Anatek pocket mapper operating instructions
This is the 1 pages manual for anatek pocket mapper operating instructions.
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Extracted text from anatek pocket mapper operating instructions (Ocr-read)
Page 1
Pocket MapperTM
Pocket Mapper reads incoming modulation controller data such as Breath Control, Pitch Bend or Aftertouch and reroutes it to one of the 15 controllers supported.
All other data is passed through unchanged. This is done to allow the transmission of one type of control data to a MIDI sound source that does not receive that type
of data but will accept others. Presets are stored using hardware DIP switches on the box and they will maintain your setting even while the unit is powered down.
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NOTE: Switches are ON when their number lies flat on the face of the box.
Switch numbers I to 4 determine which controller is to be rema (pedr (CONTROLLER IN)
Switches 5 to 8 determine which controller is to be transmitted. F ONTROLLER OUT)
1. Find the controller you wish to remap from the legend on the box. Note the switch pattern.
2. Input the switch pattern onto the left 4 switches.
3, Find the controller that you want your input mapped to from the legend on the box.
4. Input the switch pattern Onto the right 4 switches.
Pitch Bend n/ a Balance 8
EXAMPLE: » Aftertouch n/ a Fan IO
To map Breath Control to Modulation Wheel, you 1 2 3 4 5 6i 7 8 Mod Wheel 1 Expression 11
would set the swttches in the following pattern: On 0 N; . . . . 1 .
, , _ . .. . - Breath Controller 2 Lontroller 16
the input stde (swrtche« b4), swrtch #3 represents F . .
Breath Controller input as written on the side of oot Controller 4 Sustain 64
Pocket Mapper. On the output side (switches 5-8), . Porta Time 5 50 Pedal 67
switches #5 and 6 represent Modulation Wheel. ' ' ' Data Inc/Dec 96,97 Chorus Depth 93
Volume 7
Pocket Mapper simultaneously rema s controllers on any and all channels of MIDI data it recieves. Individual channel controller remapping is not possible. Should
you reguire to remap the controller ata to only one module in a multi-thannel setup, Pocket Mapper should be placed immediately efore the last module in the
chain. it this way, sound sources on other channels will not be affected.
The red status LED is used to indicate power on or off and the reception ofMIDl data. When connection is made between a device's MIDI output and Pocket Mappers
input, the I FD should light showing the presence at current needed to power the unit. Duringnmmal opt-rattan, the LFn will hlinlr ntt and then on shnwing the
presence of MIDI data. Real time messages ier Clock, Start/ Stop/ Continue, and Active Sensing do not cause the LED to blink,
If the LED does not light when connection is made between an upstream MIDI device and Pocket Mapper, the device may not be supplying power and you may
require an Anatek Power PackrM Replacing the MIDI cable will confirm that this is either a power supply or bad cable problem.
If the LED goes out and stays out, this could be caused by a MIDI buffer overflow. Resetting is done by Simply unplugging the MIDI in and then reconnecting it. If
the problem persists, check that you have not inadvertently caused a MIDI feedback loop". This is normally caused by the output of Pocket Mapper being routed
through MIDI gear back to its input.
Pocket Ma per is compatible with all other Pocket Products and can be connected with several of them in the same MIDI line. It is recommended that the number
of Pocket roducts connected to the output of a MIDI device be limited to four.
This device has been designed to comply with the MIDI 1.0 Specification Document Version 4.0 and will operate with all MIDI equipment designed to this
0X77 is a trademark of Yamaha Inc.