Audio technica atr 2500 usb owners manual

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audio technica atr 2500 usb owners manual

Extracted text from audio technica atr 2500 usb owners manual (Ocr-read)

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2 T\bank you for buying t\be Audio -Tec\bnica ATR2500-USB cardioid conden\fer microp\bone. De\figned for computer-ba\fed recording, t\bi\f microp\bone i\f ideal for digitally capturing mu\fic or any acou\ftic audio \fource u\fing your favorite recording \foftware. Equipped wit\b a USB output for ea\fy connection to your computer, t\be ATR2500-USB offer\f \ftudio- quality articulation and intelligibility perfect for \bome \ftudio recording, field recording, podca\fting, and voiceover u\fe. T\be ATR2500-USB al\fo feature\f a built-in \beadp\bone jack wit\b volume control t\bat allow\f you to directly monitor your microp\bone\f output during recording. T\be microp\bone\f focu\fed pickup pattern deliver\f excellent off-axi\f rejection, w\bile it\f A/D converter wit\b a 16-bit, 44.1/48 kHz \fampling rate en\fure\f clear, articulate \found reproduction. Audio -Tec\bnica\f \ftate-of-t\be-art de\fign and manufacturing tec\bnique\f en\fure t\bat t\be microp\bone complie\f wit\b t\be company\f renowned con\fi\ftency and reliability \ftandard\f. Features - Side-addre\f\f \ftudio conden\fer microp\bone wit\b USB output for ea\fy connection to your computer - Ideal for podca\fting, \bome \ftudio recording, field recording, and voiceover u\fe - Built-in \beadp\bone jack allow\f you to directly monitor your microp\bone\f output wit\bout audible delay - Adju\ft \beadp\bone volume wit\b ea\fy-to-u\fe control\f on t\be front of t\be microp\bone - Hig\b-quality A/D converter wit\b 16-bit, 44.1/48 kHz \fampling rate - Compatible wit\b Window\f and Mac - Low-ma\f\f diap\bragm provide\f excellent frequency re\fpon\fe - Cardioid polar pattern reduce\f pickup of \found\f from t\be \fide\f and rear, improving i\folation of de\fired \found \fource - Low \felf-noi\fe – ideally \fuited for digital recording equipment - Pivoting, t\breaded \ftand mount attac\be\f \fecurely for ea\fy and preci\fe placement of t\be microp\bone - Tripod de\fk \ftand wit\b folding leg\f for \fecure and ea\fily portable tabletop u\fe C\fmpl\bance w\bth FCC rules (USA \fnly) T\bi\f device complie\f wit\b Part 15 of t\be FCC rule\f. Operation i\f \fubject to t\be following two condition\f:(1) t\bi\f device may not cau\fe \barmful interference, and (2) t\bi\f device mu\ft accept any interference received, including interference t\bat may cau\fe unde\fired operation. FCC WARNING You are cautioned t\bat any c\bange\f or modification\f not expre\f\fly approved in t\bi\f manual could void your aut\bority to operate t\bi\f equipment. Canada \fnly T\bi\f Cla\f\f B digital apparatu\f complie\f wit\b Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la cla\f\fe B e\ft conforme á la norme NMB -003 du Canada.

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3 1. W\bndscreen– Multi-\ftage grille de\fign offer\f excellent protection again\ft plo\five\f and \fibilance wit\bout compromi\fing \big\b-frequency clarity 2. Capsule – Conden\fer microp\bone element wit\b cardioid polar pattern 3. Blue LED– Blue lig\bt \f\bow\f mic i\f receiving USB power 4. Metal c\fnstruct\b\fn – Toug\b, durable, re\filient de\fign 5. Headph\fne level c\fntr\fl– Soft-touc\b button\f control \beadp\bone volume 6. Headph\fne jack– 1/8-inc\b (3.5 mm) \ftereo jack for connecting your \beadp\bone\f 7. USB – USB connector for connection to your Mac or PC 8. USB cable Sett\bng up y\fur m\bcr\fph\fne w\bth \bncluded p\bv\ft m\funt and tr\bp\fd desk stand A . S crew t\be pivot mount microp\bone adapter onto t\be t\breaded portion of t\be de\fk \ftand. B. Extend t\be tripod leg\f to provide a wide, \fecure ba\fe. Place t\be tripod de\fk \ftand on a flat \furface. C. In\ftall t\be ATR2500-USB microp\bone t\broug\b t\be tapered \fide of t\be collar of t\be pivot mount. W\bile \bolding t\be microp\bone in place, \fcrew t\be t\breaded ring to t\be t\breaded portion of t\be microp\bone t\bat extend\f t\broug\b t\be collar, and tig\bten. D. T\be front of t\be microp\bone \f\bould be facing t\be \found \fource. (T\be USB icon and LED indicate t\be front of t\be microp\bone.) E. U\fe a \fcrewdriver or coin to loo\fen and tig\bten t\be pivot \fcrew for angle adju\ftment. F. Plug t\be provided USB cable into t\be USB output at t\be ba\fe of t\be microp\bone. N\fte: Many recording \foftware program\f are available online. Audacity i\f widely u\fed free \foftware for recording and editing \found\f. It i\f available online at \bttp://audacity.\four\ 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 ATR2500-USB