Aiwa CX 60 Service Manual

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Aiwa CX 60 Service Manual

Extracted text from Aiwa CX 60 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Al WA®

S/M Code No. same






Follow the instructions carefully, which will allow
and give many years of serivce.

1. No scratch and melting shall be made to covered lead-wires of an

a.c. primary circuit including mains leads.

No illeqihility shall he uiven to the specification plate, the cau-

tion labels, the fuse labels and others.

When, on pattern sides of circuit boards, additional repair-parts

have been male up, the parts shall be firmly glued to circuit

boards or other components, unless the parts can be attached


. The following matters shall be maintained as they are, when
ll Soldering of lead-Wire ends

Care should be taken of the space distance in an ac priA
mary circuit as well as soldering.

Wiring and holding of Ieadwires with Wire-clips and binders

Materials of lead-wares

' 2.9.; For UL models, lead-wires to be used shall be 2197

proved or accepted by the UL,

Location of all kinds of insulators

Setting of voltage selector sWitch

' Set the Voltage Selector Switch to 240V, 220V] or 120V,
According to your Local Voltage.

After repaired, the insulation resistance or leakage current shall

be measured with 500 2 5V D.C and shall be not less than 1M5).





Measuring Point

Conlecl lo Chassis u' Ousm T) oi p'l )aclv

Chassis l ,)

AC Power Cori! i 4')

. General instructions for mechanism repair

the user to optimise the products performance

fl The heads, capstan and punch roller shall be Cleaned ol good
quality alcohol after repaired, because dirty heads shall cause
distorted sounds while dirty capstan and pinch roller shall
occur wow/flutter and takerup lauli

Lubricants been stained the surfaces of transmitting portion
of the belts, idlers, capstan and pinch roller shall be removed,
because slippery and faulty tape travel shall be caused

when oiling, only one or two drops shall be applied so as
not to run over and be dispersed Note should be taken of the
metal fitting for the capstan and rotating portions of the
idlers and pinch roller, especially,

Erllllgs and poly slider washers shall be replaced With new
ones, if once those have been removed 7 No TE'UIlllaYlOn
due to unreliability,

Regular sparerparts shall always be used for repair, because
using irregular parts and tampering With ihe producls shall
cause deterioration, muliunction and damage.





Page 15


, 2W: .

