astan dard \f2 0 Vo lt60 Hz AC power ou tle t. Fi gure A Receiv erCo ntr ols andFu nct ions Fi gure B1Anten naPosit ion 1 1 Figu reB2Fr ont Pan el C ontro ls and Functio ns 2 \f. ANTE NNAS:Posit ion the antennas asshown inFigu reB\f. Ful ly ext end bothan tennas bypull ing onthe endcaps. 2. AF PEA KIND ICAT OR:Indicates whe nmaximum transmitter mo dulatio nwitho utdist ortion has been reached. Notaffect ed by posi tion of Vol um econ trol (Fig. C). 3. LEDWI NDO W:LEDDispl ayindicates chan nel settin gand scann ing ope ration. 4 . DIV ERS ITYINDICAT ORS:Ind icates which antenna (AorB) has better reception andisin ope ration. 5. SEL ECT BUTT ON(for man ualchan nelselectio n): Pr es sthe Sel ect button repeat edlyuntil desired channelis rea che d.Pres sand holdthe Set/Scan button tomanually set the receiver toindicate dchannel. Channel numb erwil l stop flas hing. (Abrief touc hof th eSet/Scan button will rev ert toprev io usly setchanne l). If the Set butto nis not pres sedwithi n \f0 second sto conf irm the selection, the systemwill re ve rtto its original chann el.6.SET/SC AN BU TT ON :T he Set/Scan button can beused in twoways : \f) inconj unct ionwith the Select buttonto per mit m anu alsele ction ofan operat ingchannel inManual Set Mode (see Se lect button descri ptionabove) ;and 2) Automatic Sc an/ Set Mode, toinitiate theaut omat iccha nne l scan and selec tion, as follows: Aut omatic Scan\bS etMode :Pr ess and holdthe Set /Scan butt on for abo ut two seconds. Thecu rr en tchannel willflash three tim es quick ly; then the syste mwill begin to scan for the nextopen channe l.W hen itfinds anopen chann el,it will flash th eopen cha nn elth re etime san dth en se t th e ch an ne l. (If an open channel is not foun d,the automatic scan will retur nto the original channel andflash 5times .) \b 4 5 6