Altec 7140a manual
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Extracted text from altec 7140a manual (Ocr-read)
Page 2
7140A Dualflmnel Power Amplifier
40A Dual-Channel Power A plifier
malfunction occurs during the specified pe-
riod. the product will be repaired or replaced
(at our option) without charge. The product
will be returned to the customer prepaid.
Exclusions and Limitations: The Limited
Warranty does not apply to: (a) exterior fin-
ish or appearance; (b) certain specific items
described in the individual product-line
statement(s) below, or in the individual prod-
uct data sheet or owners manual; (0) mal-
function resulting from use or operation of
the product other than as specified in the
product data sheet or owners manual; (d)
malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse
Input Card Pin Assignments
Pin it Name Function
1 vomjansmcm 0 to 5 VDC. load voltage
channel one
2 vom_salsa_ctt2 0 to 5 VDC. load voltage
channel two
0 to 5 VDC. load current
channel one
3 iour_saNsa_cm
O to 5 VDC. load current
channel two
4 rour_sausa_cuz
0 to 5 VDC, heat sink
temperature channel one
0 to 5 VDC, heat sink
temperature channel two
7 AUDIO_OUT_CHI Channel one output scaled
down for 0 dBu full scale.
Can be used for monitor~
ing or line out.
8 AUDIO_OUT_CH2 Channel two output scaled
down for 0 dBu full scale.
Can be used for monitor-
ing or line out.
9 Sl'ANDBY_CHl Control signal turns
channel one power supply
on by forcing pin to
AGNDI Normally
connected to PIN 17
10 +rsv 15 VDC supply with
100 mA capacity
Control signal turns
channel two power supply
on by forcing pin to
AGND. Normally
connected to PIN 17
of the product; or (e) malfunction occurring
at any time after repairs have been made to
the product by anyone other than Mark IV
Audio Service or any of its authorized ser-
vice representatives. Obtaining Warranty
Service: To obtain warranty service, a cus-
tomer must deliver the product, prepaid, to
Mark IV Audio Service or any of its autho-
rized service representatives together with
proof of purchase of the product in the form
of a bill of sale or roceipted invoice. A list
of authorized service representatives is avail-
able from Mark IV Audio Service at 10500
W. Reno Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73127
(800-845-8727 or FAX 405-577-3274). In-
-15 VDC supply with
100 mA capacity
Pin it Name
12 45v
13 cr.tr_cm 0 to 8 volt signal
indicating channel one clip
by going high (> 4 volts)
l4 +6V 6 VDC supply with
800 mA capacity reference
only to DGND
0 to 8 volt signal
indicating channel two clip
by going high (> 4 volts)
ls cusp-u
DGND, reference for
6 VDC supply (FIN 14)
Normally connected to
PIN 9. Indicates channel
one critical temp, over-
current, output DC or
shorted output by going
high (> 5 volts). Signal
norm is low (< 1 volt).
Referenced to AGND
18 DGND DGND. reference for
6 VDC supply (PIN l4)
l9 FAULLCHI Normally connected to
PIN 9 Indicates channel
two critical temp, over:
current, output DC or
shorted output by going
high (> 5 volts). Signal
norm is low (< 1 volt).
Referenced to AGND
DGND, reference for 6
VDC supply (PIN 14)
20 born)
cidental and Consequential Damages Ex-
cluded: Product repair or replacement and
return to the customer are the only remedies
provided to the customer. Altec Lansing shall
not be liable for any incidental or consequen-
tial damages including, without limitation,
injury to persons or property or loss of use.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential
damages so the above limitation or exclu-
sion may not apply to you. Other Rights:
This warranty gives you specific legal rights.
and you may also have other rights which
vary from state to state.
shorting this pin to DGND
will power down entire
amplifier with exception of
6 VDC supply
Pin if Name
21 rowslt_crt.
22 AGND AGND. analog, fault and
+15-volt supply ground
Unbalanced channel two
input to amplifier
referenced to AGND.
Sensitivity=0.775 Vrms
24 AOND AGND, analog. fault and
25 AGND AGND, analog. fault and
+15-volt supply ground
26 AOND AGND, analog, fault and
+15-volt supply ground
Unbalanced channel one
input to amplifier
referenced to AGND.
Sensitivity=0.775 Vrms
28 AGND AGN'D. analog. fault and
+15-volt supply ground
29 caAssrsoND Connects to chassis ground
inside amplifier
30 CHASSISGND Connects to chassis ground
inside amplifier