Symbol No. Part No. Description Symbol No. Part No. Description Symbol No. Part No. Description Symbol No. Part No, Description Symbol No. Part No. Description Symbol N0. Part N0. Description
PCB- A Main circuit board PIN7 87-049-153-01 Pin, 13? PCB-F TU Circuit board 51 82-795-624-01 Slide switch (AM STEP PCE- I Jack circuit board PCB-P 81-505505-01 Auto stop Circuit board
|C2 8702707801 IC, TC9152P PIN8 8248109701 Pin, 5P (1)101 87-027-99701 IC, 10017040018 SELECTOR) (H, HU models J7 87049-25201 Jack, 8.3a w/switch (Mlx MIC) CP501,502 8702704401 Photo sensor, NJL-5141EA
(1,) 103,903,905 87027-29801 Ic, C-Mos4001 NOR SP OUT 8278802401 Speaker terminal, 4P 102 87-027-994-01 IC, AN6873 selector) J8 87049-25301 Jack, 6.3a w/switch (PHONE)
104,5 8702709501 Ic, M5218L 8279400101 Heat sink 104 87027429-01 IC, TC4016EP 5FR1 87-021-742-01 Semi-fixed resistor, 10101-8 51 87-031-76001 Pushswitch (DSL) < MISCELLANEOUS >
105,7 87-027-897-01 Ic, uPC-1225H < Rasmms > 105 87-027-840-01 IC, M54519P 5FR2 87021-73901 Semi-)ixed resistor, 2.2kn-B ATI 82-794006-11 Power transformer
(08 87027-78701 IC, uPc-1237H Amy 8702941901 100 1/4w Fuse minor IC6 87027-998-01 IC, uP01227V SFR3 87021-55401 Semi-fixed resistor, 1k0-B < SWITCH-Z CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > (H model only)
(1) 10401 8702702701 10, TC4069U8P M25126 87025334 01 0.330 3w Came, (is), 107 87-027-99301 IC,uPCI167C2 PlN6-1 82794-69201 Pin, 7P PCB-J 5witch- 2 circuit board AT1 8279400701 Power transformer
(0801 87-027-51001 l0, 14104001 127.128' 108 87-027-996-01 IC, LAI245 PlN6-2 8218801801 Pin, SP 51 8279406801 Slide swncn (PBo-OFF-ORECi (U model only)
@lcsoi 82-189040-01 IC, LM6402A-133 R143 144 8702545401 2700 1w Mm, mm 109 87027-75201 lC,uPBS§3AC 8279407601 Antenna terminal ass'y AM/FM A 82.794503_01 powe, ,mnsrmmer
l0902 87027-90901 IC, M54523? AR173'174 870294140, 4.70 1/4w Fuse mm 01 87026-16501 FET, 25K7GGR (750/3000) < LED CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > (E, 2 models only)
ICQOd 87-027-706-01 (C, )IPC4011 ' 02 89-319-233-01 Transistor, 2501923 (0) (H, U, G models on Iv) PCB-K LED circuit board [2:11 82-794609-01 Power transformer
01,5,21,22 89018-15401 Transistor, 2501815 Y < Csmiwrs > 03,4,10 8950101501 FET, 25K1610R 8279407701 Antenna terminal ass'y 01 89-318-155-01 Transistor, 2501815 (GR) (K, G models only)
011,12,13, 89-32001101 Transistor, 2502001 K 0114 37-01545001 2208': 25V Elmrolviic 3" 05,11 89018-15501 Transistor, 2501815 (GR) (E, 2 models only) D1,4,5,6 87027-54201 LED, LN217RP Rim 137.046.2301 REG/PB head
14,501,505, 9131332 52794-52201 470W: 50V E'ecmlvric 08,7,1s,22 89-318-15401 Transistor, 2501815 (Y) 8279407801 Antenna terminal ass'y (0, MS, 05L, MT) EH 8704549801 Erase head
909,910 08,9,13 89-320-011-01 Transistor, 2502001 (K) (K model only) 02.38 87-027-543-01 LED. LN317GP (B, INTRO, Cr) 50L1,2 81505-60301 Solenoid, 9M E-A
015,16 89018-15401 Transistor, 2501815 Y < 026,27 89-320011-01 Transistor, 2502001 (K) < Regina > 07 87-02707101 LED, LN417YP (NORMAL) Il/l2 R991 mom
017,18 8941407341 Transistor, 2501407 PCB B DECK circu board (E,l( models only) R87 88 89 8279408101 100m 1w Metal mm MI 87045-13501 DCrEG motor
019,20 89-210-163-41 Transistor, 2581016 ((3301 87-027-91'101 IC. PPCIZZBH 012,19,20,21 89-110-154-01 Transistor, 25A1015 (v) 90'91'92' < KEY BOARD CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > 01 8702704401 LED, SH: 301:
026.3334 8941302241 Transistor, 25013020 (RsT) 02-5-25 89-110-154-01 Translswrr 25A101 5V 024 89-110-1 54-01 Transistor, 25A1015 (Y) H10; 162 87 025 06901 220 1w Mm, film PCB L Key-board circuit board 51,4 3050500701 Leaf swirch, AU
