Allen heath pop mixer service manual
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Extracted text from allen heath pop mixer service manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
The Pop mixer is a portable modular mixing console designed primarily
for use in sound reinforcement installations. Though strongly constructed,
care must be taken not to subject the unit to any adverse handling.
The INPUTS accept a wide range of input levels, through a standard
female cannon type socket. Pin connection is ground 1. cold 2. hot 3.
The design of the input stage provides a normally low input impedance
for microphones. Any level can be accomodated without distortion.
If a higher impedance input is required to avoid leading of tape
recorders etc., resistors should be placed in series with the input.
If unbalanced operation is required pin 3 may be connected to ground
line the normal way. Again for EU. Z in, connect series resistor.
(This may be done internally or externally to module).
All the OUTPUTS from the mixer are at line level low impedance, and
so are capable of driving all types of amplifiers. If the rated
sensitivity of power amps or other devices connected to the mixer is
higher than 1 volt, it is necessary to put a 10k 103 control between
the relevant output and input.
Output connections are as follows.
Q) Q)
1. TIP . . . . . Echo Return Cannons Wired.
RDfilG . . . . Echo Send 1 . Ground
2. Cold
2. TIP ..... Talkback 3. Hot
RING Monitor 0/? ____
3 Cue 1 Power Wired.
L . Positive
4. Cue 2- N. Negative
Page 2
a) Turn all input faders and rotary gain controls (gain, cue echo
send and echo return) to minimum.
Turn bass, treble and pan controls to centre.
Turn mid lift controls to zero.
Adjust output faders to between 0 8a 1.
All monitor select buttons out.
Connect power supply. The meters should flick across then settle
back to rest position.
3) Connect an input to a channel, set fader to '1' mark. With signal
present, adjust gain control to give average zero deflection on
output meters (if routing switching is fitted, select required
output groups.
h Set up all channels in similar manner.
1 Readjust pan controls for desired stereo balance.
3 Connect echo/cue send circuits. Main level controls should be at
6 for normal operation. Adjust individual echo controls as desired.
MONITORDIG - facility is provided for monitoring the outputs of the
mixer on both meters and headphones. The 'monitor' pot controls
headphone level. The monitor select buttons are arranged such that
when they are all in the out slate, the meters and headphone circuit
monitor the main stereo output. The solo, cue, or foldback signals
may be monitored by pushing the appropriate switch. The solo function
monitors the individual channel signals when individual channel buttons
are depressed. The meter reading gives indication of channel level
and may be used to set channel gain. If a talkka system is being
used on the installation the signal may be linked to the monitor circuit.
The connection for this is available on the headphone monitor jack so
that an external interface with the talk'bsck system may be mode. This
input may of course be used for ancillary monitoring of any signal
at line level.
MULTILIAX FACILIEL- Pins 5 8a 4 on the input channel connectors are
conneoed to the balanced channel input. If the chassis is removed
from the case. a multiway harness may be simply installed. Earth
connection is to the Buss on pin 2.