Adcom gfs 1 owners manual

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adcom gfs 1 owners manual

Extracted text from adcom gfs 1 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

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O) ., . _ \ Instruction Sheet

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The me innovative thinking that created the cm 1

_ . _ - series of Balanced
Bridged Amplifiers and their system compliments , the GFP-l Silent Partner
Preamplifieragnd GFI-l Digital. Tuner, has conceived and developed the GFS-l
speaker switching control unit. This coupact switching system incorporates
mgkzrniqutla. features not found in. conventional preamps and receivers with I

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_ :gfers: ectors, or. in other accessory speaker _ switching devicesr The CPS-l C . , ,

*A headphone output usable with all types'of amplifiers ' - -. . ~ . ' ' .;

*igdifiendent selection of up to three pairs of speakers or any combination ' 7: - z
, em 7 7* .3
*compatable with all types of Amplifiers ...

uni circuit board construction for optimum performance , a . 3
*Capable of switchingsystems up to 200 watts per channel . ., .. . .

When all of these features are combined it becomes apparent that the CFs-l,:-. _' .....

-'offera a level 'of performance fl -

a a -- a , o .. extbflity and value that has come ex- ~-

pected .pf. allApcmproducts. . .. If . to be . . s_-
7°: m"P and your Speakers. The first .. 7
lifier or receiver 'speaker' terminals ' A

1'0 assure correct!- polarity .inse polarized? "t:
. wire for; high power systems _4 and long 3 7
cakers may also be used),.i,,As a rule Mtge <'7'_si.=.":'§:'.;=-'-?f§
' ghannel A. is left and Channel 35 7"!

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¢ Next Wk "9? sveaker pans to the eemms shave 'sp 1 ' . in 2" am bee-T: 3"??52

'. 'fmaking sure to observe polarity as well as'ri ° ' '

_. ght-left. The figure below shows th

1? correct wiring of a single set of speakers. Additional pairs of speakers should be??? '
connected in the same manner to the terminals corresponding to 'SP 2' and 'SP 3";

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Page 2

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now to USE ms cps-1

The GFS-l is designed to switch from among three independent speaker systems.
Each system or pair may be rated at either 4 or 8 ohms impedance and each channel
may be driven at up to 200 watts(protection out). _ , ,

To wage a speaker system just depress the button that corresponds to that ' - a -
.pair of speakers. When using 2 or 3 pair of 4 ohm speakers, or a combination of I
(sand 8 ohm pairs, the 'PROTECTION' is seen by the amplifier. This uniQue protection33i75 ?
system is'designed to protect your snip from the very low load impedances that are the .-
consequence of wiring multiple pairs of speakers' to one amplifier or receiver. ' "

. When switching betVeen 3 pair of 8 ohm speakers, the 'PROTECTION" button shguld

only be depressed when using all three systems at one time. Remember that the


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-protection system is intended for amplifier protection and not speaker protection.
' It is not recommended for use at extremely high listening levels because distorted .
peaks in the musical program may damage the GFS-l components; by causing excessive 4

.3 heat to deve10p internally, ~

. I'l'he headphone jack is active 'at all times once the initial hook up has been ;
made. The jack is designed to accept the standard 3 conductor 3:" stereo headphone"
plug. For most amplifiers the selector switch on the rear panel of the CPS-1 should'¥'7§f§ff~'f3gj?
be in the 'NORH' position. If you are using .a bridged amplifier it 'vill__be necessary4-:1.11:.73-29-7?
,3 , to run a single wire from any chassis screw of your amp,to the ground lug ('GND')» 7
f j on the rear panel of the ass-1. .rhe selectgr 3mm: must be in the gigBRIDG' #03693?"

.J if a"Bridged_'_Amplifier is being Fwd-"j .-.. a .. . .

- - . ', ., - _ 3 - .3 . no.1. .,'_ .3; 43 m ;._ 3' - 9.1:: ' ,- .67.:- f: a; ~tfi M'r/

-- be "#1338 the 'Immd Ground? arrangement you may wish. to run a mudgm"

cm 3mm "11'" t° the 935.1.- 115-890 youmst provide: a. shortdmpfir'wire Be" en
the 'AMP IN' -" push connectors to ensure prOper operation of the headphone jack. 1-. 733.33.353.55; _.

' You may then connect the single ground wire to either of these "-" terminals .. Hode ,
switch should be in 'NORH' position. .. j" . } ~ .~ ' _ . -_ .~

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.As 7° can see: the 51 provides a M8111? flexible, convenient speaker/headphone :31:
control system, thoroughly thought out to deliver maximum performance with any system.

If you have any questions about the CPS-1 and-your system please feel free to call or
write us. ' ' - - ' '

, .QVrtw PW L I

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.msr:_.. 11A Elkins Road 3 _ . mi: 1721 Newportbircle . -
' " 3.13m ck, NJ- 08816 3 j 3 . Santa Ana, ca 92705.. '.§:;.;;.._.,;,:?
(201) 390-1130 . . ,- (714) 966-2628

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