O31 89-304-954-01 Transistor, 250495 (Y) 0301.302. 89130945601 Transistor. 25C945L (P) (H model only) (H mode, only, 01,4 87027-92101 LED, 5R5060 (CASSETTE, Rec)
032 89-105-054-01 Transistor, 25A505 Y 303.304 014 8941200301 Transistor, 2501250 (0) R10, 102 87025339 01 22:) 1w Meta, mm (REC MUTE, REC) 52,3 8150500201 Leal switch, Cassette
035 89414-06341 Transistor, 2501406 (OY) 0601.602. 89-320-011-01 Transistor, 2562001 (K) 015 89412-75301 Transistor, 2501275 (0) ' (U E K G 2 model on, ) 03 87027-922-01 LED, SR206D (PLAY) (Cro, , METAL)
035 89412-75341 Transistor, 25D1275 705.706 017,18 89313-84801 Transistor, 2501384 (R) A8113 87029033 01 ,0}, '1/2'w F s - V D5 87027-92301 LED, sv4060 (PAUSE) 55,6 81-505-601-01 Lear switch, Gear cam
, - use resistor _
037 89-502-465-01 FET, 25K148 K GR 0603.702. 89-318-155-01 Transistor, 2501815 (GR) 023 8950246401 FET, 25K246Y (H model on, ) 51,2,3,4, 87031-77101 Tact switch (REC, FF, STOP, (PAUSE, PLAY)
0503.504, 89-309-456-01 Transistor, 250945L (P) 703,704. 025 89019-23301 Transistor, 2501923 (0) ARMS 87 029 105-01 109 1/2v1I F . 5,6 PAUSE, REw, PLAY) 5901 8703155101 Rotary switch
. ' ' USE resistor
505,506, 803,804 01,2,3,4 87-027-900-01 Diode, Kv-12362-2 (U E K G 2 model ml ) CN7 8905101001 Connector ass'y, 13P (VOLTAGE SELECTOR)
507,508 0701 89-318464-51 Transistor. 2301846R IS) 09,12,13, 87027-09701 Diode, 151555 ' ' ' ' s V 8703495601 AC power cord (H model only)
0901 8941205341 Transistor, 2501265 (or) 0801908 89-110-155-01 Transistor, 25A1015 (GR) 14,15,17, < Capacitors > < con CIRCUIT BOARD sechoN > 8703403501 AC power cord (U model only)
0902.903 39.109.521.01 Transistor, 2SA952K 0802 89-318-154-01 Transistor, 2501815 (Y) 15,1920, CS4 87-014-049-01 470pF PP PCB- M CON circuit board 87-034877-01 AC power cord
0904305, 39-318-155-01 TranSIstor, ZSC1815 (GR) 0601.602, 87027-21901 Diode, MA150 2122,23, C219 87-014-047-01 39PF PP CN6 82-794-685-01 Connector assv, 12P (E, Z models only)
906,911 6031501! 24,25,26, (E, K, 2 models only) 87-034975-01 AC power cord (K model only)
D1,2,5,6,9, 87027-21901 Diode, MA-150 802-906 27,28 < DOLBY-NR CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > 8703409201 Ac power cord (G model only)
15,16,17,19, L701 82-794-661-01 Bias 05C coil 010 87027-39301 Zener diode, H2402 < FL CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > 87-027-905-01 Dolby-NR unit 2H ass'v 87085-18401 AC power cord bushing
2031,2223, L702 87-003051-01 Choke coil, 470MH D11,16 87027-67601 Zener diode, HZI ZB3L PCB-G FL circuit board (W/PCB-N) (H' U models only)
34,401,303, RY-S 87-045-202-01 Relay. Reed RP»13A L1 82791-63101 FM antenna coil |C1 87027-99501 )0, AN6887 101,2 87027-86201 10, HA12038 87085-18501 AC power cord bushing
901,904, 51.2,3,4 82-794-651-01 Switch ass'v (B/c, ON/OFF. L2 8279103001 FM antenna coil D1.2.3 87-027-772-01 LED, GL-SPR4 L1,2 87005-15501 Coll, 36mH (E, K, G, 2 models only)
905,908 M5/INTR0, ON/OFF) L3,5,6 8279102901 FM antenna can HONOI AUXI TAPE) PIN 87-049-117-01 Pin. 7F 0N1 8905100301 Connector ass'y, 3P
011,902,903 57027-33201 Zener diode, stei L 5FR301.302 87021-56901 Semi-fixed resistor. 50kfl-B L4 8279102701 FM antenna coil 04 87027-54201 LED, LN217RP (FM 5T) PIN 87049-11901 Pin, 9P 0N2 32.794455501 Connem, assv, 9p
014 87027-55501 Zener diode, H25C2 701,702 L7,1o 87005-15101 Coil, 2.2101 054 ~ 5-7 825553430301 LED. LN07202 IP) < Resistors > on: 8279405701 Connector my, Motor 3
