Akai 1710 Service Manual
This is the 36 pages manual for Akai 1710 Service Manual.
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Extracted text from Akai 1710 Service Manual (Ocr-read)
Page 1
IASTE OF CONTENTS I spEctFtcAnoNs.. .. ...'.....'...... I I HOW TO A.TEASURE DESIGNATED VALUES OF SPEC|F|CAT|ONS..,...... ..............' 2 I tocafloN oF coNlRor.s ..... . .........................., 3 IV DrsAssEMrLy oF tApE TRANSPoRT uNtTs AND AMPL|F|ERS......... ...... ... ... ,l v TRANSPORI MECHAN|SL .......... ..... 6 IJ ADJUSTMENT OF TAPE TRANSPORT UNIT .................".. 9 II ADJUSTMENT oF al4pr|FrER ... .................... .............'10 rlf r,{A|NTENANCE pRocEDURES .. ............. .............It X( Lrsl or REPLACEI ENT pARTs....................................12 X ExpLoDED vtEw oF coMpoNENt p^RTs............ ......,.1,4 xI TROU3LESHOOTTNG CHART ................,..............,.21 n scHEfiATtC DTAGRAM .,.....,............, ..'.................25 xI CoNNECTING DfAGRAl.r ...................-..--.-.-.-......-.26
Page 2
SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUMBER wtrGHT (NET IN CARTON) DIMENSIONS POWER RE- qUIREMENTS POWER CON. SUMPTION RECORDINC Akai Modcl 1700, portablc 4-track st.rco tape rccorder. 33 lbs (15 kg) without acccssorics. t3-t6' lH) x 13-%' (w) x 9' (Dl case A. C. 100, ll0, 120,200,220 or 240 volts interchang€abl€. 50 60cycles. 80VA. Inline 4 t.ack st€reo and 4-tfack mon- Inlin€ 4.tiack stefeo, monaural play- Thrce speeds cml and l-%" (a.is cmJ per second. (15" p€r s€cond with an optional accessory capstan and pinch whe€I.) SYSTEM: PLAYBACK SYSTEM: TAPE SPEED : .I'APE SPEED DEVIATION : WOW AND FLUTTER : TIME FRDqUENCY RDSPONStr DISTORT'ION SIGNAL-TO- NOISE RATIO CROSS TALK CHANNEL SEPARATION Less than + 3 pef cent at all tape Less than 0.2 % at 7-t6 ips. R.M.S. Less than 0.3 % at 3-7a ips. R.M.S. Less than 0.45 % at l-16 ips. R.M.S. FAST FORWARD AND REWIND 150 seconds fof 1,200 ft. tapc at 50 cy- cles and 120 s€conds at 60 cyclcs. 40 to 18,000cps. at 7-%;ps; .L 3 db.80 to 12,000 cps. at 7-l, ipsj + 3 db. 80 to 10,000cps. at 3-3la;ps; + 4 db. 80 at 4,000cps. at l-7s ips. Within 4%at l,000cps,oVU ltotal 40 db below rccorded lev€lsignal at all Within 55db between each trach. Better than 80 db at l,000cps +3 VU. POWJ]R INPU'I' LDVELS: POWDR OUTPUT: Microphone ir)put lcvcl -55 db (VR. max.jat l,000cps. Phono and radio input levcl 40 db (VR. max.)at l,000cps. Pre-Amplifier output, 0.7V at 1,000 cps, impedanc€ more than l00K ohms. Main output,34dbm. up (in 600ohmt. More than 50MEC ohns. More than ore m;nute at A.C. 1,000V. With headphor€ during reco.ding. Condenser start;ng induction two- l/l00HP. Power factor,70 pe. cent. 2,900 to I,450 r.p.m. at 50 cps, 3,480 to 1,740 r.p.m. at 60 cps. lnline +tf ack stereo/monau.al record- play h€ad ; Impedance.. .3,500 ohms + l0 % zt I,000 cps. 4-track erase head ; Imp€danc€. . .4,000 ohms +15% at 90 Round dynamic micropho.e Impedance...50,000ohms S€Dsit;vity... 55 db. f.€quency R€rpoDse...70 ro 15,000 Two 5'x7' dynahic speakers. Imp€dance...8 ohms Allowable IDput...6 warts Frequency R€sponse...8o ro 12,000 cps, :! l0db. I2AT7 x2, 6BM8x2. l50Dx2 Up to 7' r€el INSULATION RESISTANCE INSULATION YI[,LD STRENGTH MONITORINC SYSTEM MOTOR HEADS MICROPHONE USED : SPEAKOR INCLUDED: TUBES USED : SILICON DIODE USED: REELS USED : RECORDING LEVEL INDICATOR : Horizontal, A-model VU m€te..