Ampeg b 15r specs en
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Extracted text from ampeg b 15r specs en (Ocr-read)
Page 1
14. ACLINEIN:Use the supplied power cord to connect the amplifier to a suitable source of A.C. voltage. This is a grounded, three-wire cord and must be connected to a properly grounded outlet. DONOT attempt to defeat the ground connec- tion of the power cord!See the serial number label for power ratings. 15.FUSE: This protects the amplifier from damage to overload conditions or power line surges. If the fuse blows, replace it only with the same size and type. 16. BIASSELECT:Allows for instant bias adjust- ment when the TYPEof output tube is changed. The setting of this switch mustmatch the type of tube being used! The amplifier is shipped with 6L6 tubes installed. 17. SPEAKERS:Connect the amplifier to the inter- nal speaker and/or an extension speaker cabinet using these jacks. Use heavy duty speaker cables terminated with the proper connectors. The total speaker impedance can not be less than 4 ohms. (Be sure to match the Impedance Selector switch [18] to the cabinet impedance.) The B-15Rs cabi- net impedance is rated at 8 ohms. 18. IMPEDANCESELECTOR: Use this switch to match the amplifier to the TOTALimpedance of your speaker cabinet(s).19. LINEOUT:Used with the Line In jack (20), this may serve as an effects loop: The signal from this jack would go to the input of the effect. Alternate uses for this jack include providing an unbalanced line level signal for connecting to an external amplifier or mixing console. The signal at this jack is affected by the Master control (10). 20. LINEIN:Used with the Line Out jack (19), this may serve as an effects loop: The signal from this jack would come from the output of the effect. Alternate uses for this jack include providing a means to tap directly into the internal power ampli- fier, bypassing the input stages completely. 21. LINEOUTLEVEL:This controls the output level of the signal at the Balanced Line Out jack (24). 22.POST/PRESWITCH:This switch determines whether or not the signal at the Balanced Line Out jack (24) is affected by the settings of the tone and master level controls. With the switch at the OUT (Post) position, signal is affected; with the switch IN (Pre), the signal is not affected. 2 3 .L I F T / G N DS W I T C H :This switch lifts the ground of the Balanced Line Out jack (24) at the IN position. Engage this switch only if there is exces- sive buzzing or hum coming from the amplifier due to ground loops.24.BALANCEDLINEOUT:This jack provides a balanced line level signal for connecting to a mix- ing console, recording device or external amplifier. 2 5 .H I G HF R E Q U E N C YAT T E N U ATOR: T h i s three position rotary switch controls the output level of the internal high frequency driver. Use the tip of a flatblade screwdriver to set this switch to the setting which best suits your tastes. 26. FULLRANGEINPUTS: These are the input jacks for the cabinet. Connect one of these jacks to the Speaker output of the amplifier; the other jack may be used to carry the amp signal to an exten- sion cabinet if desired.32 B-15R rear panel:Technical Specifications:OUTPUT POWER RATING100 watts @ 5%THD, 8 ohm load, 120VAC SPEAKERSIZEANDRATINGAmpeg Vintage 15, 8 ohm, 150 watt, 2 voice coil, 56 oz magnet High Efficiency Piezo Tweeter, 8 ohm, 150 watt (w/network)CROSSOVERFREQUENCY3kHz ULTRAHIGH SWITCH6dBBoost @ 4kHzULTRALOW SWITCH10dBBoost @ 40HzBASS CONTROL25dBRange @ 40HzMID CONTROL34dBRange @ 200, 400, 900, 1.5k or 2.5kHzTREBLE CONTROL30dBRange @ 4kHzINPUT IMPEDANCE0dB: 3M ohms; -15dB: 47k ohmsMAX.INPUTSIGNALLEVELACCEPTED0dB: 1V RMS; -15dB: 5.75V RMS TOTALSYSTEMGAIN50dB w/tones flat, Ultra Low and Ultra High offSIGNALTONOISERATIO90dBPOWER REQUIREMENTS120VAC, 60Hz, 400VA; 100VAC, 50/60Hz, 400VA; 230VAC, 50/60Hz, 400VA DIMENSIONS 24W x 16-1/2D x 24-1/4H w/amp flipped inside, w/out caster board3 2 - 7 / 8 H w/amp flipped out, w/out caster board; 37-1/4 H w/caster boardWEIGHT:117 lbs