024,33,36,41 87027-36501 Diode, 552779 SFRBOI 57021-57101 Semi-"mi resistor. 5001010 L8 82761-63301 FM 050 mil (SIGNAL/LEVEL) H9 10 87025471, 5 1m 114w Meta, mm cm, 3279435301 Connector my, 5w (3
031 8702708601 Zener diode, H212A1 PIN: 8248954901 Pi": 9" L9 8279408701 MW 050 coil,10 87-027097-01 Diode, 151555 m', 12 B7 025 29501 1%,: 1/4w M ,
_ . . , - - eta) fllm < Capacitor >
035 87027-50901 Zener diode, H21283 4 37049 152 PW 12" L11,12 87005-12601 COII,1mH FL) 32-795-620-01 FL.9MT2IZK H35 35 8702549601 56m 114w Mm, film ,
037 87027-81501 Diode, S2VB1O 9 37-049'058'01 Pint 3P L13,14 87-005-13501 Coil, LA04NA 221 K-TP, 87-031-771-01 Tact switch. EVO-OSK04M ' C1 8701545001 220 25" E'acrmv BP
038 87027-97701 Diode, KELOZ < manna", > L15 8279408801 LW osc coil 5-6.7.8, (FM. MW. PHONO. AUX. TAPE, < Capacitors > _
L501'502 8279406201 Trap co 0301302 3701595401 10,, 16V Elecmwm LL (5K1 Model, my, 9,10,11,12, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, UP, 015,16 8701501701 1014F 16V Electrolytic LL
L503,5o4 8700307001 Choke coll, 5.6mi-l c704 374314438101 0,01,: pp L16,17 8700304501 Coil, zzpF (E, K, 2 models only) 13-14-1216. DOWN. TIME SET-TIMER DIS 021.2223. E37-015-366r01 0-1514F 10V Alummum solid
L901 82-189-642-01 osc coil, LM6400 0705 0368,: Pp Xtal 82799-61301 Crystal 4.5M 17.18.19 TIME/'Fsgégifvi' SLEEP 24.45.46
J1 2 3 4 -7 4 2 - 1 Pin 'ack a - PHONO Aux _ _ . . - LPF1,2 8279408401 Low- as filter ,
' ' 82 9 6 5 ° RE; OUTSISPTAYER SQNQ 5ND, cm 87 °4 65 ° 0'58 5° FM 3 (m T, 827946830, FM .2T 6T CNS 89-051-025-01 connector ass'y, 7e < POWER CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION >
TH1,2 82304-72201 Thermistar, 42026 IT RD SECTI N > T2 8279409501 Coil, FM quad (P) 90 PW WW" Ward
Rm 8704520101 Helm/Gm 12V : llast-120No AMP Cchu 80;?no amp W3 board T3 8279409601 Co. FM quad (5) < REc AMP CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION 2 (U model only)
RY-2 87045-20001 Relay04z 12V ((31 8702732501 .c M5220 T4 8279409901 MW antenna coil PCB-H REC AMP WCU board PCB'O Power circuit board
VL2 87021-76401 Volume, sum-G (O) (TRE8LE) ' T5 8279408901 CFMA 450 (H models only) "3101 87-027-952-01 IC. M51544 (H model onlv)
VL3 87-021-765-01 Volume, 53an )5) (BASS) < CBPSCIDV > T5 82-795-675-01 CFMA 450 0101,10? 89-309-456-01 Transistor, 280945L lPI PCB-R " Power circuit board
VL4 8702146601 Volume. 10krz-MN (BALANCE) C3,4 87-015-643-01 2.214F 50V Electrolytic LL (U'E'K' G, 2 models only) 0301 ,302 89018-15401 Transistor, 2501815 (Y) (E, K, G, 2 rnodeis only)
SFR1,2 87021-73501 Semi-fixed resistor, 2200-5 T6 8279408001 Coil FL PlNl 87-049065-01 Pin. 3" F1 57-035-254-01 Fuse. 25A (H model onlvl
SFR303,304 87021-74401 Semi-fixed resistor, sakn-e < SWITCHI CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > T9 82.794.700.01 Lw antenna mi. PIN5 87-049-169-01 Pin, 7P F1 87035-30001 Fuse, 2A (UL) (U model only)
5FR501,502 87021-73901 Semi-fixed resistor, 2.2m-8 PCB-D 5mm 1 "5"" a! (E, K,Z models only) 87049-11301 P 3P F1 57-035-221-01 Fuss. "T 800mA
F2 87035-25401 Fuse, 2.5A (H model only) 51 827945914 PM" ME (POWER) TC1,2 87011-13901 Trimmer, 6P 87-049-115-01 5P (E, K. G. 2 models onlv)
F2 87035-30001 Fuse, 25A (U model only) T03 87011-10801 Trimmer, 8P 87-049-119-01 Fin.9P F3 87035-25001 Fuse. 125A IH model only)
AF2 87035-22401 Fuse, 16A < Vl- CIRCUIT BOARD SECTION > T05 82785-70301 Trimmer, 30P < Resistor > 87033-14701 Fuse clamp
(E, K, G. 2 models only) 3'9 VL WW" a T06 87-01 1-13101 Trimmer, 30? ARC) 8702936101 33 MM Fuse resistor J10 8704901701 AC outlet (H, U models only)
87033-14701 Fuse clamp VL 37'021'75301 5" V°'"e' 100 0F1,2,3 87-008-238-01 Ceramic filter, MS-SH




