Acoustic research ar 10 pi brochure

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acoustic research ar 10 pi brochure

Extracted text from acoustic research ar 10 pi brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Acouwc Men
Mam WM Dtvmon

AR-10n loudspeaker system


AR and high 060W

From as women Acoushc Ro-
searctt has had a strong mores:
n om warm, Its ocmary
goal was to Jody the body 04
scentttc kr-owodge tn moo
acoustcs. and rotated re'OS so
the dosage of mate's to!
homuue Indongso ARwas
who to mate stg'tkan'.
Osooweflos are Oat/Wts
c! as own. where Whats.
nto comma 300.1615

That AR act-wed a substmtat
measure 0! Success 4 .3 met
0' record TM mousse susoe'»
.900 System and the hemm-
w 60th Whom; mut
We ntrocwoc by AR. as was
the first ocmrheroany Successfu
mm to uncomolate mae-
pchdert SW 0' watts
me am Now some twenty
years later. the great meaty o

. ' a".
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N ~

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the sonata systems on we
mmughou. the word are eased
Oh the we mum: Susm
saon par-ode. me mam make
use of come move! tweeters as
we! Very 'ew rhodom tmttabio
have not borrowed tea-
NVOS 0' the AR 9.1"an

AR 3 bog-starteng obyectrm
has been the saturate monome-
bort 0! some m the home Aces»
rate some 'earocuceon mm first
mode a realty ufidof the Closet,-
co'molod commas at the
two'atory The tossons and
teams teamed mete w
scout-aw twateo nmo
poem that warm .m-
GPO-001M mam mm what
musoc 0000 be reoroomc m
the home

To nus-rate tho dogma ot accu-
mm 0 some reproctxhon that

AR when runaways» AR s-gnhcartmstem towarctho

staged a turbo! of mo acrwt
fewest: concerts. n whch the
some "om AR soeam was
compared drectty mm the
sound a! we mumum Imam
nary most of the memo was
mm to tod we from recorom
SMMNN we vetsbs W090
tests haw) awn-s payee an .m-
oodafl. pan an AR 5 35(73er
Seamwn and QJW controt

Sud! tests ccntr»o.tte stgnh-
entry to the Mod to acmcwo oc-
cwaq' 0 so 'ooroeucton n
no home Wot. $0! the u?»
mate degree of Success. cond-
toes must so: be cute finer,-
controtod. by means 0! chm
'xn 0040mm W 500"! -
C8100 £89. O'OOOOJVGS W90; m
0'00! to soocmt be voom et-
octs It .5 amen thereore that

unmate goal of musacttl occv
raCy n be home must necessar-
t'y C6 33360 on U06? "6
bummawr room Manon
as part at the payback W ,

Yhe AFR-10* 5 a new spent-9'
system tvom Accust-c Research
that addresses one! to those
whsmabom Una" mm: is-
trxmg commons. the AR: 30"
00h?!» as flat on energy re.
W as the state 0! the at!
pawns And v! I: ask: to maintain
ms response ma'actmstc
mom a great wand-y of cond-
30hsotuse TMresuttsa
m1 somhcam .mowmont
m the oegtee ct ream «m
much mustc can be heard m the

Page 2

The AR-10n offers
flat energy response in most
listening environments

Undorm energy response
The Dos-c :00an o' Mgr» tom.
r, 310 produce a sci/v: how a!
he ogu o the lawns 4 his My)
ma? accunto, 'ccvo'acrh 2N: n
maxim-n or. a IQCQ'OHT} ii ' is
assumed Ma! rr-r: eueczvsca.
9.9m! ccmng om the rt-corom:
s an .chmtc recrcsmlatcn 0
.1 mos em 0' c' .1 reco'd
procumr 5 Mamas, 3. L- com
mat the p00 0 the speaker s to
17.1%! m (MOUSE "2'30" 0'
tw. 99ml mauve-d $0 "6 03.113
or tho ism!

