Alto mc 500 4

This is the 64 pages manual for alto mc 500 4.
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alto mc 500 4

Extracted text from alto mc 500 4 (Ocr-read)

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ALTO MCdmpliiiersdre seriesoi innovoiivedesign powerempliiiershirilow lsirom
iheironiioihe bdclio keep in d nicedircirculdiion insideiherdck. Theduiomdilcidn
which is olieoied blihe machine iemperoiure includesvorious kinds oi speed. This low-noise
fdn mdkes d good resull in cooling The hedl from mdohines.

ALTO MC500.4 dmplifier include 4 independenl chdnnels wiih
sepdrdie and powersupplv. The lndependeni proieciion sysiem avoids over-healing.

' lnnovolive design and sldbilily power dmplifier
'Fdn-cooled AB cldss high power amplifier in T9 rock, 2U size
- Rugged amplifier in d slrong, compdcl chdssis
vindicoiors: openiion/proieciion, |imii, per, brdg, clip, LEVEL: -20 and -l0dB
- User-conlrolldble clip Iimiier

-Aulo-ddjusling speed fdn

- lindependeni chdnnels wiih sepdrdie proieciion svsiem
oSmori-designed proiecilon svsiem ior ouio re-operoiion eiier inuli
derdllel-inpui: CHT lo CH2, CH3 lo Chi

' Allowing ihe seleciion oi Siereo or Bridge operdiion
. Low Pdss Filler: Allow seleoiion of ildi, 35Hz or 75 Hz