Ceramic filter, BFU450C4N

Note: Combination Circuit Board

The parts or) the electrical parts list which are indicated by an
asterisk l") are supplied as one single combined circuit board,
Therefore, they will nor be supplied separately. If this becomes
necessary, please order the entire circuit board.

Combination circuit board A 82-794-610-21
PCB-A 82-794-611-21
PCB-B 82-794-614-21
PCB-E 82-794-613-21
PCB-l 82-794-618-21
PCBJ 82-794-615-21
PCB-K 82-794-612-21
PCB-L 82-794-656-21

Combination circuit board B 82-794-626-11
PCB-C 82794-62841
PCB-H 32-794-627-1 1
PCB-M 82-794-629-1 1

Combination circuit board C 82-794-635-21
PCB-D 82-794-638-21
PCB-F 82-794-636-21
PCB-F 82-794-637-21
PCB-O 82-794-639-21
PCB-P 82-794-640-21
PCB-0 82-794-641-21

ASaIety component symbol

This symbol is given to important parts which serve to maintatn
the safety of the product, and which are made to conform to spemal
safety specifications. Therefore, when replacmg a component with
this symbol, make absolutely sure that you use a designated part,

C-MOS IC handling precaution

The C-MOS lC's construction makes this part susceptible to damage

by static elecrrICltv and so take sufficient care in regard to follow-

ing articles,

1. Need to be put on conductive sheet, to be put in a metallic box
and to be wrapped by aluminium foil for transportation and

2. To use solder iron less than 40W (less than 260a Ci of power
consumption for soldering. But do not overheat more than 10

3. Do not perlorrn a conductiVIty test with a tester, etc. Refer To
the circuit voltages of each part.

4. The ICs on the electrical parts which are indicated by an O-
MOS levmbol mark I G) l.

I (IX-60 H,U,E,K,G,z

SIM Code No. 83-019