Yho Ali-10"

Unitorffly dwpomtyc M: «WNQV
'85:)an 909m win a 500.1!
sysflem s at); to 30329 sc-nd
u! .1" "co-whom meaty in M
dmctom For iow-aowm
saunas rm; emblem o? ow-
son is not C! cram-cm consc-
an. 53.? My am mr,
nerv*,-orm-0rc~ctmaz Trcimc-
mg Mac! .x ngier "comma
is that .1 wonky w bogn to be
drochona Mon :5 cvcmmy.
once soaks he wax-congtr. 0'
ma 80080 0900 317001;!!!
Drocbcmm houses as rm
wavo'cngth docroarm wc'i re.
seed 10 N saints! 5 Oman
sons The laws 0' shy-5:05
hereby Dame 3'») most 0'06:
W to the prootom 0 even
dew o! mgr: "004000;
envy}; the 0mm usm rruv.
be made as W! as cosmic
The Game morsrqo and mm!-
or units nude by A have been
09.99000 30:13qu .0 ha. pm»
006 in 0'01" to use than Orv-0
cm laws to the Miners savan-
Lagcr 2.000 even am 0'
WK! my momma that '30
sound 0! musica; ammrmnts on
the 'WOrg mi scan: "19
same *0! £31m m a! parts 0!
my room

One dfltcuny m dos-gang that
W iflfs :S 10 mamau- 51f!-
oonl word ievei mm 6510!-
hon or draw of damage :0 ho
O'raors Now. 0 Order no may-,9
rho AR 10" We! swam
Class-0t.» AR has dowfioood a

For 09W ruins the 5393-9!
'rust dci-m' the 5mm 99%! 3!
an, my lsimng manor: «2 .1
«sienna room 0% MM cmo
2cm 1; moi wit «stem-rs m emer-
on! cum 0 he rocr'n hear thv
5.3m oedcrrmmo in m same
way A weaver ma: W5 2h?»
wow-90'1"! is om r'w 0*.»va
9s! «(orgy response WW
min m'orm capers-on a! at! in}

The net raw?! or sucr speaker
Momanoa .3 a no". woe of

now come M0010! mar c-ivrts
manmdm QMCMLVK') 3W
xmc-oflr-om; o? 'W Tbs
new Mums "18351193 h
rm across it". com "11me
943 sum 0! a "1.1mm: and
t'vxecve (Wm-005 wry mm
ochm-am 05333-00- 10 no upper
mi 0 the auOo name New
mamfan and :rocr-ciary C0"-
strucmn tecrmqws oer re
cums 93.30am W M30900
1'3:an reset-rise A m w
mince imawncy x we! CW tho
crovovm port!) are contrOJies
to no recmnon :n dszcrhcn in
motor 10 making tho increased
scream-r, was» 0 a 9.3%?!

Mus-CA! accuracy t' the scum of
a Saran-Jaws mm prams n .1
macaw 00015:.» err-«CW
mcrt mu. bum rmcwawy reces-
Wod on a roccn: Cr Moo, 2 can
['8 accumerv (WWW (716'
D" 3 speak? room cans-mien
rm: slows '0' a a'. some Md .1:
the ex 0 the Hit-fie!

Any 2404.: Wow dreary
onto '39!) wfinofi 'oororcc to a
we 003m! - sum as mxfl
x0 Musac and ms: em'cm:
'1'qu - ahead also {-8 Gwen

The cog-nacmmorf. o' 2'10 row
AR-YO acme M9219! means
that rm energy cams-m 0! AR
isms-:0! ayziirrm a: 3hr: ham-1:.
Jud-{>10 "anqwncm car to
crew! me, me mm 2'21: C! "10
«octe' Tins can as) axon»
chm armed. sacrxcm: sys-
rc'r o'cmcy M has actual»
9900 increased- wf'xcu'. «not;
Mange hqn-fimmy drivers,

the has! diam 0! meaning W:
cm 0! the :1st mm ms 53m
mm of accimicy 'n such a case
No 504% roam-(mod by m
«Kora 0' ram W 00 accwamy
W. am: the OM dena-
to'a .rcm mo mama! Mormon o!
Warmer or crooJcor m: Dc
mom "$00900 by My «Dorm
20W) "3! «my have man prov,-
err. in the ooJoIr-cnt M to
momoc the 06ch

and Nf'rx: During the angst:
met-tor in macaw): danger 0!
hours Garage Tm row: r; .1
speaker dammed *3! home 160
with flat unorgv Comm-2y my: «5
6540 20 sconce}, "KIWI: 2N:
con-043: sourd of a 'Tusca
Min/non: to mm". In mos:

C(&?0P$ NV) 3 '00'7